updated 6/24/11
In my remarks at the AALS workshop yesterday on the “Do’s and Don’ts of Blogging,” I didn’t get to shout out to all of the great feminist law profs who blog. There are many that I know about, and probably lots more that I don’t know about. Let’s try to crowd-source a list. Here’s my start at a list of feminist law profs who blog (or also blog) elsewhere:
- Horace Anderson, Hip Hop Law
- Rachel Anderson, Rachel Anderson’s Law Blog
- Laura Appleman, The Faculty Lounge
- Ann Bartow, Madisonian.net
- Linda Beale, A Taxing Matter
- Sara Benson, Sexual Orientation and the Law Blog
- Barbara Black, Securities Law Prof
- Caitlin Borgmann, Reproductive Rights Prof
- Rebecca Bratspies, IntLawGrrls
- Pamela Bridgewater, Hip Hop Law
- Erin Buzuvis, Title IX Blog
- Naomi Cahn, IntLawGrrls
- David Cassuto, Animal Blawg
- Danielle Citron, Concurring Opinions
- David S. Cohen, The Faculty Lounge
- Christine Corcos, Media Law Prof
- Mary Dudziak, Legal History Blog
- Stephanie Farrior, IntLawGrrls
- Katherine Franke, Gender, Sexuality & Law Blog
- Suzanne Goldberg, Gender, Sexuality & Law Blog
- Jill Gross, ADR Prof Blog Indisputably
- Beth Hillman, IntLawGrrls
- Nan Hunter, Hunter of Justice
- Lolita Buckner Inniss, Ain’t I a Feminist Legal Scholar, Too?
- Renee Newman Knake, Legal Ethics Forum
- Kim Krawiec, The Faculty Lounge
- Sonia Lawrence, Institute for Feminist Legal Studies at Osgoode Blog
- Orly Lobel, Prawfsblawg
- Solangel Maldonado, Concurring Opinions
- Serena Mayeri, Legal History Blog
- Tracy McGaugh, Millenial Law Prof
- Colin Miller, Evidence Prof Blog
- Marie Newman, Out of the Jungle
- Ellen Podgor, White Collar Crime Prof Blog
- Nancy Polikoff, Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage
- Lisa Pruitt, Legal Ruralism and IntLawGrrls
- Jaya Ramji-Nogales, Concurring Opinions and IntLawGrrls
- Nancy Rapoport, Nancy Rapoport’s Blogspot
- Ruthann Robson, Constitutional Law Prof
- Andrea Schneider, ADR Prof Blog Indisputably
- Julie Shapiro, Related Topics
- Rebecca Tushnet, Rebecca Tushnet’s 43(B)log
- Kaimi Wenger, Concurring Opinions
- Patricia Williams, Madlawprofessor’s Weblog
- Kamille Wolff, Hip Hop Law
The list is incomplete and I need your help filling it. This is what I could put together off the top of my head because I either read those blogs regularly or have been in recent touch with the authors. My brain is sometimes more seive-like than steel trap-like, though, so please email me and and all additions/corrections/clarifications/crowdsource info!
-Bridget Crawford
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