Point people to the resources and offices listed in this report for support in health, counseling, and advocacy. Emergency response on the Boise State University main campus is covered in detail through the Boise State Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) as a part of a comprehensive Emergency Management program. Be informed by University officials of options to notify proper law enforcement authorities, including on-campus and local police, and the option(s) to be assisted by University authorities in notifying such authorities, if the party so chooses. Appeal Decision-makers should show deference to the judgment of the hearing Decision-makers, making changes to the finding only when there is clear error and to the sanction(s)/responsive action(s) only if there is a compelling justification to do so. Access relevant and directly related evidence obtained and to respond to that evidence. The University cannot guarantee equal Advisory rights, meaning that if one party selects an Advisor who is an attorney, and the other party requests that the University appoint an Advisor, there is no obligation to appoint an Advisor who is an attorney. Gender Equity Center (GEC) staff members collaborated with a number of campus departments and student clubs to offer annual programs including a variety of pre-packaged workshops and panel expertise at orientation sessions. Click here to download the report. The 2020 fire season was busy nationwide, while the Boise Dispatch area was well under the amount of ignitions and acres burned from our historical averages. The Investigator(s) will incorporate relevant elements of the parties written responses into the final investigation report, include any additional relevant evidence, make any necessary revisions, and finalize the report. An unlawful physical attack by one person upon another where neither the offender displays a weapon, nor the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. The application allows users to text or call the Department of Public Safety via the touch of a button to provide tips and request help. The Complainant or Respondent may choose to retain an attorney or other paid professional to act as an Advisor in this process. From January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021, Gender Equity staff offered 8 programs on gender-based violence to 398 participants. The fire alarm system has smoke and heat detectors, manual pull stations, and audible and visible alarm notification devices. All questions are subject to a relevance determination by the Decision-maker. In that event, the Retaliation charge may, at the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator be added to an ongoing investigation, or it may result in a new complaint under this policy being initiated. The Advisor, who will remain seated during questioning, will pose the proposed question orally, electronically, or in writing (orally is the default, but other means of submission may be permitted by the Decision-maker upon request or agreed to by the parties and the Decision-maker), the proceeding will pause to allow the Decision-maker to consider it, and the Decision-maker will determine whether the question will be permitted, disallowed, or rephrased. The policy governing the investigation and adjudication of sexual assault, domestic/dating violence and stalking is University Policy 1065: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking (Policy 1065). Students are also given the opportunity to sign up for Cardinal Contact during orientation. Key issuance requires the approval of the authorized signature authority of the issuing department as well as the authorized signature authority of the facility to which the key provides access. Although costly to implement, badge access is easier to maintain when students and employees become inactive than legacy key systems, where it is difficult to account for physical key inventories. Have allegations of violations of this Policy responded to promptly. One of these programming opportunities is the First Community Meeting, hosted by a Resident Assistant fall and spring semesters, where residents learn about campus policies and procedures, resources, and expectations. The University will maintain a partys privacy while providing Support Measures, provided it does not impair the Universitys ability to provide the measures. Persons found in possession of unauthorized keys will have the key immediately confiscated and can face disciplinary action. The results of a new hearing can be appealed, once, on any of the three available appeal grounds. Boise State will, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of a crime of violence (as that term is defined in Section 16 of Title 18, United States Code) or a non-forcible sex offense, the report of the results of any disciplinary proceedings conducted by Boise State against a student who is accused of such a crime or offense. An equitable investigation and resolution of all credible allegations of prohibited sexual harassment or discrimination made in good faith to University. Thank you for contacting the Boise Fire Department. To carry these non-lethal weapons, NIC officers complete training through the Coeur dAlene Police Department, Spokane Police Academy, and/or by certified instructors with campus security. The 124th has the power to detain, but not arrest, individuals. Additionally, conduct can also be a violation of Policy 1065, if the conduct is based on power differentials (quid pro quo) or is unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive, that it effectively denies a person equal access to the universitys education program or activity. This may involve the arrest and full prosecution of the suspect(s). The Associate Vice President for Communications and Marketing is the designated spokesperson that handles media inquiries concerning a missing student. (f)The defendant has been previously convicted of a crime, or an attempt, solicitation or conspiracy to commit a crime, involving the same victim as the present offense under any of the following provisions of Idaho Code or a substantially conforming foreign criminal violation within seven (7) years, notwithstanding the form of the judgment or withheld judgment: (iv)Section18-4014(administering poison with intent to kill); (v) Section18-4015(assault with intent to murder); (viii) Section18-6604(forcible sexual penetration by use of foreign object); (ix)Section18-7902(malicious harassment); or. The target audience is all students and is planned to occur one time. These trainings typically occur a few times each semester and are done on an as-requested basis. NIC Officers patrol the campus on foot, bicycle, golf cart, and in vehicles. The violation of a no contact order may be considered when determining sanctions or disciplinary action. Any questions about Campus Security Authorities, crime reporting or the Clery Act in general can be directed to Val Uranga by calling (208) 426-3227, or by emailing valuranga@boisestate.edu. Additionally, the Department of Public Safety and the Boise Police Department participate in the Student Resource Fair, which also occurs during new student orientation. Alcohol and other drug education programs focus on risk reduction, alternatives to alcohol, safer spring breaks, and the risks of binge drinking. The annual reports share more about the divisions and people that make up the Lakeland Fire Department, while providing the best available data and summary of accomplishments made by the department in the applicable calendar year. Extension cords are not permitted. Some buildings are open Saturday and Sunday for classes, labs, and special events. The document below contains our Annual Report of activities and duties performed for the City of Appleton Fire Department for the year 2021. (4)Where the victim resists but his resistance is overcome by force or violence. Boise State students and employees can report non-emergency crimes, threats or other concerns anonymously online using the Silent Witness program. Boise Firefighters Local 149 Burnout Fund, Boise Fire Fighters Local 149 Community Assistance Fund. An All Clear notification indicates the emergency situation has been contained. Non-emergency/Administration: 630-377-4458 Emergency: 911 Fax: (630) 762-7035 112 N. Riverside Avenue (4)Where she resists but her resistance is overcome by force or violence. Members of the Department of Public Safety have offered numerous Targeted Violence trainings in the last few years and are given upon request to all sizes of campus community groups. Victims at any Boise State campus seeking an exclusion order may also ask the Title IX Coordinator for assistance. We have also successfully used an emergency banner on the Boise State homepage during emergencies; both for emergency notification and directing the campus community where to go for additional information relating to the incident. If you are unsure, stop. Specifically: Complaints of retaliation under this section should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator. To request a no-contact order when a person has engaged in or threatens to engage in stalking, threatening, harassing, or other improper conduct that presents a danger to the welfare of the party or others. The State of Idaho's Bureau of Homeland Security has recognized the Technical Rescue Team as one of three regional Idaho Collapse Search and Rescue teams. Our firefighters train for and respond to a wide variety of 911 emergencies across the region. . Medical direction is provided by a medical directorate of emergency department physicians from area hospitals. The University will issue an Emergency Notification immediately upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate or impending threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on campus. This course is mandatory for all new employees to complete shortly after hire. Federal and State drug law violations will be enforced by the appropriate investigative agency in cooperation with the Department of Public Safety. If you are inside, stay where you are. The Department of Public Safety will create the Emergency Notification for distribution and will send Emergency Notifications to Boise State students, staff and faculty through BroncoAlert and potentially other communication vehicles. Watch out for your friends and fellow Boise State community members. This is an annual risk reduction training all employees must take focused on Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policies. If there is an actual emergency or an imminent threat to life or property, please call 9-1-1. The criteria for each Order and how to apply are outlined below. Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. Crimes can also be reported to the Office of the Dean of Students either by phone at (208) 426-1527, by email at deanofstudents@boisestate.edu or in person at 2100 University Drive, Suite 120, Boise, Idaho 83706. Department of Public Safety personnel provide regular patrols of and response to University controlled areas of the Downtown campus. All new employees also must take this course within 30 days of hire. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the reporting partys statement and with consideration of: For the purposes of this definition, dating violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse. Crimes and other emergencies at this location should be reported to the Boise Police Department by dialing 9-1-1. Programs such as Navigating the Pre-Game and Self Care Stations took place on a monthly basis rotating through each of the first-year residence halls. The University will assist victims with concerns regarding any of the three Orders of Protection. Those terms are not all defined under Idaho law, but to the extent they are, we discuss those statutes (provided below). 2. If you are outdoors, proceed into the closest undamaged building quickly or follow instructions from emergency personnel on the scene. Comments, concerns, or questions about security at the City Center Plaza building and U.S Bank building should be communicated to Jordan Morales at jordanmorales@boisestate.edu or (208) 426-5759. Housing and Residence Life staff provide information to residents regarding personal safety, crime prevention, crime notifications, bystander intervention, and campus safety resources and reporting options in multiple venues. This event is scheduled to occur in October of 2022. If you are interested in previous years, please contact us. (i)A spouse or former spouse of the victim, a person who has a child in common with the victim regardless of whether they have been married, a person with whom the victim is cohabiting whether or not they have married or have held themselves out to be husband or wife, and persons related to the victim by blood, adoption or marriage; or, (ii)A person with whom the victim is or has been in a dating relationship, as defined in section39-6303, Idaho Code; or. Updated July 19, 2022 4:29 PM. Consent is demonstrated through words or actions creating a clear permission of willingness to engage in mutually agreed-upon sexual activity. The Notice of Appeal Outcome will specify the finding on each ground for appeal, any specific instructions for remand or reconsideration, and the rationale supporting the essential findings to the extent the University is permitted to share under state or federal law. Boise State University. Once you have evacuated, quickly seek shelter in the nearest undamaged University building. If any of the grounds in the Request for Appeal meet the grounds in this Policy, then the Appeal Decision-maker will notify the other party(ies) and their Advisors, the Title IX Coordinator, and, when appropriate, the Investigators and/or the original Decision-maker(s).