People laughed at me at accused me of putting on. Knowing the approximate age of Robert will eliminate some of the other Roberts. Please contact to see someone from the American Legion Office Or others organizations as such that help Vets to file claims for higher disabilities and compensations. My dad died on my 57 birthday. Get 4 of 6 problems. Sure was glad to see your comment! Some Veterans pay all at once while others pay over a lifetime. If you set foot on a land mass (in Vietnam), youre entitled to a presumption that you have been exposed to herbicides, Rhode Island attorney Robert Chisholm said in an interview. During the daily exposure of ground hull bare nonskid surface, we were subject to a daily cloud of toxic particulate matter with only minimal safety protection. Hod ridiculous! My brother in law, a brother since I was little, proud marine, two tours Vietnam, didnt see his first born until she was six months old, died recently of a heart attack brought on by extreme pain and after suffering for years with a brain deteriorating disease caused by AGENT ORANGE. We met another soldier who had Hodgkins from serving in Vietnam with agent orange. When I returned to the USA I was stationed at Camp LeJeune and exposed to Benzene in the drinking water and suffered bladder cancer. Find a VSO veterans service officer in your area, they will fill out forms and get them to the Both his parents lived to the age of 96. Removing that burden helps veterans avoid having to file that additional paperwork. These include: The VA is merely following whats in the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and Public Law when handing down ratings decisions. Ischemic Heart Disease (including Coronary Artery Disease, stable and unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden cardiac death) We applied for benefits for ptsd also. They should know and be able to assist. I filed in 1980 at the age of 31 for esophageal cancer due to exposure to Agent Orange. I have a number of health issues from that have been linked to those exposures, but the health problems are not yet covered even in the presumptive diseases of the water contamination. We were kicked to the curb. Surely VA isnt saying that stateside exposure isnt responsible for the same ailments as overseas exposure. The Va clinic says, I dont know what your talking about. What really irritates me is that those of us that served after Vietnam had to clean the old warehoused equipment from Vietnam. Prostate cancer is which goes hand and hand with bladder cancer. Multiple Myeloma March 3 (UPI) -- A former U.S. soldier was sentenced to 45 years in prison Friday for planning a deadly ambush on members of his military unit. He was rated 100%. The bill was last referred to the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs in June. Get buddy letter . Together WE can connect veterans with their benefits by sharing this information. Have you filed everything yourself. When will his cases be reopened and his wife notified? Unfortunately, not all VA reps are equal. Judy, Good luck! They were very proud and I took there advice knowing in advance that every Marine is a rifleman. Vietnam War era Veterans and their survivors who previously filed and were denied benefits for one of these three new presumptive conditions will have their cases automatically reviewed without the need to refile a claim. Will you please provide me with the mans first name and the other information you have about him. A deceased buddy of mine was stationed on Guam. I also have Inclusion Body Myositis. They deserve quick adjudication for their claim and we cannot put the burden on the veterans who served their country.. Visit the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office. You have to have served in Vietnam AND have one of the medical conditions recognized by the VA. I would love to see the number of cases where the applicant has died before their case has been resolved. So after leaving the marines, I didnt claim exposure during my first year out. Charles, Its easy. VA doctors told my husband to apply for disability for Agent Orange which was supposed to be automatic if you served in certain areas, including Thailand, where it was sprayed around base perimeters, where everyone walked. VA announced today two major decisions related to presumptive conditions associated with Agent Orange and particulate matter exposures during military service in Southwest Asia. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Otherwise, I would be working myself until I died. ALL WHO SERVED DESERVE TO KNOW the answer/s to question/s being addressed. Thank you. Please reapply! I served as an infantryman during the same period. My name is Beverly Smith and my husband Rodney died 28 months ago with Lung cancer. What about bases here in the states that stored or disposed of barrels of Agent Orange, like Camp Pendleton? Then the following week I get a letter saying I missed my appt. Take your claims information to a Veterans Service Officer and get advice before filing the claim. It was like a checklist of everywhere I went through Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs, known as the VA, has added atypical Parkinsonism to the list of conditions presumptively associated with Agent Orange exposure during military service. 67-68 Tet. As I read story after story. have hearing loss. Im currently suffering neurological problems, at first diagnosed as Parkinsons and later as an undiagnosed Parkinson-like syndrome. He died of lung cancer and I was told after he died I could no longer proceed with our request. A large group of now grown children swapping stories and advocating for change. U.S., South Korea to revive large-scale military drills amid North Korea threat, Deadly storms leave more than a million without power as weather system moves east, Judge sentences Alex Murdaugh to life in prison without parole. Makes no sense. i get the burn pits for these folks 100% 2/9th Marines were station at Pohang Korea training with the ROK Marines August 1975 for 30 days we had burn pits also we stood guard no more than 20 away with black smoke in the air debris burning and going on your utilities plastics/human waste/metal/unspent rds u guarded for hrs our hooches were only 100 away and u got the smoke as u slept also why are these not considered burn pits is it to let the older Marines die off so u go with the younger Marines first and these younger Marines sure deserve all they get but like agent orange with the 3 new aliments all these years later let the folks die first then include us why is the va not including all of us big black billows of smoke u sniff in when u stood guard/slept but for some odd ass reason we are not included peace. Poway, Calif. attorney Amanda Mineer recalled working on one case in which she and her team had to introduce into evidence a photo of a sailor taking a photographic selfie of himself on a ship as that ship crossed the equator, with barrels of Agent Orange nearby, visible in the photo. I was exposed to agent orange while serving in Korea on the DMZ. IM CALLING WASHINGTON TO FIND OUT WHY WE ALL HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG FOR THEM TO DO SOMETHING! thanks Fred Carlberg, Contact the BLUE WATER NAVY ORGANIZATION they have access to ships logs and can confirm if the Kearsarge was in territorial waters at anytime. Just two two simple yes-or-no questions: Do you have the condition (in my case prostate cancer)? However, hes also had renal cell carcinoma, benefits reduced, and has now been diagnosed with cold agglutinin/MGUS. My lungs and Grovers Disease was not on their list. I served in Thailand at the end of the war as a crew chief on F-4s. These vets didnt decide to go to war with Vietnam they didnt decide anything except to answer the call of duty to their country. Fortunately, I finally learned that the best way to deal with PTSD was to have a vigorous workout every day! But he trusted McHenry to make the historical case for him and veterans like him. I recently had spinal surgery and it has caused my neuropathy to greatly worsen. THANKS FOR POSTING THIS FOR THE VETERNS IN NEED OF HELP. We contacted A/O via A/O being washed down the mountains into the Tonkin Gulf. Ive had hypothyroidism for 38 years. What about the thousands who served in Thailand and were exposed to agent orange, have the same medical issues as those who served in Vietnam, but are continually denied any benefits. My husband was a patient at the Temple VA for decades. Every vet who was there deserves aid. Go to DAV or VA.GOV search fir VSO( veteran service officer) and have them submit another claim immediately. I was checked out by a so called doctor at the va clinic for hypertension my reading were 185/95 and the va doctor told me it was ok because of my age which is 70 I myself believe thats a lot of bull crap. Daniel Clark Berg. Too late. Fumes over came and some had to be taken out in to fresh air. I try to kick it by running and staying healthy but to no avail. Are you serious?! Go see a VA service representative. My late husband was with the 14th combat engineers assigned to the 1st Cav. What about glioblastoma brain? WASHINGTON - U.S. Please help us! Currently, Skinner hopes to make a case before a VA judge in perhaps a year, maybe longer. I am proud to join Rep. Cartwright in introducing legislation that will ensure our Vietnam War veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia receive the care they deserve now, and I urge my colleagues in Congress to work across the aisle to support these men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country," Fitzpatrick said in a statement. My buddy was Merle Stinger and he is missed GREATLY! Good luck to you. Try to have ALL documents needed for the claim and include docs from research papers on UNDIAGNOSED ILLNESSES IN THE GULF as well as docs on presumptive Diseases from GWI(gulf war illnesses). Their use in Vietnam and Thailand took a heavy toll. I didnt realize I could or should. from 9/67 to 5/68, we had 2 helicopter Squadrons home Based on our ship. Also, Lung cancer has been a recognized Agent Orange presumptive disease for more than 20 years. Who do we contact to start the claim process or to see if we are eligible? Sen. Is this true? I was a Flight Deck director on the USS Kearsarge Aircraft Carrier. has never reviewed my case as of June 2021. Both VA and DoD welcome new information on locations for the historical testing or use of tactical herbicides. There is more to that in his records and he died from cancer. says the recurring bladder cancer shows improvement, does no good to call,email,any so called Representative, mine wont even send me an email saying go screw yourself That is why he called me! Mary L. Unfortunately you only had one year to continue his claim. They should be able to assist you with getting your claim submitted. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Military Exposure Related Health Concerns, War Related Illness & Injury Study Center, Clinical Trainees (Academic Affiliations),, Call TTY if you Nam Vet [69 71] A thankless smelly unending job, which I was proud to do. And BTW! Agent Orange. If youre alive and sick file for my family who cant. Best advicedo the paperwork, get your service records, go the the VA and get an advocate. When my husband died in 2010, he couldnt even find the paperwork to apply for a grave marker. Form or find a support group to work together in filing claims. It seems we are not getting any help from the very people whose jobs it is to help us. Dont give up! April 15 (UPI) -- A bipartisan bill introduced Thursday would allow Vietnam veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War to qualify for disability benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. VA presumes (assumes) exposure to Agent Orange for Veterans who served on any U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailandfrom January 9, 1962, throughJune 30, 1976. We are moving out smartly in initiating action to consider these and other potential new presumptions, grounded in science and in keeping with my authority as Secretary of VA, said Secretary McDonough. Sol Bobst is a great guy. Had to fight like hell through the VSO and got rated 70% about 4 years before he died. We die as you ignore. Currently, the following conditions are presumed to be caused by Agent Orange and will receive presumptive service connection for qualifying veterans stationed in Thailand: AL Amyloidosis Chronic B-cell Leukemias Chloracne Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Hodgkin's Disease Ischemic Heart Disease Multiple Myeloma Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Parkinson's Disease Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (if it presents within one year of exposure to a degree of 10 percent disabling) I received a letter that said if I divorced or became a widow I could.get.the benefit. Also contact your federal congressional Rep. in Washington and inform his office of your issue. im sure he falls in this category relating to his death. If your location and time frame is on the list and you were previously denied disability based on herbicide exposure compensation, you can file a supplemental claim. I am now 67, unable to work and already living in an old age living facility. Marshall retold the story of his years during the Vietnam War where . Thank you for your service!!!! My husband was also a Vietnam soldier and contracted every desease that you can get from Agent orange but the VA was paying for all the desease that were connected with agent orange , you just have to file a claim for each sickness , please do it , they will take responsibility they did for my husband until he passed this January 2021. Thank you. I have heard that also, and was attached to the SeaBees Public Works, at NAS Agana, June 1974-November 1975so there is a chance we used the damned stuff to spray and had not a clue. Go online and look for the name of your state and VA rep and it will pop up with a list. Id contact the VA and find out where to file to start receiving widow benefits. I was exposes to the toxic water, ( when I say exposed, I mean drinking, cooking and bathing in it) and developed hypothyroidism in my mid 40s. My dad also served in Vietnam and was exposed to Agent Orange and I have a genetic mutation or defect that showed up in the chromosome tests called Ankylosing Sponylitis. Any info on how to file and win a claim would be appreciated. Hi..I was in the army, 1963 thru 1966.was in the Infantry as a weapon squad leader saving many lives an this tinnitus is bad . Has it been found that it infected mechanics that worked on helicopters and airplanes that were used with agent orange? The VA medical providers do not do this. We filed an Agent Orange claim in 1977 for our daughter was born with many birth defects that are on the birth defects that were caused from the Agent Orange. I have his claims on file in my home. I suggest you keep applying as the last Sect. Interestingly, my husband was approved after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. Can you help? The VA hasnt even approved private therapy to assist me with my exceedingly difficult situation. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange may have certain related cancers or other illnesses. If you were denied they will contact you, you do not need to submit another claim. He did so much research on this letter (the Aug. 2015 memo)., These men are now in many cases in their 80s, Trone said. Charles, Dennis, Edward, Elliott, Gary, Harold, James, Jeppie, Jerry, John (3), Joseph, Patrick, Paul, Robert (2), Roy, Steve, Terry, Thomas & Willy. July 2019, President Donald J. Trump issued a directive that those of us who served in the Tonkin Gulf are now considered Blue Water Navy. I already lost my prostate over this. He had only 2 children, my brother and I. The area that I lived in was with the Philippians off base in a jungle area, which was sprayed with a chemical to control the growth of the jungle out side of our barracks. The timeframe addition is discrimination within our own ranks and we dont do that. The veteran representative we now have in our county told me that the more that happens, the greater the numbers to have it considered for approval. U-Tapao Air Base, Thailand, 1972 The National Archives return to top As some Thailand veterans see it, the VA places an undue burden of proof on them to demonstrate they were harmed by Agent Orange, in some cases asking for photographs or other evidence of physical proximity to harmful herbicides. I also filed a claim for bladder cancer in 2010 and was denied. The Army vet in charge of looking into increasing disability claims pretty much told me to take a hike regarding the toxic water situation. I was stationed at Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River for 5 years in the early and mid 80s. Im giving this one last try. More graditude from government dead than alive. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) You also have to 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: Already showing problems, and cancer would certainly be the worst. What a slap in the face!! My father was in Korea and Vietnam and was diagnosed with colon cancer and lymphoma and died shortly after in 1972. Now it should be noted that when the chemical was sprayed one could not help but be exposed to it as the only way to the barracks was by military bus and if one wanted to eat one had to walk to the Mess Hall. Thank goodness Ol Uncle Sugar is on the case! Dipping our canteens in the rice paddies using our towel to filter out the lumps. A little compensation for Way to go VA. What about the troops of 7th Division 2 Battalion 31st Infantry 8th Army sent to the DMZ Korea 1967 thru 68? My husband did three tours in Vietnam on the USS Chowanoc. VA needs to be alert to symptoms and catch it sooner, with testing. How about those of us that served in Okinawa and were exposed to AO on the boats that were sent from Vietnam for repairs? The best thing for my situation was accomplished by my VSO officer. Major 321 MW solar farm in Texas moves close to a final investment decision. March 3 (UPI) -- At a White House meeting on Friday, President Joe Biden thanked German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for Germany's "profound" help in countering Russian aggression in Ukraine. Wednesday, March 10, 2021. Visit, This will take you to the MyHealtheVet website, This will take you to the Suicide Prevention website, This will take you to the VA Find a Form page, This will take you to the VA Publications page, BREAKING: VA plans expansion of benefits for disability claims for conditions related to certain toxic exposures, William M. Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, Nehmer v. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Airborne Hazards and Burn Pit Exposures Public Health,,, Therapy staff arranges concert ticket for stroke victim, VA releases dashboard to measure the PACT Acts impact on Veterans and survivors, Emergence delirium: Potentially dangerous condition when a patient awakens from a procedure, Call TTY if you When will we be covered? My husband is a Vietnam vet and has Scleroderma. Im 72 and my time is limited and its been a long hard road, but Ive raised my posterity. If you want to deal with burn pit issues the VA shouldnt limit their investigations to only SW Asia. I resubmitted my claim July2019. All we were tuned too was Search and Destroying the enemy!