Army’s New DADT Web Site

The Army now has a web site relating to Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and its (hopefully imminent) repeal. A few interesting points from the FAQ section:

1. Unrelated to the repeal of DADT, courts have held that consensual sodomy is punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice only under limited circumstances (described in the FAQs).

2. Soldiers can’t get out of the Army because they object to the repeal of DADT.

3. A soldier can’t refuse to share accommodations with a lesbian, gay, or bisexual soldier.

4. No trans soldiers before or after the repeal of DADT.

5. LGB soldiers get only the same benefits as single soldiers.

There is a great deal of other information on the site (including, for example, information on the impact of DADT repeal on the religious rights of soldiers and chaplains).

-Tony Infanti

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