Ouellete’s “Bioethics and Disability: Toward a Disability-Conscious Bioethics”

Alicia Ouellete (Albany) has published a new book, Bioethics and Disability: Toward a Disability-Conscious Bioethics, with Cambridge University Press.  Here‘s the publisher’s description:

Bioethics and Disability provides tools for understanding the concerns, fears, and biases that have convinced some people with disabilities that the health care setting is a dangerous place and some bioethicists that disability activists have nothing to offer bioethics. It wrestles with the charge that bioethics as a discipline devalues the lives of persons with disabilities, arguing that reconciling the competing concerns of the disability community and the autonomy-based approach of mainstream bioethics is not only possible, but essential for a bioethics committed to facilitating good medical decision making and promoting respect for all persons, regardless of ability. Through in-depth case studies involving newborns, children, and adults with disabilities, Bioethics and Disability proposes a new model for medical decision making that is both sensitive to and sensible about the fact of disability in medical cases. Disability-conscious bioethics will bring together disability experts and bioethicists to identify and mitigate disability bias in our health care systems.

More info on the book is here.

-Bridget Crawford

P.S. Those little promo mailings work.  I received a postcard announcing the book and decided to post this notice on the blog.  I can’t always, but I try!

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