Northeast Regional L&S Meeting

Northeast Regional Law and Society Meeting October 1 and 2, 2010

Amherst College

Invitation and Call for Participation

You are cordially invited to participate in the third Northeast Regional Law and Society Conference which will be held at Amherst College on October 1 and 2, 2010. This meeting is intended for law and society scholars from New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

We have designed this conference to bring together faculty and graduate students from the region’s diverse community of law and society scholars for two days of intellectual exchange and community building. We hope to provide a collegial, informal, and small setting in which to explore law and society as a field, to introduce scholars to the field, to discuss areas in which our research agendas need to be developed, to engage debates about the various theories which animate our work, and to establish an intellectual forum for sustained and engaged conversation. The meeting will provide the occasion for a lively mix of small group discussions, presentations, debates, and social gatherings, all designed to encourage spirited dialog and collegial conversation. We envision that the meeting will draw about 70 people.

More details and registration form after the jump.

We will be organizing sessions of various types:

1. General Sessions will resemble the traditional professional meeting format, with scholars presenting their research. Among the topics around which we expect to organize panels are: law and affect, legal rhetoric, state violence, rights, citizenship and sovereignty; social movements; religious and ethnic conflict; governmental use of torture, and/or war; displaced persons and migration: law and fundamentalist religion; the causes of genocide. But we also welcome submissions on other topics.

2. Junior Scholar Sessions will provide an opportunity for junior scholars to have their work brought into colloquy with more senior scholars in their fields.

3. Critical Intervention Sessions. For these sessions leading scholars will pose questions about, and moderate discussions of, key research areas. Among the topics of the critical intervention sessions will legal consciousness, law and war, psychoanalysis and law, and race and racial justice. We will also have a plenary speaker. You are invited to attend without presenting work, to submit a proposal, to present work in either a general session or junior scholar session, or to volunteer to serve as a chair/discussant.
FORMAL PARTICIPATION: 1. General Sessions. Would you like to present a paper or a talk about something on which you are working? Both graduate students and faculty are welcome to submit proposals. To submit a proposal for a general session, send a title and a 100 word summary as an e-mail attachment in Word or RTF to by April 1, 2010. 2.

Junior scholar sessions: Graduate students and junior faculty, would you like to participate in a session in which two senior scholars read and discuss your work and in which the paper which they discuss would be circulated in advance to those who would like to attend the session? If yes, please send a complete version of your paper as an e-mail attachment in Word or RTF to by April 1, 2010.

If you have any questions please contact Austin Sarat at or 413-542-2308.
More Please feel free to forward this message to other law and society faculty or graduate students in New England, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

Holiday Inn Express*** 413-582-0002. Room rates will be $139.99 plus tax.
Howard Johnson*** 413-586-0114. Room rates will be $119.99 plus tax.

***These hotels are approximately two miles from campus.

Guests may make their own reservations by telephoning the following properties. Room Blocks have been reserved under the name “Amherst College Northeast Law & Society Conference” at the following local hotels:

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST book your reservation by_August 31, 2010. After that date the reserved rooms will be released.

***The Amherst Inn: is a small Bed & Breakfast which is within walking distance of the conference venue.
Rooms may be booked on your own by calling 413-253-5000.

The registration fee includes refreshments at registration, a full dinner on Friday, as well as snacks during the day. (Hotel rooms and meals on Saturday are not included in the registration fee.)


If you expect to be reimbursed from your home institution, please pay the full registration fee; if not, pay only the basic fee.
Grad Student: Full Fee $75 / Basic Fee $25
Faculty: Full Fee $145 / Basic Fee $75

The deadline for registration is AUGUST 1, 2010.




Print out and mail along with a check for the appropriate registration fee made payable to The Trustees of Amherst College. Please mail to Megan Estes, Department of Law, Jurisprudence & Social Thought, Amherst College, P.O. Box 5000, 74 College Street, Amherst, MA 01002.

Name: __________________________________________________________
Institution: _______________________________________________________
Mailing address: __________________________________________________

City / State / Zip: __________________________________________________

Grad Student: ___ Faculty: ___ Other: (please describe) ________________

Email: __________________ Phone: ___________________

Vegetarian : _________

Information for Parking Pass:

License Plate: ___________________

State: ______________________

Make/Model /Color of Car ______________________________

Within the field of law and society, what are your main areas of interest?

-Posted by Bridget Crawford

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