Who is Hurt by Dog Fighting?

From cnn.com’s guest commentator:

Because violence breeds violence, dogfighting endangers communities wherever it occurs. Aside from hurting animals, it nurtures a violent mind-set that makes it easier for people to brutalize other people. The results of a recent Chicago Police Department study bear this out: Of those arrested for animal crimes, including dogfighting, 65 percent had past arrests for battery.

The full commentary is here.

-Bridget Crawford

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0 Responses to Who is Hurt by Dog Fighting?

  1. Susan Kuo says:

    A SC organization, Healing Species, uses rescued dogs to teach children compassion. The goal is to prevent the development of a “violent mind-set.” The program has been very successful in SC. I think that the founder, Cheri Thompson, is a SC law grad.

  2. Joe says:

    Does the author really think those statistics support the proposition for which they are cited? Correlation now means causation?

  3. Ann Bartow says:

    I don’t think that is an accurate summation of the full commentary.

  4. Joe says:

    It was not intended to be a summation of the full commentary.

    The full commentary relies heavily (but not exclusively) on a misuse of statistics to justify imposing a general duty on society to combat dogfighting. Ms. Crawford appears to have endorsed that misuse by reposting the excerpt here. Do you disagree?

  5. Ann Bartow says:

    Your comment on the Larry Craig post suggests you are a troll, so I will not be replying further.