Where are the Women? Presidents Day Edition

Ruthann Robson asks this question over at the Constitutional Law Prof Blog:

“Where Are the Women?” is a query that is not limited to the category of United States Presidents.

Consider Lynn E. Ford’s work on women and politics, especially their complete absence in South Carolina elected office; or the lack of women in the group tasked with revising Egypt’s Constitution.

The dearth of women working on Wikipedia has received much attention; less attention has been paid to a compilation by VIDA looking at figures from 2010 for influential outlets, including these revealing charts for   The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, and The New Republic. While not state actors, such media is certainly part of the “civil society” democracy contemplates.

And then there are law reviews.  The newest issue of The Georgetown Law Journal is women-free.  And there are a sufficient number of other law review issues and conferences of a similar composition to support a regular feature pondering the lack of women at Feminist Law Professors. * * * *

Read the rest of her post here.

-Bridget Crawford

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