Warning to Rebellious Women


Taken at Obama’s inauguration yesterday by Gerry Canavan. Via.

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0 Responses to Warning to Rebellious Women

  1. PunditMom says:

    What the …??? For me, I guess it’s too late. ;)

  2. What I want to know is, what’s with “good people?”

  3. Ann Bartow says:

    What I want to know is, what’s with”good people?

    A penchant for inclusiveness? :>)

  4. Pingback: The morning after: realizing that once in a while I’m still going to wonder if I should move to Canada. « Stuff I Read About Today

  5. cyrachoudhury says:

    Well…Muslims…just altogether a class of people going to hell but we’re in the company of “good people” :) If this person is in heaven, I’ll get in my handbasket right now!

  6. cstars says:

    Is there anyone who could be contacted to explain why ‘good people’ are going to Hell?
    I’m worried, now; I had always thought being a good person was, at least, necessary if not sufficient!

  7. cstars says:

    Oh, wait: On the original site, someone explains that ‘good people’ are those who think livng good lives will ‘save’ them. So, it is a warning to those who hope to go to Heaven by doing good works but who, somehow, fail to do whatever christ-accepting thing is required.

    What a relief.