Oh for the love of…

Exactly what possessed Eugene Volokh to look into the sexual orientation of female law profs whose scholarship gets cited a lot? See his “update” at end of this post and try to avoid banging your head on the computer monitor.

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0 Responses to Oh for the love of…

  1. bob coley jr says:

    “singing songs and carring signs… mostly say* hoo-ray for OUR side*…
    don’t ya thihk we better …stop…hey…what’s that sound…everybody look what’s goiin’ down!”
    we all feel our side is the right side, but probably the truth is somewhere in the middle. Maybe someday we wll be able to see clear to the other side and navigate a true coarse so all will benefit. But by the words one reads it seems many can handle only one side or do not wish all sides to coexiist. Not a very enlightened way to be. Sort of crude, actualy. Nobody’s rigt if everybody’s wrong.

  2. bob coley jr says:

    can’t spell or type worth a d***, sorry!

  3. Malvolio says:

    > Exactly what possessed Eugene Volokh to look into the sexual
    > orientation of female law profs whose scholarship gets cited a lot

    Actually, he looked into the membership in particular group, as a proxy for orientation.

    Doesn’t it strike you as an interesting datum that 2 of the 6 most cited women are members of a lesbian organization, and therefore presumably lesbians? Is there a correlation between sexual orientation and competence or prominence in one’s field? It might of course be small-sample error, but how can you claim to have any intellectual curiosity at all and not want to investigate an anomaly like that?