Your Yelling From 17 Feet Closer Isn’t Going to Change My Mind

Anti-abortion activists have filed a legal challenge against the Massachusetts law that expanded the buffer zone around abortion clinics from 18 to 35 feet.

Anti-abortion activists complain of an unconstitutional restriction on their freedom of speech. Read more here.

-Bridget Crawford

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0 Responses to Your Yelling From 17 Feet Closer Isn’t Going to Change My Mind

  1. bob coley jr says:

    The fundamental rights garanteed by our U.S. constitution are bandied about in a non explainitory tennis match. Maybe the PEOPLE would be better served if, instead of chasing a seemingly indefinable meaning, the tack of the courts changed, to explain what was definately not included in the right since most people see their own use of a right as absolute and as such, superceeding everything and everyone. Ie. does the right to free speech mean anyone can say anything anywhere at any volume?