As you can guess, because they make deep and lifelong relationships, they will go to the ends of the earth to protect them, especially from a Dementor. Witches and wizards with an aardvark Patronus are independent, resilient, and true fighters. You should never underestimate their protective and driven nature, especially among Slytherins. But it can't feel fear and despair like humans and therefore it is the best protection against Dementors. They love being silly/funny/crazy. This enormous winged horse also has a tendency to be a picky eater, and needs someone equally determined as they are to be a handler. By now, most Harry Potter fans have taken the official Patronus quiz on Dementors better beware of these tiny but feisty creatures. Your friends and family love you for your unique personality and cute quirks. They are not confrontational and will look for any opportunity to run, but when the need arises, they become aggressive and defensive. With the badger Patronus, youre in safe hands since they frequently take on animals (or Dementors) larger than themselves when threatened. Those who conjure an elephant Patronus have excellent communication skills and remain loyal to their loved ones for life. For example, a white horse with black patches. A Dementor will never know what hit them. Many associate them with everything that brings happiness and peace. With their intimidating stance, this Patronus might scare off a Dementor without even bearing its fangs. These beautiful and laid-back cats like to keep the peace and avoid conflict at all costs like the witches and wizards that cast this Patronus. Gray squirrels prepare for the worst, so they are no strangers to difficulty and handle it exceptionally well. They charge down their enemies and use their horns to spear them if necessary. A pekingese is a type of small dog, and those with this Patronus are very loyal, kind, and affectionate. They are more active at night to avoid their innumerable predators, so they are no stranger to the darkness of a Dementor. She has also been published on A Patronus signifies protection. In the Wizarding World, those with this Patronus never let their guard down and are quick to pick up on subtle details others may have missed. An interesting fact about magpies is that when they come across a dead fellow magpie, they will use their calls to do a funeral for it. Interestingly, one of their tactics is to play dead by going limp and secreting blood from their nose and mouth. Scops owls are unique, and the owners of this Patronus are usually one-of-a-kind. Hummingbirds can reach speeds of up to 45 mph, and the smallest species weighs a mere 1.95 grams! While those who conjure this Patronus do have a wild side, they are also level-headed and practical. "Harry Potter" site Pottermore unveiled a new quiz Thursday that allows fans to discover their Patronus. Aberforth Dumbledore is the only known owner of the goat Patronus and he was known to keep goats as his pets. While they may not attack the Dementor as passionately as a dun mare Patronus would, you can rest assured that they will be successful in their more calculated approach. You also enjoy having control over any situation. A badger is the mascot of the Hufflepuff house animal and accurately represents famous Hufflepuff wizards such as Cedric Digory. Similarly to the Abraxan Winged Horse, dragons are extremely powerful. Since Dementors thrive on fear and darkness, this is a great Patronus to bring happiness and light to defeat them. Not only do they have an extraordinary beginning, but their blood also has healing and regenerative abilities. Lynxes are large, furry wildcats that are naturally skilled, night hunters. They set lofty goals for themselves and work hard to achieve them. Having a crow Patronus means you are crafty and cunning, but often misunderstood similarly to how crows are associated with dark omens. Witches and wizards who conjure the buzzard Patronus are focused, honest, somewhat introverted, but have excellent communication skills. Peacocks are natural show-offs, and if you have this Patronus, you may share the character trait of pridefulness. Even if a Dementor happened to hurt you, not that this Patronus would let it, then it could use its healing powers to help you. A Blackbird Patronus is the epitome of intelligence, intuition, and deep thought. Warmth and happiness follow any interaction with this lovable Patronus, so a Dementors darkness does not stand a chance. A mother tigress will fight endlessly to protect her young and be incredibly fierce when needed. While male erumpents are typically not very big, females could reach up to five times the size of an average hippopotamus. You are a wonderful and tactful leader. They are determined and will always get the job done, especially when it comes to a Dementor. Witches and wizards lucky enough to have this Patronus have creative minds and often think outside the box. We dont know much about this Patronus, other than that goats are sweet, loving creatures. If you have this Patronus, you likely value friendship and loyalty, and your friends know they can always count on you. They are considered highly intelligent, resourceful, and tend not to fear many things including Dementors. Those with a hare Patronus are quick-witted and very intelligent. Mongrel is simply another term for mixed-breed or mutt, meaning those who cast this Patronus are diverse and unique. #HarryPotter #VeryRarePatronus #Pottermore #WizardingworldHow to get a Very Rare Patronus on (Pottermore) (Note: The provided answers will. 1. Does anyone know what the Abraxan Winged Horse symbolizes? But they can also be a bit chaotic. View source. This is an excellent Patronus to have when up against a Dementor. Ravens are mysterious and intelligent, and they can mimic human sounds. Her favorite aspect of television and film is how it builds empathy, shared connection, and provides an opportunity to experience something other than your own life. A wood mouse Patronus is proof that bravery and courage come in all sizes. It is an animal that has a compelling presence that makes others respect them easily. Hyena Reply more reply . Pottermore. If you have this Patronus, then you should trust your instincts as they are usually spot on. Although bats are commonly associated with fear, they actually represent rebirth. A black bear Patronus will fiercely protect those they love. Hyena patronus meaning. However, they are also very noble and symbolize virtue. Having a dragon Patronus means you are a remarkable leader and firmly hold your beliefs. They can also sense danger, so they will be able to tell if a Dementor is coming. They fear nothing. Those who have the great grey owl Patronus are excellent listeners and very attentive to their friends. Robins are one of the perfect Patronuses to battle your dark assailant because they represent warmth and growth after a long winter. If you're not familiar, the magical conjurings take the form of spirit animals which . A hare Patronus will either bounce around the Dementor until it finally makes its swift attack, or it might surprise you and fight right away. A hyena Patronus is related to finding comfort in a pack. After her career as an actress, Robin found a love of writing and analyzing television and film, and thus pursued a degree in Communication from the University of Utah. Field Mouse. I was expecting a magnificient creature to emerge from the woods and prance around my MacBook screen. Similarly, those with this Patronus know what they want and do not stop until they achieve it. Not only are they determined, but very friendly and easy-going as well. Tortoiseshell cats are representative of wisdom, and their casters are said to be wise beyond their years as well. Those who have the Wolf patronus seem to share a strong sense of justice and an innate aptitude for combat. The Adder Patronus represents determination, cunning, and being free-spirited. You take charge, and people respect and look up to you. Many people revere king cobras with respect and awe. Greyhound. Unlike other animals, they make themselves smaller when threatened to avoid confrontation. It can be corporeal and non-corporeal and a wizard must learn how to summon it. This rare Patronus represents those who are simultaneously fearless, optimistic, happy-go-lucky, and ambitious. They use their logic to think through all situations and their possible outcomes. A bloodhound Patronus is associated with being gentle, easy-going, knowledgeable, and friendly. . As any true Harry Potter fan would know, the Patronus of any person is its most powerful guide, protector and charm against some of the worst creatures, Dementors. This Patronus will do anything to protect you, even if it means leaping in between you and a Dementor to save you! However, you protect and stand up for your friends, and they know they can always count on you. Although they sometimes get into trouble, they do their fair share of self-reflection and work to better themselves. The bay mare Patronus is representative of freedom and living life on your own terms. Mine is a Winter wolf, a huge wolf that's loyal, strong, stubborn, righteous, fierce, cares for their pack, and respected. They are also generally associated with light, and therefore all of the . Owners of a stag Patronus make extraordinary, influential leaders and honestly care about the wellbeing of others. If they choose to use this method on a Dementor, then you genuinely have nothing to fear. Salamanders can be very dangerous as some species are poisonous. You prefer to be your own boss and do not like taking orders from others. Copied; Likes (10) Comments (0) Copied; Likes (10) Like 10. It also speaks to the personality of the one who casts it. You enjoy solitude, but just like how lynxes travel in small-knit groups, you have a close circle of friends and family you trust. Crocodiles symbolize patience, primal energy, and tradition. Having this Patronus means you often have a dominant personality and are fiercely loyal to your loved ones. They use their wits to outsmart, outrun and anticipate risks, which there is no shortage of in the Wizarding World. Rest assured, this Patronus will fight for you every time and pose a threat to even the scariest of Dementors. Calicos cats are rare, sweet-natured, and make friends quickly. While those who conjure this Patronus are fierce and vicious in battle, they do have a soft side with their loved ones. Patronus: Hyena Status: Unusual Hyena is a species of predatory, cat-like carnivorous mammals from Africa and one possible corporeal form of the Patronus Charm. This majestic Patronus will defeat any Dementor that dares to cross your path. Deerhounds are trained to hunt, so a deerhound Patronus will do a great job of tracking and taking down Dementors. The bat Patronus is representative of rebirth, honesty, and empathy. You are likely very in tune with your empathetic side and find fulfillment in caring for others. This Patronus will not be ruffled in the slightest by any Dementor, big or small. If you have this Patronus, people might misunderstand or underestimate you, but you consistently prove yourself to be trustworthy, strong, and reliable. Crows are social animals, dependable, and protective of the people they care about. The casters of this Patronus usually share a welcoming, kind, and cheerful personality. One of the most popular mythical creatures of all time, Unicorns are brave, mystical and feminine. They can be highly aggressive when threatened and swallow their prey without a single bite. If their enormous size (roughly the weight of a full-grown man) does not scare off a Dementor, then just wait until this intimidating Patronus comes to your aid when it sees you are under attack. Those with a grass snake Patronus are very perceptive and flexible, and they are not fazed by much. While some think they arent very adequate guard dogs, if you mess with those they love, then they are a force to be reckoned with. You may keep to yourself and enjoy solitude, but you care deeply for others. A black swan Patronus will defeat the darkness of a Dementor with a light of love and kindness. Stoats are a type of weasel. Additionally, the casters of this Patronus are very intelligent and wise. They are especially vicious because they not only take over the nests of the prey they kill but also line the nest with their dead preys fur for warmth. If you have this Patronus, you likely have a lot of energy and make friends easily. Polecats are not actually a part of the cat family; they more closely resemble a ferret or weasel. These dogs are also quite active and energetic. Eggs of the Runespoor assist mental agility when used in potions, and the Runespoor Patronus represents dynamic and ferocious thinking and intelligence. Although lions also have a soft side, they exhibit this in how they care for their cubs and share food with them. Nevertheless, this Patronus will never back down from a Dementor and will fight for you with its life. Wildcats can be highly territorial, meaning they will stop at nothing to protect their family and friends. Those with Unicorn Patronuses are ultimately healers, while also possessing a certain shy or even mysterious quality. There are around 142 different potential Patronuses that could be assigned to you, but there are some in particular that are more rare and elusive than others. Having a dapple grey stallion as your Patronus means you are prideful and stubborn, but devoted to yourself and protective of those you love. Just like other horse Patronuses, they represent true freedom. They will protect you no matter what. Notorious for using tools and rocks to crack open fruit and drinking the juice inside, these monkeys prove just how smart they are. Common conjurers > Slytherin. Their skills will come in handy when you encounter the looming darkness of a dementor. Each Patronus is as unique as the witch or wizard that conjures it since no two horses have the same pattern of patches. You are always up for an adventure, and you enjoy living life to the fullest. If you have ever had a mole tear up your backyard, then you are familiar with how well they can wreak havoc. Traits of someone with a Hyena Cunning and clever. But they better not underestimate you, or they might get a glimpse of your fiery side! Hippogriffs are extremely dangerous and powerful, the type of creature that people tend to revere and hold in high respect. Witches and wizards with this Patronus adapt well to most situations and understand that the difficulties in life make them stronger. Still have a very playful side. So, when the need arises, they will fight for you and always be trustworthy, loyal friends. These animals are usually timid, but handle lifes obstacles with grace and poise. This Patronus will surprise even the most observant Dementor with its agility. White horses are also rare, making this a near one-of-a-kind Patronus for a truly special witch or wizard. If you have this Patronus, you are definitely unique and one-of-a-kind. Both long-time fans and newcomers are undoubtedly jumping back into the lore of the beloved franchise, with many discovering their own Patronus through The Wizarding Worlds online quiz. You tend to keep a small circle of close friends, and you would do anything for them. This rare Patronus represents those who are simultaneously fearless, optimistic, happy-go-lucky, and ambitious. Contents 1 The Story 2 Choices 2.1 Choice 1 2.2 Choice 2 Because they are always aware of their surroundings, this makes them adaptable to any environment or situation. They are great at adapting to any and all situations. This Patronus will stop at nothing to protect you. Each individuals Patronus says a lot about their personality and who they are as a person. Patronus charms can also be used to send messages. With the cheetah Patronus, you are in safe hands! Wolves are powerful protectors who find strength in numbers as they always travel in a pack. Having a cheetah Patronus means you are confident and have a fiery personality. A Buzzard is swift, fierce, and opportunistic. Their hunting tactics consist of simply overpowering their prey or, if it is a larger animal, they bite the neck and wrestle their prey to the ground. Their bright feathers attract mates but also intimidate any potential enemies. As a creature from the Wizarding World, the Erumpent is very interesting it has been suggested that their power can be used to inject even the most dangerous Dementor with positive thoughts, causing the Dementor to explode. The Patronus Quiz is an interactive feature added to Pottermore on the 22nd September in 2016. The Harry Potter Wiki is written from the perspective that all information presented in canon is true (e.g., Hogwarts really existed), and, as such . Hyena (Patronus) 13 0. An osprey Patronus is one-of-a-kind, and so are their casters. Lions are fierce fighters when threatened. However, contrary to popular belief, rhinos are not typically aggressive animals. This Patronus is extremely ambitious, intelligent and generally moves quickly throughout all things. If you have a salmon Patronus, you are most likely an ambitious, wise, and resilient person. Though a bat commonly represents fear, the casters of this Patronus understand that facing your fears is what helps you grow as a person. Robin Young's adoration for television and film has sculpted her dreams and passions for the majority of her life. Those who conjure the black bear Patronus have prominent personalities to match and are great at adapting to any situation. I. . In each stage, they will ask you one question, but the question is different every time. It's one of the most, if not the, most coveted Harry Potter Patronuses for all of these reasons. Kingfishers are very confident and ambitious, and they are also gorgeous, stunning creatures. Witches and wizards who conjure this Patronus are very friendly and loyal as well. Dementors likely will not detect these adorable Patronuses until its too late. Generally speaking, it also has been insinuated that the Erumpent is relatively calm until provoked, where it will ram its horn into any threat. But what they lack in size, they make up for in their bold personality. In fact, he is the only known caster of this Patronus. Having a magical beast as patronus is considered rare and powerful in wizarding world. You are probably familiar with the poor reputation hyenas have been given. It's a proud creature that also has a gentle side for those who treat it with the kindness and respect it deserves. This creature is a cross between a bird and a serpent, and usually, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor House members summon them. Additionally, they are fierce fighters. They can tend to be mysterious as well. Salmon defy the laws of nature when they go up waterfalls without any limbs. You are also courageous and brave. The regal and unique fire-dwelling salamander Patronus is born to withstand the most difficult trials that life throws at it. Goshawk. Falcons wings are thin and tapered so that they can go this fast, enabling them to change direction quickly. Dementors, beware! Camouflaged plumage makes it simple for nightjars to blend into their surroundings and supports their skilled hunting habits. The Beagle Patronus symbolizes happiness, curiosity, and free-spirited nature. Bay Mares are gentle and compassionate, but they are also strong and resilient. It would be difficult to find a more loving and protective best friend, both as a Patronus and a caster. This Patronus will defend you with their mighty horn against the fiercest of Dementors. People with the greyhound Patronus are often misunderstood as lazy or lethargic since they tend to be mild-mannered and laid-back. One thing you can always count on with a white stallion Patronus is they will never back down from a battle and will protect you with everything they have against a Dementor. As a three-headed snake best associated with Parselmouths and Dark Magic, the Runespoor maintains three opposing personality traits (distinctively the planner, dreamer and the critic) between each head. Not only that, but they will fight hard to defend you. Witches or wizards who cast a black swan Patronus are often very loving, empathetic, and caring towards their friends and family. Those who conjure this Patronus are the epitome of what it looks like to be reliable and faithful. Mastiff dogs are massive, broad-shouldered dogs with a big heart to match. Hyenas are a matriarchal driven community of fierce hunters and communicative packs and clans. They're motivated to keep moving and embarking on bigger and bolder journeys, even if it means leaving some things behind. They're often misunderstood by others and are way ahead of their years, having contemplated ideas that most only think about on their deathbeds. HYENAS LOVE TO EAT! The extremely rare phoenix Patronus is most famously known for being Albus Dumbledores Patronus in the Harry Potter world. White swans are one of the most beautiful and graceful creatures. Those with this Patronus are energetic, enthusiastic, and the life of the party. Having a crocodile Patronus means you are assertive and self-assured, but not overly showy. So they just love being yourself. People who cast the calico cat Patronus are quirky and loved by many. You should never underestimate a raven, and neither should a Dementor. "Is this all real? Dementors should never underestimate the resilience of a field mouse Patronus simply because of its small size. Dementors have no idea what they are in for when they come up against this fiery Patronus. In theory, these snakes are primarily harmless since they are not poisonous. Despite being terrifying, associated with death, and generally viewed as bad omens, Thestrals represent true kindness and acceptance.