Tradition has it that the post of Secretary-General should rotate so that each geographical region gets its “turn.” Women have never had a “turn”. . .
Equality Now Women’s Action, November 2005
In her post today on IntLawGrrls, Madame la Secrétaire générale?, Diane Amann draws attention to this article calling on United Nations member states to appoint a woman to be the next UN Secretary-General starting in January 2012. When the SG post last came open, states were strongly urged to consider nominating women (see, e.g., this action item from 2005, suggesting many accomplished women for the post). Only one female candidate emerged, Vaira Vike-Freiberga (photo), then President of Latvia, who ran at the joint invitation of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. In her statement announcing her candidacy she said:
With my formal decision to run for the post of UN Secretary General I wish to encourage women all over the world to continue their efforts to challenge prejudices and stereotypes. Half of humankind has never been represented at the helm of the UN. It is time to change this practice, which fails to reflect the structure of the world population. At the same time I wish to emphasize that the world cannot be divided into female and male, and we all must join together to defend human values and make the world a better place.