“Huckabee’s record on women’s rights faces increased scrutiny”

I suppose if I were thinking of voting for him,  Huckabee’s endorsement of the Southern Baptist Convention’s stance that “a wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ” would have been enough to change my mind.   So would this:

In 1992, when Huckabee was a candidate for the U.S. Senate, he said in a 229-question survey submitted by The Associated Press that he opposed placing women in combat roles in the military “because of my strong traditional view that women should be treated with respect and dignity and not subject to the kinds of abuses that could occur in combat.”

That women can perform in combat is of course undebatable.   The above graphic is from a 2005 DOD publication about the first all-female crew to fly a US combat mission.   In one sense though, Huckabee is right.   Women should not be subject to the kinds of abuses likely to occur in combat.

But then again, neither should men.

Kathleen A. Bergin

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