Original here. Blame it on the cold medicine:
“GADGET UPDATE: The Alcohol Breath Test Pen . . . Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve spent all day at the bar that you’re becoming uncomfortably detached from the little things that make you a lawyer? Then you need this–

“It’s the Alcohol Breath Test Pen. Actually, it’s not a pen at all; it’s just supposed to look like one. Does it work? Probably so: just the fact that you feel the need to carry one around at all is pretty good evidence that you’ve got a serious drinking problem. And once you pull it out at the bar and have a few good foolish-looking blows, there’s no doubt about it: it’s time to quit drinking and call a cab. About $30. For the pen, that is; the price of the cab can’t be established until you remember where you live.”
“GADGET UPDATE: The Alcohol Breath Test Pen . . . Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve spent all day at the bar that you’re becoming uncomfortably detached from the little things that make you a lawyer? Then you need this–