New Book: “Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families under the Law”

Remember the feminist analysis of marriage? I bet your students don’t! They have grown up believing that the only problem with marriage is that same-sex couples are denied it and that the only family law problem facing gay men and lesbians is the inability to marry. My new book from Beacon Press, Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families under the Law, includes the impact of feminism on the changing meaning of marriage and the feminist and early gay activist involvement in advocacy on behalf of diverse family structures. I’m not opposed to marriage equality. It’s a good fight for LGBT civil rights. But it’s not the answer to what’s wrong with the law of families today. As a family policy matter, we need laws that further economic security and emotional peace of mind for all families and relationships. Read more about my book at and visit my blog at

–Nancy D. Polikoff

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