Five of my favorite non-legal blogs: The meme.

T’was tagged by the wonderful Nicole Black, and I’m going to cast a wide and weird net, so:

Historiann: “History and sexual politics, 1492 to the present”

3 Quarks Daily: Like a blog of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.

The Society for Librarians* Who Say “Mofo”: The blog title pretty much says it all.

Suburban Bliss: Fresh, funny honest sounding autobiography that is a little less contrived seeming than some of the friendly “competitors” in its blogroll (which I mostly also like).

Fail Blog: Below is Friday Cat Blogging, Fail Blog style.

I tag: Bridget “Coolest Teacher of Tax Law in the Known Universe” Crawford, Francine Lipman, David Cohen, Danielle Holley-Walker, Tony Infanti, Sharon Sandeen, Kathleen Bergin, Josie Brown, Tracy McGaugh, Nancy Rapoport, Paul Secunda, Frank Pasquale, Dave Hoffman, Jim Chen, Minna Kotkin, Christine Hurt, Larry Solum, Erin Buzuvis, Nan Hunter, Julie Shapiro, Nancy Polikoff, Caitlin Borgmann, Caroline Bradley, Susan Crawford, Stephanie Farrior, Rebecca Bratspies, KC Sheehan, Susan Scafidi, Rebecca Tushnet, Devan Desai, Mike Madison, Brett Frischmann, Fred Yen, Greg Lastowka and Eric Fink.

–Ann Bartow

ETA: If I was trying to seem more feminine, I would have listed this blog, which I also enjoy, but not as much as cussing librarians.

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0 Responses to Five of my favorite non-legal blogs: The meme.

  1. (1)Tim’s Take- The blog of Project Runway’s sublime Tim Gunn.
    (2) The Ausiello Files- Micheal Ausiello of Entertainment Weekly offers the best television news and gossip.
    (3) Jack and Jill Politics- A unique view on politics from the world of the black upper middle class.
    (4) My good friend (and law prof/author), Alafair Burke, blogs about her latest book (Angel’s Tip), politics, life in New York, and her adorable French bull dog, Duffer.
    (5) Bossip- I am embarrassed to admit that I log into this gossip blog almost everyday (try not to judge me too harshly).

  2. Eric says:

    ‘The Society for Librarians* Who Say”Mofo”‘

    I actually know a librarian like that. She graduated from University of South Carolina in fact.

    Anyway, thanks for the tag!

  3. Ann Bartow says:

    Danielle – we don’t judge around here… we just litigate! :>)

    Eric – if i ever have to give up law professing, I’m going to library school. I already have the vocabulary for it. I guest lecture USC library school students about copyright issues sometimes and they are terrific, if profane!

  4. Pingback: Favorite non-legal blogs « Debris

  5. ebuz says:

    Thanks for the tag, Ann — Take cover in the disclaimer about judgment above, I will share my top five non-legal blogs:

    After Atalanta, a blog about gender and sport
    The Blog of Unnecessary Quotation Marks
    and relatedly, Apostrophe Abuse
    and my new favorite, Cake Wrecks (‘When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.”)

  6. bob coley jr says:

    Thanks y’all! Cool places to spend time!