Over a year ago, Harvard University’s Mind/Brain/Behavior Initiative (MBB) held a debate on sex differences between men and women and how they may relate to the careers of women in science. From the debate webpage:

…the debate, The Science of Gender and Science,” between Harvard psychology professors Steven Pinker and Elizabeth Spelke, focused on the relevant scientific literature. It was both interesting on facts but differing in interpretation.

Both presented scientific evidence with the realization and understanding that there was nothing obvious about how the data was to be interpreted. Their sharp scientific debate informed rather than detracted. And it showed how a leading University can still fulfill its role of providing a forum for free and open discussion on controversial subjects in a fair-minded way. It also had the added benefit that the participants knew what they were talking about.

Who won the debate? Make up your own mind. Watch the video, listen to the audio, read the text and check out the slide presentations.

My own view is that Spelke wiped the floor with Pinker. Via Heavens To Mergatroyd.

–Ann Bartow

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