Judge Rosalyn Higgins Elected First Female President of the International Court of Justice

Stephanie Farrior reports:

“Judge Rosalyn Higgins of the United Kingdom has just been elected President of the International Court of Justice. The President is elected by the fifteen judges who sit on the Court. She is not only the first woman to be elected President of the court, but she is still the only woman ever to sit on this court in its 60-year history. Judge Higgins was first elected to the ICJ in 1995.

“Judge Higgins is author of one of my very favorite books on international law, one that I recommend to my students every year: Problems and Process: International Law and How We Use It (1994). Brilliant insights; highly readable.

“Here is the ICJ press release announcing the election of Judge Higgins as President of the Court, which includes information about her background.”

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