ClassCrits has a new website here.
For those who aren’t familiar with this group, ClassCrits is a self-described (see here) “network of academics and activists focused on economic justice. Formed in 2007 in response to growing economic inequality, the name ‘ClassCrits’ reflects our connections to other critical legal scholarship movements, such as critical feminist theory, critical race theory, LatCrit, and queer theory.”
Anyone who is interested in joining the group’s mailing list can become an “Associate Member” at no charge. To become a full “Member” with rights to vote for the ClassCrit board and to receive a discounted conference registration fee, one must pay $25 in annual dues.
ClassCrits has issued its call for participation for its eleventh annual conference to be held at West Virginia University College of Law in Morgantown, WV on November 2 and 3, 2018. The theme for the 2018 conference is “Rising Together for Economic Hope, Power and Justice.” Here is an excerpt from the CFP:
The current administration continues its reactionary campaign to “Make America Great Again” by rolling back progress in key areas of labor, environmental, health, and civil rights.
A rising and brazen alt-right movement, with its calls for a white ethnostate, empowered by Trump’s victory, continues to grow ever more vocal at campuses across the country. Immigrants are being targeted for deportation, building on authority laid down by the past administrations. Trump’s saber rattling creates the real possibility of a military showdown between the US and North Korea. And the new federal tax law, fueled by plutocratic influence, will exacerbate income inequality by shifting even more money from working Americans to wealthy people and corporations. * * *
Catalyzed by the movement for Black Lives, the West Virginia teacher’s strike, the Women’s March, the Dakota Access Pipeline protests, and the #MeToo movement, an unprecedented number of people are speaking up to challenge workplace sexual harassment, wage disparities, and other forms of patriarchal economic and social oppression.
Now is the time to rethink issues of basic political economy to form the basis of a new politics that seeks to reduce inequality and wealth disparity, and reinvigorate civil rights protections for disadvantaged communities.
The full CFP is here.
Proposals for panels or individual papers are due by June 1, 2018. More details are available here. The conference organizers especially welcome junior scholars and have planned works-in-progress sessions for junior scholars to get feedback in small group sessions.