200109) Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) swearing in, discipline, and layoffs; (2) State plan requirements; and (3) assistance to States and localities employing Police Corps officers. Our mission is to empower every American with the tools to understand and impact Congress. Title XXXIII: Technical Corrections - Makes technical corrections to various criminal law provisions. Postal Service to promulgate regulations to secure the confidentiality of domestic violence shelters and abused persons' addresses. Makes exceptions in a civil case for evidence offered to prove the sexual behavior or sexual predisposition of any alleged victim if it is otherwise admissible under the FRE and its probative value substantially outweighs the danger of harm to any victim and of unfair prejudice to any party. Polyvinyl Chloride and Copolymers Production (PVC MACT) vacated on May 11, 2005. Subtitle E: Violence Against Women Act Improvements - Amends the Federal criminal code to provide for pretrial detention in sex offense cases. Requires the Attorney General to make grants on a competitive basis Sets forth conditions for grant eligibility and State reporting requirements. Plaintiff Alan Hammer, Susan's husband, asserted a per quod claim. Title XXX: Protection of Privacy of Information in State Motor Vehicle Records - Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994 - Prohibits the release or use by any State motor vehicle department (or any officer, employee, or contractor thereof) of personal information about an individual obtained by the department in connection with a motor vehicle record, with exceptions. Title VIII: Applicability of Mandatory Minimum Penalties in Certain Cases - Amends the Federal criminal code to require the court to impose a sentencing for specified drug-related offenses pursuant to Sentencing Commission guidelines and without regard to any statutory minimum sentence, if the court finds, after the Government has been afforded the opportunity to make recommendation, that: (1) the defendant does not have more than one criminal history point and did not use violence or credible threats of violence or possess a firearm or other dangerous weapon (or induce another participant to do so) in connection with the offense; (2) the offense did to result in death or serious bodily injury to any person; (3) the defendant was not an organizer, leader, manager, or supervisor of others in the offense and was not engaged in a continuing criminal enterprise; and (4) the defendant has truthfully provided to the Government all information and evidence the defendant has concerning the offense (but the fact that the defendant has no relevant or useful other information to provide or that Government is already aware of the information shall not preclude a determination by the court that the defendant has complied with this requirement). Directs the SJI to expend not less than 40 percent of such amounts on model programs regarding domestic violence and not less than 40 percent on model programs regarding rape and sexual assault. Amends the Asset Forfeiture Amendments Act of 1988 to provide for the use of certain unobligated balances remaining in the Special Forfeiture Fund for drug control activities of any Federal agency or State or local entity with responsibilities under the Strategy, subject to advance written approval of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. at 145, 342 A.2d 875 (quoting Superior Mining Co. v. Industrial Comm'n, 309 Ill. 339, 141 N.E. (Sec. Federal and State permit writers were then required to determine, on a case-by-case basis, emission limitations equivalent to MACT, had an emission standard been promulgated in a timely manner as required under the CAA. 39:6A-8a, a scar must be objectively significantly disfiguring. Puso, supra, 272 N.J.Super. Authorizes appropriations to a Local Government Fiscal Assistance Fund of the Department of the Treasury. Chapter 8: Confidentiality for Abused Persons - Directs the U.S. 120002) Extends special maritime and territorial jurisdiction, to the extent permitted by international law, over any foreign vessel during a voyage having a scheduled departure from or arrival in the United States with respect to an offense committed by or against a U.S. national. 280004) Authorizes the sentencing of a defendant who has been found guilty of an offense to a term of probation unless the offense is a Class A or Class B felony and the defendant is an individual, the offense is an offense for which probation has been expressly precluded, or the defendant is sentenced at the same time to term of imprisonment for the same or a different offense (current law) that is not a petty offense. However, other sources previously subject to a MACT standard, such as brick and clay tile manufacturers, have not been required to submit 112(j) applications. (Sec. 3355, Pub.L. And combined in all-with all of them, the plaintiff is not within the statute according to Brooks[ v. Odom, 150 N.J. 395, 696 A.2d 619 (1997)]. 110302) Amends the Federal criminal code to require: (1) applicants to make specified certifications regarding compliance with State and local law as a condition for licensure; and (2) the Secretary of the Treasury to approve or deny license applications within 60 (currently, 45) days. Chapter 4: Shelter Grants - Amends the FVPSA to authorize appropriations for grants for battered women's shelters. (Sec. Webhammer connects to the vacuum on the right. 230102) Expresses the sense of the Senate that: (1) law should provide for a victim's right of allocation at a sentencing hearing and at any parole hearing if the offender has been convicted of a crime of violence or sexual abuse; (2) such a victim should have an opportunity equivalent to that accorded to the offender's counsel to address the sentencing court or parole board and to present information in relation to that sentence imposed or to the early release of the offender; and (3) if the victim is unable or chooses not to testify at a sentencing or parole hearing, the victim's parents, legal guardian, or family members should have the right to address the court or board. (Sec. Calls on the President to convene a national summit on violence in America prior to convening the Commission. Youve cast your vote. Provides for mandatory revocation for possession of a controlled substance or firearm in violation of a condition of such release or for refusal to comply with drug testing. Chapter 2: Education and Training for Judges and Court Personnel in Federal Courts - Encourages the circuit judicial councils to conduct studies of any instances of gender bias in legal proceedings in their respective circuits and to implement recommended reforms. Authorizes appropriations. A tale which stems from an assertion by the filmmakers that, in the '30s, Stalin endorsed the idea of sex-change operations for the purpose of providing more soldiers for the motherland. Sets forth provisions regarding application requirements, the Federal share, geographic distribution of grant awards, reporting requirements, and technical assistance, training, and evaluation. In the absence of any guidance, some. (Sec. Chapter 5: Assistance to Victims of Sexual Assault - Amends the Public Health and Human Services Act to allow States to use amounts transferred by the State under block grant provisions for rape prevention and education programs conducted by rape crisis centers or similar nongovernmental nonprofit entities for: (1) educational seminars; (2) the operation of hotlines; (3) training programs for professionals; (4) the preparation of informational materials; and (5) other efforts to increase awareness of the facts about, or to help prevent, sexual assault. 329, 338-39, 493 A.2d 44 (App.Div. 320916) Amends the Federal judicial code to grant the Attorney General and Director of the FBI authority to investigate violent crimes against travelers under specified circumstances. Authorizes appropriations. 20412) Revises early release requirements under the Federal criminal code to provide that credit toward a prisoner's service of sentence shall not vest unless the prisoner has earned or is making satisfactory progress toward a high school diploma or an equivalent degree. 320910) Provides that wherever it is an element of an offense that the defendant knew that the property was stolen or counterfeited, such element may be established by proof that the defendant, after or as a result of an official representation as to the nature of the property, believed the property to be stolen or counterfeited. (Sec. (Sec. Subtitle B: Youth Handgun Safety - Prohibits the possession of a handgun or ammunition by, or the private transfer of a handgun or ammunition to, a juvenile, with exceptions. We reverse. (Sec. The gods are a real consideration in the decisions made and glorious death one of the highest goals. The Act banned the sale of goods that were made by children under the age of 14, in interstate commerce. Grants priority for such treatment based on an eligible prisoner's proximity to his or her release date. As a father of two young boys, who worked in a cotton mill, Dagenhart filed a claim against a U.S. attorney, Hammer. 59:1-1 to-12-3 (the Tort Claims Act), plaintiffs Susan Hammer and Alan Hammer 1 appeal from a dismissal of (Sec. Authorizes appropriations. 30702) Authorizes appropriations. Case-by-case MACT permit applications meeting the requirements of 112(j) are currently submitted in two (2) parts. 250005) Authorizes appropriations. 150002) Provides for adult prosecution of serious juvenile offenders. (Sec. According to Dr. Semel, plaintiff's psychiatrist, her current level of [psychological] distress only falls into the mild range. Although plaintiff initially suffered from flashbacks and nightmares, those conditions have moderated. Indeed, Dr. Semel indicated in his two most recent reports that plaintiff's only permanent psychological injury is a mild level of anxiety and depression. 310003) Extends the authorization of appropriations for fiscal years for which the full amount authorized is not appropriated. (Sec. We hope to make GovTrack more useful to policy professionals like you. at 536, 666 A.2d 146. Consequently, the judge erred in concluding as a matter of law that plaintiff did not suffer a permanent disfigurement that is substantial. 40304) Expresses the sense of the Senate that news media, law enforcement officers, and other persons should exercise restraint and respect a rape victim's privacy by not disclosing the victim's identity to the general public or facilitating such disclosure without the victim's consent. (Sec. FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. 320929) Amends the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 to authorize the board of directors to designate employees of the corporation to act as law enforcement agents to maintain law and order and protect persons and property in the corporation's area of jurisdiction and to protect property, officials, and employees of the corporation outside that area. (Sec. 140002) Prohibits: (1)a juvenile from being transferred to adult prosecution, or a hearing from being held under provisions governing disposition after a finding of juvenile delinquency, until specified conditions are met; and (2) a juvenile committed to the custody of the Attorney General, whether pursuant to an adjudication of delinquency or conviction for an offense, from being placed or retained in an adult jail or correctional institution in which he or she has regular contact with adults convicted of a crime or awaiting trial on criminal charges. Plaintiff also alleges that, as a result of the accident, she no longer has sexual relations with her husband and that she suffers from permanent post-traumatic stress disorder. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) information required to be reported; (2) defrayment of costs to volunteers of conducting background checks; (3) fees; (4) costs of the FBI; (5) report and implementation deadlines; and (6) the definitions of "identifiable child abuse crime case" and "individuals with disabilities." 40508) Requires the Attorney General to study and report to the Congress on: (1) the means by which abusive spouses may obtain information concerning the addresses or locations of estranged or former spouses; and (2) problems of recordkeeping of criminal complaints involving domestic violence. As proposed, the requirements of 112(j) would apply to major sources that include, as of the section 112(j) deadline, one or more sources in a category or subcategory for which there is no section 112(d) emission standard in place on or after the section 112(j) deadline. For those sources that were previously subject to one of the vacated MACT regulations, the section 112(j) deadline would be 90 days after the promulgation date in the Federal Register, or the date by which the sources permitting authority has requested in writing a section 112(j) permit application. For any other major source in a listed source category or subcategory, the section 112(j) deadline would be 18 months after the date of vacatur of a MACT regulation. 30403) Authorizes appropriations. (Sec. Would you like to join our advisory group to work with us on the future of GovTrack? 250008) Directs the Attorney General, subject to the availability of appropriations, to establish a national toll-free telemarketing fraud hotline. In June 1996, Dr. Semel reported that although the condition ha[d] moderated, it appeared to be chronic and partially disabling. Several months later, on October 23, 1996, he described plaintiff's post-traumatic stress disorder as characterized by elements of anxiety and depression and that her current level of distress [fell] into the mild range. He noted that [p]rogress [was] evident[, but a] full resolution ha[d] not been achieved. In his final report, on July 29, 1997, Dr. Semel opined that [w]ithin reasonable medical probability, [plaintiff] will remain as she is[,] less than fully recovered. He concluded that [t]his partial disability appears to be permanent and ongoing. His report makes no mention of plaintiff's claimed sexual dysfunction except to reiterate her complaints. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. Mr Lawes, was looking for this hammer, which had been lost. 60024) Enhances penalties for alien smuggling. Updates? Indeed, plaintiff concedes that her left fibula and left olecranon have healed completely, and she claims no loss of bodily function from her fractured nasal bones. 90107) Authorizes the President, if a major violent crime or drug-related emergency (i.e., where violent crime or drug smuggling, trafficking, or abuse reaches such levels that Federal assistance is needed to supplement State and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and protect property, public health, and safety) exists in a State (including the District of Columbia and specified U.S. territories), to declare such State or part of a State to be a violent crime or drug emergency area and to take action to alleviate the emergency. Please try again. (Sec. 280005) Directs the President to designate three Vice Chairs of the Sentencing Commission. 20402) Requires that any submission of legislation by the judicial or executive branch which could increase or decrease the number of persons incarcerated or in Federal penal institutions be accompanied by a prison impact statement. Sets forth further provisions regarding the control of drug-related resources, funds control notices, and certification of the adequacy of the budget request. WebChanges in the 1994 Strong Interest Inventory (SII; Harmon, Hansen, Borgen, & Hammer, 1994) are reviewed and evaluated according to a set of criteria originally proposed by 200105) Sets forth provisions regarding the designation of a lead agency and submission of a State plan. 140008) Directs the Sentencing Commission to promulgate guidelines, or amend existing guidelines, to provide that a defendant at least age 21 who has been convicted of an offense receive an appropriate sentence enhancement if the defendant involved a minor in the commission of the offense. Title XXIX: Computer Crime - Computer Abuse Amendments Act of 1994 - Amends the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to make it a felony to knowingly transmit an unauthorized program, code, or command with intent to damage a computer system or information contained within a computer system, or to withhold or deny the use of such system or information, if the transmission: (1) occurred without the authorization of the person responsible for the computer system receiving the program; and (2) causes damage exceeding $1,000 in any one-year period or modifies or impairs the medical care of one or more individuals. One of the most noted sections was the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. 90204) Requires the Director of: (1) National Drug Control Policy to examine addiction and rehabilitation research and the application of technology to expanding the effectiveness or availability of drug treatment; and (2) the Advanced Research Project Agency to render assistance and support to the Office and its Director. Plaintiff's complaints of pain in her right shoulder and right ankle were also unsupported by objective medical evidence that either condition constituted the permanent loss of a bodily function that is substantial. Without explaining the basis for his determination, he simply stated that the scar did not meet the threshold requirements of N.J.S.A. Compensability depends on the severity of the disfigurement. Authorizes appropriations. (Sec. See Brooks, supra, 150 N.J. at 403, 696 A.2d 619. 320108) Authorizes the Attorney General to convene a law enforcement task force in Hawaii to facilitate the prosecution of violations of Federal laws, and laws of the State of Hawaii, relating to the wrongful conveyance, sale, or introduction of nonindigenous plant and animal species. (Sec. 20414) Requires the Director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (Administrative Office) to establish a program of drug testing of Federal offenders on post-conviction release. Authorizes the enforcement of an order of restitution by a victim named in the order to receive restitution in the same manner as provided a judgment in a civil action. (Sec. 330025) Amends the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 to provide that an eligible crime victim compensation program is an eligible program under the Act if it is operated by a State and offers compensation to victims and survivors of victims of criminal violence for medical expenses attributable to a physical injury (including for mental health counseling and care), loss of wages attributable to a physical injury, and funeral expenses attributable to a death, resulting from a compensable crime. (Sec. Title XXI: State and Local Law Enforcement - Subtitle A: Byrne Program - Authorizes appropriations to carry out drug control and system improvement grant programs under the Omnibus Act. 40156) Amends: (1) the Victims of Child Abuse Act of 1990 to authorize appropriations, including for child abuse training programs for judicial personnel and practitioners; and (2) the Omnibus Act to authorize appropriations for grants for closed-circuit televising of testimony of children who are victims of abuse. We need not determine whether this case presents sufficiently aggravated circumstances to entitle plaintiff to recover pain-and-suffering damages for her psychological disorder because we conclude that plaintiff failed to produce prima facie proof that her psychological disorder was substantial. 150004) Amends the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 to direct the Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to develop and distribute to program participants specific model guidelines for the screening of prospective program mentors. Requires the results to be communicated to the victim and the defendant accompained by appropriate counseling. Feb 21, 2023. WebBrief Synopsis. 110505) Requires the revocation of supervised release and requires the defendant to serve in prison all or part of the term of such release authorized by statute for the offense that resulted in such term without credit for time previously served on post-release supervision if the court, pursuant to the applicable Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant violated a condition of release, subject to specified limitations. Includes the provision of technical assistance and training to State domestic violence coalitions among the areas in which special issue resource centers shall specialize. 130004) Sets forth procedures for the expedited deportation of aliens convicted of aggravated felonies. 59:9-2(d), to permit her to recover against a public entity or its employee. 320926) Amends the Hate Crime Statistics Act to require the Attorney General to acquire data about crimes that manifest evidence of prejudice based on disability. (Sec. (Sec. (Sec. Title XIV: Youth Violence - Amends the Federal criminal code to provide for the prosecution as adults of juveniles age 13 or older for specified crimes of violence and crimes where the juvenile possessed a firearm during the offense. 210602) Directs the Attorney General to make grants for States and units of local government to pay the costs of providing increased resources for courts, prosecutors, public defenders, and other criminal justice participants as necessary to meet the increased demands for judicial activities resulting from enactment of this Act. Title XII: Terrorism - Amends the Federal criminal code to extend the statute of limitation to eight years for certain terrorist offenses, subject to specified limitations. (Sec. (Sec. Authorizes the Secretary of HHS to provide nonrefundable lines of credit to community development corporations (CDCs) to establish, maintain, or expand revolving loan funds to finance projects to: (1) provide business and employment opportunities for low-income, unemployed, or underemployed individuals; and (2) improve the quality of life in urban and rural areas. In 1868, a London Requires the restitution order to direct that: (1) the defendant pay to the victim (through the appropriate court mechanism) the full amount of the victim's losses as determined by the court; and (2) the U.S. Attorney enforce such order by all available and reasonable means. 20406) Requires the Director of the National Institute of Corrections to establish a task force on prison construction standardization techniques and cost-cutting new building materials and technologies. (Sec. Makes it a misdemeanor to recklessly transmit a destructive computer program, code, or command. 59:9-2(d). 60016) Repeals a limitation on the fine for influencing or injuring a court officer, grand juror, or petit juror. Sets penalties for violations. (Sec. Sponsored by Representative Jack Brooks of Texas, the bill was originally written by Senator Joe Biden of Delaware and then was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. Last updated Oct 11, 2018. Help us develop the tools to bring real-time legislative data into the classroom. Defendants concede that once plaintiff demonstrates a prima facie case of either a permanent loss of a bodily function or a permanent disfigurement that is substantial, then the limitation on the recovery of pain-and-suffering damages under N.J.S.A. Requires the Judicial Conference of the United States to evaluate and report to the Congress its views on whether and how the FRE should be amended to guarantee that the confidentiality of communications between sexual assault victims and their therapists or trained counselors will be adequately protected in Federal court proceedings. Web1994: 17 concerts: 1993: 22 concerts: 1992: 19 concerts: 1991: 21 concerts: 1990: 21 concerts: 1989: 10 concerts: 1988: 7 concerts: 1987: 3 concerts: 1986: 2 concerts: 1985: 2 40703) Waives the current seven-year residence requirement to apply for suspension of deportation. Directs the Sentencing Commission to review and report to the Congress regarding Federal rape sentencing. Prohibits persons convicted of criminal felonies involving dishonesty or breach of trust from engaging in the insurance business without the written consent of an insurance regulatory official authorized to regulate the insurer. Section 112(j) was enacted to ensure that major sources of HAP emissions would be subject to case-by-case MACT standards even if no national MACT standards were in place after the specific deadlines established pursuant to the CAA. Nevertheless, plaintiff complains of pain on the right side of her body. Sets forth provisions regarding eligibility for assistance and the Federal share. We hope that with your input we can make GovTrack more accessible to minority and disadvantaged communities who we may currently struggle to reach. Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. If you can, please take a few minutes to help us improve GovTrack for users like you. One of the most noted sections was the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Our view is different, however, with respect to plaintiff's claim of permanent disfigurement under N.J.S.A. Circuit Court) has vacated several MACT standards in their entirety. Sets forth procedures for determining admissibility of evidence. By joining our advisory group, you can help us make GovTrack more useful and engaging to young voters like you. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) State and local application requirement; (2) allocation and distribution of funds; and (3) evaluation. (Sec. (Sec. Subtitle S: Family Unity Demonstration Project - Family Unity Demonstration Project Act - Authorizes appropriations for State and Federal family unity demonstration projects that enable eligible prisoners to live in community correctional facilities with thier children for purposs of alleviating harm to children and primary caretaker parents caused by separation due to incarceration, reducing recidivism rates, and exploring the cost effectiveness of community correctional facilities. Hackers/journalists/researchers: See these open data sources. The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Now what? (Sec. Indeed, Dr. D'Agostini assured her there was no reason why she could not resume sexual activities with her husband. Title XI: Firearms - Subtitle A: Assault Weapons - Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act - Amends the Federal criminal code to prohibit the manufacture, transfer, or possession of a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) as defined or listed under this Act. 59:9-2(d) does not apply and plaintiff may present evidence relating to all of her alleged permanent injuries to the jury. 30203) Directs the Attorney General to issue regulations establishing procedures under which eligible local governments are required to provide notice of the proposed use of such assistance. 180102) Authorizes the Attorney General to establish a Rural Drug Enforcement Task Force in each of the Federal judicial districts which encompass significant rural lands. Subtitle B: Crime Victims' Fund - Amends the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 to provide: (1) for the allocation of funds for costs and grants; and (2) that an eligible crime victim compensation program shall not pay compensation to cover costs that another Federal or federally financed State or local program would otherwise pay. Contract with America, a document signed Sept. 27, 1994, on the Capitol steps in Washington, D.C., by members of the Republican minority before the Republican Party gained control of Congress in 1994. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) the relationship to other penalties; (2) enforcement procedures; and (3) use of penalty money collected. Dagenhart, United States Supreme Court, (1918) Case summary for Hammer v. Dagenhart: After Congress passed the Keating-Owen Act (the Act), which prevented the sale of goods made by children under a certain age, Dagenhart, a father of two minor boys, brought suit claiming the Act was unconstitutional. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) review by governors; (2) sanctions for noncompliance; (3) allocation and distribution of funds; (4) utilization of the private sector; and (5) public hearings. As part of the Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments of 1990, Congress established a list of source categories and subcategories Similarly, plaintiff failed to present any objective medical evidence of an injury to her right elbow, shoulder or ankle that meets the requirements of N.J.S.A. Specifies that, in such cases, the relief shall extend no further than necessary to remove the conditions that are causing the cruel and unusual punishment of the plaintiff inmate. 320928) Revises the National Child Protection Act of 1993 to authorize a State to have in effect procedures that require qualified entities designated by the State to contact an authorized State agency to request a nationwide background check for the purpose of determining whether a provider has been convicted of a crime that bears upon the provider's fitness to have responsibility for the safety and well-being of children, the elderly, or individuals with disabilities. WebThe third, the "Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994" was ultimately signed into law in October 1994. Requires participants who do not follow through on their commitment to pay back all the scholarship money plus ten percent interest.