Why did David Brooks feel the need to churn out another concern-trolling column urging women to choose marriage over career success?

Historiann contemplated that question here.

–Ann Bartow

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2 Responses to Why did David Brooks feel the need to churn out another concern-trolling column urging women to choose marriage over career success?

  1. David S. Cohen says:

    Answer: because that’s his stock in trade! See, e.g., http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=478 and the others linked in it.

  2. SMottet says:

    I think another good question is why this piece was written about Sandra Bullock and not Donald Trump, who is perhaps a better example of someone who is successful in his career and unsuccessful in his marital relationships. The double standard – in which the success of a woman is measured more heavily by the her relatiobships and the success of a man is measured more heavily by his career – weakens his point. If his point is that marital happiness is more important than a successful career, then a man would be a better example. Otherwise, it is just one more women-should-go-home-where-they-belong piece.

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