That’s the title of a detailed post at IntLawGrrls that starts out as follows:
When compared to the state of the law prior to their establishment, the ad hoc international criminal tribunals:namely the Yugoslavia (ICTY), Rwanda (ICTR) and Sierra Leone (SCSL) tribunals:have been nothing short of revolutionary in recognizing crimes against women as international crimes subject to international jurisdiction. Key cases have established the elements of rape under international law (Prosecutor v. Furundžija (ICTY)), convicted a defendant of the crime of genocidal rape (Prosecutor v. Akayesu (ICTR)), characterized sexual violence as the crimes against humanity of torture and sexual enslavement (Prosecutor v. Kunarac (ICTY)), and recognized the crime of forced marriage (Prosecutor v. Alex Tamba Brima (SCSL)).
For every important development, however, there have been numerous missed opportunities. …