New Edition of “Feminist Jurisprudence” Casebook

I received in my faculty mailbox today a new edition of Feminist Jurisprudence: Cases and Materials, published by West.  The authors on this fourth edition are Cynthia Grant Bowman (Cornell), Laura Rosenbury (Wash. U. St. Louis), Deborah Tuerkheimer (DePaul) and Kimberly Yuracko (Northwestern).  Retired from the casebook are Mary Becker (DePaul) and Victoria Nourse (Wisconsin; nominee to Seventh Circuit).  Morrison Torrey (DePaul), one of the original authors, retired from the casebook after the second edition.  Laura Rosenbury and Deborah Tuerkheimer are new to the 4th edition.

I have used every edition of this book.  One notable change with the fourth edition is that the editors dropped the subtitle Taking Women Seriously. Already in 2001, when I was using the second edition, some students found the subtitle clunky and old-fashioned.

I look forward to using this new edition.

-Bridget Crawford

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