CFP: LatCrit-SALT Junior Faculty Development Workshop

This announcement from LatCrit, Inc.:

LatCrit, Inc. (LatCrit) and the Society of American Law Teachers (SALT)
are pleased to invite you to the Eighth Annual Junior Faculty
Development Workshop (FDW), immediately preceding the LatCrit XV
program. This annual workshop is designed for critical, progressive, and
social justice oriented pre-tenure professors, including clinicians and legal
writing professors, as well as those who may be contemplating a teaching
career. However, we encourage more senior members of the profession to
attend, share their experience, and serve as resources and mentors.
The FDW is designed to familiarize critical, progressive, and social justice
oriented junior faculty with LatCrit and SALT principles and values and
support them in the scholarship, teaching, and service aspects of
professional success. In addition, the FDW seeks to foster scholarship in
progressive, social justice, and critical outsider jurisprudence, including
LatCrit theory, among new and junior faculty, students, and practitioners.
Finally, the FDW aims to cultivate a community of scholars interested in
the continuation of this and similar projects over the years. Please inform
your progressive and critical colleagues who are interested in making
social justice central to their teaching, scholarship, and activism about this

To facilitate community building through shared experiences and the
exchange of ideas, we hope that all participants will attend the entire

For more information about the FDW, please see here.

-Bridget Crawford

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