University of the Andes School of Law (Bogotá, Colombia) Gender and Law Research Group

Feminist Law Professors is pleased to welcome to the blogroll five members of the faculty at the University of the Andes School of Law:  Gloria Marcela Abadía CubilloHelena Alviar García; Isabel Cristina Jaramillo Sierra; Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll and Paula Torres Holguín.  All are affiliated with the school’s Gender and Law Research Group.  Here’s info about that group:

The Gender and Law Research Group at the University of the Andes School of law brings together people and projects that aim to understand and transform the way in which the law constructs gender and gender constructs the law, and, more broadly, to understand and transform the way the law constructs identities and allocates resources.

The group builds on a history of more than 15 years of discussion, research and work on law and gender within the Law School. Efforts to introduce the subject were led in the early nineties by Professor María Mercedes Gómez, who was teaching a seminar on Women and the Law. Between 1995 and 1998 Professor Cristina Motta organized the first Women’s Law Center. In 1998, Professor Isabel Cristina Jaramillo offered a course on “Contemporary Women’s Trends.”

(Poor translation is mine; the Spanish-language original is here.)

At the Research Group’s website (here), there are few short video clips and other information about the Group’s work.

Bienvenido a la lista de enlaces. Esperamos con interés escuchar más acerca de su trabajo.  Welcome to the blogroll.  We look forward to hearing more about your work!

-Bridget Crawford

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