In Support of Amanda Marcotte

Feminist blogger Amanda Marcotte, of Pandagon, has joined John Edwards’ Presidential campaign. I’ve been an Amanda Marcotte reader for quite a while, and also a tremendous fan. I disagree with her a fair amount on various issues, but she’s the kind of wonderful feminist writer you can simultaneously differ with and admire. She’s smart and funny, and though she doesn’t suffer fools or take crap off of anyone, she will also freely admit mistakes, and seems to keep an open mind.

Conservative bloggers such as Michelle Malkin, Brainster, Hit & Run, Outside the Beltway, Overlawyered, South of Heaven, Riehl World View and Instapundit have been aggressively attacking her since her new position was announced. I suspect that they are trying to tear her down because they are justifiably afraid that she will excel at her new job. Along with disparaging her on the most ridiculously inane grounds (E.g. “She uses profanity! Holy fucking shit!”), one has already resorted to insulting her physical appearance. Bleh. Unfortunately, this sort of sexism is not limited to conservatives. Ohio Congressional Representative Jean Schmidt is pro-war and anti-choice and holds fairly odiously retrograde views generally, but to a Supposedly Liberal Dood like Atrios, the big problem was that he found her ugly. Which of course is an intolerable trait in a woman, and as commentary-worthy as her politics. Double bleh. With Amanda in control of his blog, Edwards’ is a lot more likely to (e.g.) criticize Hillary Clinton on the merits and demerits of her positions on the issues, rather than on her clothing and hair styles, and thank the Goddess for that.

I don’t know if I’ll wind up personally supporting Edwards’ candidacy, but hiring Amanda is certainly a point in his favor. One of Amanda’s new “John Edwards ’08 Blog” co-bloggers is another fantastic feminist, Melissa McEwan of Shakespeare’s Sister, who recently noted:

… I’m joining Amanda at the Edwards campaign as its netroots coordinator. They either really do value women, or they’re trying to dismantle the feminist blogosphere one blogger at a time. I’m pretty sure it’s the former. [E-mail quoted with permission].

Warmest wishes to Amanda and Melissa. Edwards is lucky to have them. NB: John Edwards was born in Seneca, South Carolina, which obviously adds substantially to his coolness factor, y’all.

–Ann Bartow

A few words about comments: Unless you are a member of the blogroll, your comments are subject to moderation. The comments here will not become a colloquy on the Duke rape allegations, not will I post comments that contain virulent personal attacks against Amanda, me, or anyone else, including conservative bloggers.

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0 Responses to In Support of Amanda Marcotte

  1. Diane says:

    I am not a supporter of Edwards (as I recently pointed out, his last ACLU rating while he was a senator was a poor 60%), but I am a big supporter of Amanda, whom I consider one of the very best writers in the blogosphere. Frankly, I don’t think Edwards deserves her, but lucky him.

  2. Simon Kenton says:

    That he would hire Marcotte reveals a side of Edwards I never suspected in the last campaign. I hope he withstands the pressure to dump her.

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  5. Hmm…I didn’t think I came across as a troll with my comments, but I’ve noticed you didn’t publish them.

    Apparently I was wrong.

    Best of luck with you blog!

  6. Ann Bartow says:

    The Pine Curtain – due to use of words like “porn” and “rape” at this blog, the spam filter needs to be set really, really high. This means that perfectly postable comments sometimes get tagged as spam, and I just don’t have time to read through hundreds of “possible spam” comments each day, so they get deleted en mass. I apologize if that happened to you. You are welcome to try again or e-mail me and I will try to figure out what happened. I do not remember seeing any prior comments from you. Again, sorry.

  7. No worries – thanks for the polite explanation!

  8. Pingback: Marcotte’s regrets