CFP: J of Interdisciplinary Feminist Thought – Women and Politics: Obstacles & Opportunities

From the FLP mailbox:

The Journal of Interdisciplinary Feminist Thought, a peer-reviewed open access journal published through Salve Regina University annually since 2005, invites contributions for its next issue: Women and Politics: Obstacles & Opportunities.


Women and Politics: Obstacles & Opportunities

The equal participation of women in politics and government is all important for the successful functioning of vibrant democratic communities in which both women and men can thrive. However, the history of women in American politics tells a story which differs from that reality. Prior to the beginning of the 21st century, women were outsiders in the world of politics, including voting, holding elective office, and serving on juries. Since that time, they have made significant gains. In fact, over the last few decades, women have made progress in political participation in all aspects of political life, although not equally. In the upcoming issue of the journal, we wish to focus on those obstacles and opportunities which have, or may not have, contributed to women’s equal political participation.

Possible Topics:

* Obstacles-Discrimination by gender, race, ethnicity, social class, and/or religion.
* Family responsibilities, educational achievement, and cultural norms.
* Opportunities- changes in law and cultural expectations, public support.
* Vision of future possibilities for the equitable participation of women in politics.

Submit all manuscripts, electronically, to co-editors:

Dr. Carol Shelton,
Dr. Virginia Walsh, R.S.M.,

Each manuscript must include:

* a title page
* abstract
* contact information listing:
* the name of the author(s),
* institution
* telephone number
* email address for all authors.

Please include the home and work address for the corresponding author.

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