What’s Wrong With This Picture?

According to this BBC News article:

“Desperate Housewives star Teri Hatcher has revealed she was sexually abused by an uncle during her childhood. Hatcher says she kept the attacks secret until 2002, when the 14-year-old victim in an abuse case against uncle Richard Hayes Stone committed suicide. The actress told Vanity Fair magazine she helped prosecutors by corroborating evidence against her uncle. Prosecutors say Stone pleaded guilty to four abuse counts after Hatcher got involved and was jailed for 14 years.” [Emphasis added.]

Now here is the cover of the Vanity Fair that contains the article revealing Hatcher’s sexual abuse:


Why the visible underwear, and why is she clutching a disheveled shirt? Is she supposed to look like she has just been assaulted? What’s that all about? More at Ms. Violet’s Musings.

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