
“Axe Fantasy Mousepad


From this site, which I don’t recommend either. Then there is the “Axe Fantasy” page, which features things like “Seduction Tips” (under the “Hot Stuff” tab) that are so ridiculous it’s hard to believe it isn’t satire.

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0 Responses to Axeholes

  1. luckyjim says:

    I’m afraid that satire would be utterly lost on the sort of people who go in for this crap.

  2. Ann Bartow says:

    Sadly, you are probably correct.

  3. pippilli says:

    Ooh, that’s nasty. I clicked on the link and saw the spray and thought it looked familiar. It’s called Lynx in the UK…it imbues the wearer with significant animal magnetism, you see. Like wildcats. It’s utterly beyond me.

  4. Ann Bartow says:

    Yep, stinks in every sense of the word!

  5. Patrick Seamus says:

    My fantasy (and no, I don’t think one’s purpose in life is to realize one’s every fanatasy): an axe or hammer in hand coming swiftly and forcefully down on the hand in the picture.

  6. Patrick Seamus says:

    Whoops: ‘fantasy’

  7. mythago says:

    Oh, that stuff. Yes, they have commercials showing a guy spraying Axe down his chest to his crotch, and later, sitting in his car, his date following the trail of Axe presumably down to give him a blowjob.

    I doubt many people are going to want to use a mouse with something draped over their hands, though.