Nancy McClernan at Heavens to Mergatroyd has nice things to say about Adapting Minds, Evolutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human Nature by David J. Buller, such as:
“…what Buller lacks in user-friendly presentation he makes up for in his solid examination of the claims of evolutionary psychologists. I’ve only read a few chapters and already found refutations of EP that I hadn’t considered, like the fact that much of the results of the celebrated female desire for males with status actually boils down to “status homogamy” – the tendency of people to mate with those in their own status group. He points out that it’s very likely that studies have shown that women prefer high status men because the women studied, invariably white upper-class women in college, have high status themselves. He criticizes the methodology of David Buss and confirms what I suspected but hadn’t yet researched – that David Buss ignores cultural restrictions on female choice of mates.”
You can read the whole post here.