About this Blog

The overarching goal of this blog is to build a stronger feminist law prof community across scholarly subject areas. Toward this end the blog:

1. Lists law professors (by law school) who self-identify as feminists, and provides links to their professional or personal web pages (or wherever is preferred by the listee) – see blogroll in the righthand column.

2. Announces CFPs and conferences likely to be of interest to feminist law profs.

3. Highlights the publication of books and articles authored by feminist law profs, or that feminist law profs may find of interest.

This blog is an effort to build a stronger community of feminist law professors across geography, law schools, and scholarly subject areas. Every feminist law professor is a unique individual, and nothing about her life, views or work should be presumed from her presence in the blogroll, other than that she considers herself a feminist.  We invite all self-identified feminist law professors to join the blogroll.  Email us if you’d like to be listed.

The blog is a group effort.  All members of the blogroll are welcome to contribute as they see fit.

If you’re a member of the blogroll and would like to see something posted, go right ahead (or email the blog administrators, if more convenient).

If you’re not a member of the blogroll and would like to see something posted, please e-mail all pertinent information to: admin@feministlawprofessors.com.  If you don’t get a reasonably prompt response, try the blog administrators at their school email addresses.

Because someone’s gotta do it, the administrators of this blog are:

Ann Bartow (University of New Hampshire School of Law); abartow@feministlawprofessors.com or ann.bartow@law.unh.edu or @profabartow;


Bridget Crawford (Pace Law School); bcrawford@feministlawprofessors.com or bcrawford@law.pace.edu or @ProfBCrawford.

We’re on Twitter @feministlawprfs

The image in the blog header is from a painting by internationally-acclaimed artist Pamela Sukhum, from the collection of Bridget Crawford.  More information about Ms. Sukhum’s work is available at http://www.infinitevisionart.com/.   She’s great, so check it out!


3 Responses to About this Blog

  1. Pingback: Feminist Law Professors » Blog Archive » Political Correctness is not an Interesting Lens; Feminism Is

  2. Pingback: Sexual Assault Prevention Tips Guaranteed to Work « Silent Thoughts

  3. Ann Bartow says:

    I am NOT the author of this list, just a re-poster!

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