The “Citizen Lawyer” is apparently almost always a dude.

Via Concurring Opinions, the ToC for the most recent issue of the William & Mary Law Review:

Symposium: The Citizen Lawyer

Paul D. Carrington & Roger C. Cramton, Original Sin and Judicial Independence: Providing Accountability for Justices

Lawrence M. Friedman, Some Thoughts about Citizen Lawyers

Robert W. Gordon, The Citizen Lawyer–A Brief History of a Myth with Some Basis in Reality

Bruce A. Green & Russell G. Pearce, “Public Service Must Begin at Home”: The Lawyer as Civics Teacher in Everyday Practice

Sanford Levinson, What Should Citizens (As Participants in a Republican Form of Government) Know About the Constitution?

James E. Moliterno, A Golden Age of Civic Involvement: The Client Centered Disadvantage for Lawyers Acting as Public Officials

W. Taylor Reveley III, The Citizen Lawyer

Deborah L. Rhode, Lawyers as Citizens

Edward Rubin, The Citizen Lawyer and the Administrative State

Mark Tushnet, Citizen as Lawyer, Lawyer as Citizen


Troy L. Gwartney, Harmonizing the Exclusionary Rights of Patents with Compulsory Licensing


With the exception of Feminist Law Prof Deborah Rhode, everybody listed is male. And since it is a Symposium issue, presumably participation was specifically engineered.

–Ann Bartow

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