We’ll All Feel Gay When Johnny Comes Marching Home.

Watch this toy commercial from the 1960s all the way through and see if it makes you want to bonk your head on your computer monitor. Don’t miss the final chilling sentence. Via Sparkle*Matrix.

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0 Responses to We’ll All Feel Gay When Johnny Comes Marching Home.

  1. jmrittle says:

    I feel gay, just for watching this spot! Amazing how the frilly girl only shows up for the last line. Is there a subtext here?

  2. Ann Bartow says:

    I can barely process the overt text, no less search for subtext :>)
    The girl seems to be wearing a nurse’s costume, I guess so she can pretend to minister to the pretend cannon victims. The mind boggles.

  3. Ann Bartow says:

    Best gift I got as a child was a “gender inappropriate” Hot Wheels set. Given the bazillion hours I played with it growing up, it’s a wonder I’m not a NASCAR driver.