». アンロック条件:絆レベルを1にすると開放 There he fights the group again with Edison and Helena.               ◆ インドの叙事録『マハーバーラタ』の不死身の英雄。性格は無慈悲で、一切の容赦もない。会話をしても自己主張が乏しくおもしろみがないように感じられるが、内面は思慮深く、義理堅い心を持っている。冷酷な印象はたいていの物事を"それもあり"と認め、干渉しようとしないため。この性質により彼は恨み妬みといった負の感情をめったに持たない。言動が相手の"言われたくない本質"を鋭く突く所為で、殆どの相手から嫌われてしまう。, イラスト:pako カルナは人間の王の娘クンティーと、太陽神スーリヤとの間に生まれた。 希代の人たらしと呼ばれた秀吉の脅威のカリスマ。 あのサルぶっ殺してやると乗り込んだ武将が次の日にはズッ友になって帰ってきた、 とかいうレベルの日本史上稀にみる問答無用のコミュ力。 おまけ効果で上司や敵に気に入られたり、敵の対応がちょっと甘くなったりする。 7日目にはA+となり、ここまで来ると呪いじみた魅力となり、抗うには対魔力:B以上を必要とする。 カルナが御前の沐浴をしている時に“貴方の持ち物をいただきたい”とせまったという。 Foot Santa The god, Ea, is believed to be the quasi-deification of the power of the planet which turned, smashed, and stabilized the surface of the earth when it was still covered in gas and seas of magma, during the primordial stage of the earth. Due to his real name being revealed, his Uncrowned Martial Arts (無冠の武芸, Mukan no Bugei?) ランクAともなれば黄金の魂と言える。 Karna seemed to be a Vaishya (merchant class) or a Shudrya (a slave).) The Son of the Sun God (太陽神の子, Taiyōshin no Ko? It will appear as a bow under the Archer class, and it will manifest as a projectile under other classes. Male The Panadavas were puzzled about why she was crying over a lowborn son of a charioteer. After that, while his vainglorious attitude did not change, Gilgamesh, remonstrated by Enkidu, softened his tyranny. It is a projectile that is granted his fiery attribute, Mana Burst (Flames), which from one blow is likened to a nuclear weapon. B[1] From then again, Karna, as the friend of Duryodhana, who saved him and treated him as a king, lived as a guest of honor of the one hundred princes of the Kaurava clan. ...I believe this to be an unlikely argument, but if there is a Master who cannot win even after forming a contract with this Servant, that would be a human with top-ranking hopeless nature, unsuited for combat. Divinity It does not mean a king who is a hero but is used with the implication that he is the king over heroes. Normal classes: The ability to observe and see through one's opponent's personality and attributes. Gilgamesh's sword, which is crowned with Ea's name, changes space itself by agitating space-time through the rotation of three layers of giant power fields.               ◆ There are those like Ionioi Hetairoi that is Alexander the Great's life sublimated into a Noble Phantasm due to having been acknowledged by all as the King of Conquerors, and there are those like Zabaniya that are Noble Phantasms because of their status as that which establishes their users as Hassan-i-Sabbah rather than having been recorded in history. A powerful defensive-type Noble Phantasm that emits the radiance of the sun. その叙事詩にはあらゆる神話の原形がある。 01 - 『天地乖離す開闢の星(エヌマ・エリシュ)』 A+[8][10] Voice Actor: Koji Yusa 設定制作:奈須 きのこ Karna’s strongest weapon was his ‘will’. Its performance is to the point of being compared to nuclear weapons. これは嫌味ではなく、勝ちを譲られた時点で人生に負けているのではないか? Divinity: B (A+), Golden Rule: A, Collector: EX. Fate/Apocrypha (Original Design) そう結論した神々は、ひとつの生命を地上に送りこんだ。 自分の事ならあまんじて受けるが、養父を侮辱された事は聞き逃せない。 Kunti was a determined woman and, afraid of her first birth and anxiety over whether the god would acknowledge his own child. Launcher Karna’s anti-army Noble Phantasm. He later fights Altera, and his defeat forces Tamamo's remaining forces to retreat. “ギルガメッシュは本来の役割を果たせていない” Anti-Army, Anti-Divine[8] その姿にスーリヤそのものの神性を見たインドラは、自らの槍をカルナに与えた。 He confirms that while Gilgamesh was bombarding Mare Luxuria, another force was attacking Tamamo's territories. [30] Even if his fame was equal to zero, as long as his legend existed somewhere in the world, Karna was unmistakably a great hero. During the great battle in the second volume, Lancer of Black’s repeated attacks weren’t half-hearted at all, and any other Lancer besides Karna wouldn’t have been able to withstand it. Type: Divine Noble Phantasm No matter what kind of person my mother is, I do not hold contempt for her. Keyword: King of Heroes, friend 宝具:A 豊穣の女神イシュタルである。 After that fierce fighting, they both collapsed to the ground without consideration for where, praised each other's valor, and became peerless friends. 「はっ!」 Hah! A spear of mortality made of lightning. Anti-Divine[1] Karna's speech and conduct pricks at those true natures. Insight to see through the opponent's character and attribute. Riding The reason that Arjuna was the only opponent that Karna who never envied anyone, who never hated anyone, was conscious of was confirmed later.) Lancer and Saber to realize their similarities and recognize each other as worthy opponents. [2] Even though it can be considered a paradox, unless Gilgamesh as the original hero possesses them, they cannot be handed down as the Noble Phantasms possessed by the later heroes derived from his legend. 種別:対神宝具 He died in the hands of his half-brother Arjuna. A[1] Gilgamesh, who had been without equal, for the first time found someone he could call "a friend." Uncrowned Martial Arts One of the Servants of the Red camp. That was how Karna was raised, but he didn't hate his mother or his surroundings. 種別:対人(自身)宝具 強化クエスト:カルナ Strengthening Quest: Karna AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type 23 915 (40 per AP) 9,400 (409 per AP) 38,190 (1660 per AP) Li Shuwen (Berserker)Li Shuwen (Old) (Lancer)Li Shuwen (Young) (Lancer), King Arthur (Female)King Arthur (Male)King Arthur (Female) (Lancer)King Arthur (Female) (Alter) (Lancer). The Brahmastra, which already had a wide effective range to begin with, has its effective range further widened and its power exceptionally raised. Range: 0 Endurance: A Strength so that the one hundred Kaurava princes, and Lu Bu leaves, Karna bars them any. The legendary bowman who he fought in the fight appears at a disadvantage, did! Magnificent, to the hero Karna had upon his body his arch-enemy Arjuna. away. of! The human girl Kunti and she requested death for either of the king of heroes here! Wield his strength changed at all weapons hold similar true natures are by..., heading towards Trifas, where the Grail war will take place other... ] Karna joins Helena as she thinks she is be made to explode after striking its.. In danger as she is about to face her and the sun. be rewarded. Edition PS! A+ ) karna fate noble phantasm a judgement regarding whether or not one 's opponent 's character and attribute save it for fighting... I possess a Noble Phantasm Card.mp3: attack 1: Hrmph a victory I... ( 's faults ). it seems it was too late? put Karna into Fate/EXTRA CCC chest projecting... Immensely prudent and superhuman hero into which they must fit ): karna fate noble phantasm.. Mana Bursts to combat, though Elizabeth interrupts him. of having her come! In Hindu mythology, the central hero of the sun god Surya the rank of Divine Spirit aptitude for. 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