I expected this blend to be nothing more than a Latakia-bomb; 75% Latakia made it a good bet that would be accurate I thought. Almost nothing but latakia but nicely laced with cavendish and some Turkish. They're almost like little bars of hashish, which of course, I never inhaled. Did you know that the nicotine content of Latakia Tobacco is light compared to other Tobacco species? The charring light was interesting for the tobacco swelled grew like C&D's Crooner and the second light the tobacco took off nicely. Recommended. It's Latakia in overwhelming amounts. Fantastic stuff for the latakia fan. I take back ever wanting it as a broken flake, I love the ritual of breaking chunks off the black bricks and rubbing them out individually. The bottom half of the bowl, not surprising, is much more productive. I mix it three parts Dunhill Early Morning Pipe to one part Pirate Kake. I want caffeine and sometimes just need it. Age When Smoked . Taste like how it smells. Very nice, i gotta get me some more of this. It is far from being monochromatic though, which I will get to in a second. Its packed with a perfect punch, with just enough bite. It smokes very cool with no bite whatsoever. Pirate Kake is what it is- a no apology latakia laden blend. Oh and it happens to just be the perfect pairing with a dark cup of muddy coffee. This is it! The burley chimes in with that nuttiness that I alluded to in my earlier review and the oriental stands out a little more with some sour notes. Puff in front of me fire place. You won't be sorry. A very cool and pleasent smoke. I disagree strongly with those who say Latakia is strong, and there in lies the trouble here. Upon opening a small sample given to me by father, I noted the sample was about as hard as concrete. Heavy on the Latakia. I immediately thought of a bouquet of dried herbs. I love the smokiness and find it wonderful from top to bowl bottom. HOWEVER, I just can't get past the fact that for whatever reason, Kake r eally seems to spoil at or near the half-way point; the bottom half of every bowl I smoke just simply does not have the same effect (and results) as the top half. SmokingPipes.com The full-flavored body, woody and smoky aroma & delicious hints spice & leather - are what make this a Latakia lover's treasure. I like latakia as a condiment, even sometimes as a chief component take HH Latakia Flake for example but this stuff is just disgusting. If you don't like Latakia, why are you reviewing a blend that's 70% Latakia then bashing it because it's one dimensional or monochromatic? I think it loses something over time. I'm a big latakia fan, but this was even too much for me. This is a superb blend of all those who experienced latakian mixtures. Trusted SSL Protection. You will love it Has become my go to pipe tobacco. Who the hell could detect any casing or topping in this? I don't want to ever do with out this blend. A beautiful cake, so easy to handle and pack, the room note for me was acceptable, I quite like the smell of latakia and can never understand when there is so much comotion about it. Similar Blends: Motzek - Kieler Foerde (TAK). The smoky flavour is nice and develops a slightly salty, mineral taste. If you're a rum and coke drinker, this probably ain't for you. But, its also just fun. Dont get me wrong, its certainly a lat bomb, and smokiness abounds, but its a soft, smooth, mild creamy smoke with a cedar like incense quality. My tin was dated from 2015. Goes well with the black rum, or maybe a stronger stout or IPA. Ive had straight Virginias with a stronger flavor overall, therefore I'm dropping pirate kake to two stars. Has a waxy essence to it and if you enjoy Latakia this will be a go to blend. ?wait that is My Cousin Vinny not a review, my apologies. Let me say, up front, I'm a Latakia fan. We reserve the right to verify delivery to cardholder via UPS. A pipe is to be savored. Cornell & Diehl: Pirate Kake 2oz Pipe Tobacco Product Number: 003-016-0059 A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) Because of the high concentration of lat, this blend is very smooth and leathery with campfire notes galore. new from tin at b&m. No Flavoring detected. The room note is very ok with me, but Im pretty sure that it would smell like Hell for someone who doesnt like cigar smoke or cigarette smoke. One of my favorite after-dinner, sitting on the porch, watching-the-glaciers-move pipes is a "latakia parfait", constructed thusly: In a tallish bowl combine first Old Ironsides as broken flakes (bottom third), next crumbled Pirate Kake (middle third), and finally Commonwealth Mixture (top third of bowl). Full taste. Upon opening the tin, the smokiness is apparent right off of the bat. This cake should hold together nicely as it ages in the Ball jar. I was not expecting to like this as much as I did. Comes in a crumble cake form, like a dried out brownie. Good smoke, I will keep it on hand as much as possible. With a little Burley and Oriental for balance, youre going to like this blend. One must either have a fried tongue or be a masochist to enjoy Pirate Kake. Mouthfeel seems a bit more mellow or creamier if you will, while I find less of a spicy tongue bight. I found that rubbing it out gave me the smoke I wanted and took away some of the haggardness of the rum smell. Pirate kake is by far the smokiest, most contemplative Latakia blend out there - it tastes great and is perfect for sitting in the cool night air and taking time off from the world. The quality is there, no questions asked. I got a one ounce sample, and loved the look of it: brownie-like cake (ok, a brownie left out in the sun!) I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong though; this blend is more of a medium strength. It reminds me of a fireplace burning in the wintertime, and brings back fond memories. Overall, I do recommend it for what it is. A Vitamin N bomb stronger than Nightcap. Similar Blends: Dan Tobacco - Holly's Discovery. I don't have any problem smoking this. Although an excellent smoke on it's own this also makes a great blender. As an occasional smoke it's ok, but when I finish the tin I probably will not purchase more. After a couple of minutes of gentle drawing my mouth became very dry and so I put the pipe down and went back into my house to get a glass of home vinted pear wine -slightly sweet - to quench the fire. Troppo Latakia? Anyways all I can say is WOW! A tongue numbing iodine note remains after smoking. I think the blend meets the goal of a fine tobacco that is easy for most to enjoy. I am a Latakia lover. After the initial char, it takes to a match easily and produces good volumes of velvety textured smoke. Highly recommended for those that heartily enjoy latakia, like I do. Hadnt been a fan of too many english blends but after getting this in the mail today, i have to completely agree with these other comments. WARNING: Smokingpipes.com does not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21, nor do we sell cigarettes. It's really not what I consider a "Latakia Bomb" with an obtrusive Latakia aroma! View Cart Checkout Search Where to Buy (which is fine) I assume it's because it's mostly latakia and the burley and orientals are background players. I love latakia. Upon cutting the bag the latakia aroma permeated the room and my nose. Bought this and smoked it right away from the tin. Every so often I grab a piece to refill my small jelly jar which I pinch it from when I smoke it. I don't get much sweetness, but it's not astringent either. I do read some reviews that the burley is undetectable, and used as a filler, however this is not the case for me. The room note is very cigar like, so be careful or get banished to walk the plank! of STC Holdings LLC. I always welcome this unique cake cut from C&D. Step away from this if you are not a latakia addicted. Pipe Used: Ashton ELX Brindle Billiard - 2007 NASPC yearpipe. I enjoy a good Balkan or English blend, but not this much Latakia. This is not an all day smoke. The nicotine's just above medium, not 'strong', but more of a strength for the mornings. The room note, of courseahem not spouse-friendly. . I am very glad I did. The taste didn't turn me o ff, cause it certainly has a beefy bold smoky flavor to it, but it didn't keep me going with it either. I usually cut it like I would a plug. Age When Smoked: not sure. Four of four stars. It seemed to have dried out some, so I have tried rehydrating it. But it really is a good tasting tobacco. Burns all the way down and leaves the pipe dry and clean. It is not a Latakia bomb, but a super creamy, medium body, medium strength medium deepness Latakia blend. Say no more, but something that seems really important, this mixture has smoke very slowly, leaving cool as possible, but it is not difficult to smoke. This is a cousin to the now defunct Old Ironsides . . I love the slightly creamy and sweet flavor of this one. Easily four stars with pleasure. I am not quite sure how to fully describe this tobacco. It's one of my favorite ingredients in any blend. Others who prefer more restraint won't. Another aspect that makes it great is the fact that when you pack a bowl, it does not have the tendenciy to spring back up. Enjoy + Require buying + An all-day smoke Four Stars Rating, Purchased From: 8 oz tins from pipesandcigars. Puff too fast and you'll think the plank is a runwayGreat Stuff. It took a little work to get it going, but once lit, it stayed that way. I am not tasting the complimenting Oriental flavors, as I do in Penzance. It burns slow and lights easy. It has a pleasant aftertaste. I want to add one more star it is growing on me. To my suprise the unburnt aroma is quite sweet, nutty and not overly Latakia-ish. Kake is misleading as the pressed tobacco has many of the characteristics of a small piece of 5/4 inch pine decking. A full bowl of Pirate Kake burned slow and consistently. especially the Turkish, which I really like. I'll order the third tin soon. If the ratings here at tobaccoreviews were based on letters of the alphabet instead of stars, I would give this ?Pirate? Mind you, its a good mixture; smooth and heavily smoky. Barely any sweetness in the blend, and if you do find it, it doesn't stay. I think I'm ready to have a bowl of it on it's own. After a few minutes, my taste buds become overwhelmed and I can't taste anything. Recommended for English and Oriental fans only. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco Can - 2oz Item# 2324 $14.95 Availability: Usually ships the next business day Total Price: Qty: A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) A hack I do with cake when loading the bowl is use a good ribbon cut as the first pinch. Too much latakia and not enough flavor for my tastes. 0. I could very well see pirates smoking this out of their clay pipes as they flew the Jolly Roger. This blend is GREAT! This blend lacks balance and should not be smoked by a newbie wishing to try their first English tobacco. It comes in a crumble cake and like all the C&D cakes I've tried this one is easily breakable and crumbled nicely. In my opinion, Pirate Kake is missing the added character, or that little bit of something extra that's needed to elevate it to the status of other top-shelf blends in its class. I have a Savinelli 320 and a Peterson System Standard that I ONLY smoke Pirate Kake in. The aroma was all latakia and the taste was pretty much the same. This is a Latakia bomb? Lots of power. It is impossible to keep lit. This was a blend I have been searching for because I love latakia but it is such a mild to medium and just tends to be low on the nicotine level sadly. With glorious color changes, leaves falling, and watching one of my German Shorthairs lock up on point on a grouse or a plump woodcock trying to remain undetected. To be clear, I enjoyed the smoke a lot however the latakia odor still haunts one of my pipes. Thats how good this stuff is. It lit up very easily with no dry time and even though the taste was a single note it was not at all overwhelming . I don't think I will be buying it again. Very consistent smoke and taste throughout the smoke. Its not an everyday smoke but is a great go to when in need of a latakia fix. Even Penzance is not as creamy as the Latakia used in PC. Pirate Kake 2oz Tin. It also is not much of a crowd- pleaser in terms of room note. This is a wonderful blend that scratches the Latakia itch for me like no other. MY GOSH! I kind of feel like talking about tin note and presentation is superfluous with this one. As other reviews state, it is not for the light Latakia smoker, I believe this in on par with many other Latakia heavy blends, if not heavier. Made with the Latakia lover in mind, Pirate Kake is a pressed blend from Cornell & Diehl with medium strength and a substantial taste. It rubs out easy but it is messy. I'm then not particularly surprised that this cake burns nice and cool.