Select your location with a comfortable flat surface. Go to the left hand. The code, once purchased, gives you access to the audio and can be used over and over on any device. This is perfect for yoga teachers to share with their students or yoga nidra practitioners looking for their own yoga nidra script and has been created by a certified yoga nidra teacher. You feel a sensation of weight lifted from your heart. Relax your left hip, hamstring, thigh, kneecap. Relax your left armpit, shoulder, left side of your chest, left side of your abdomen, and your entire waist. Imagine yourself in a park in the early morningthe sun has not yet risen, and the park is deserted, except for yourself. psychological, spiritual and physical benefits. That's 5-10 minutes for the preparation and 10-15 minutes for the visualisation. Summary: Create an allowing, no-performance and caring atmosphere, where participants feel welcome just the way they are. body of work. It can be practiced at any time of day but will be particularly helpful for those looking for a restful nights sleep. You pick up the cauldron by its handle, with both hands, and a vast motionless ocean in a faraway land. Comfort is key. Add counting to the breath. Listen to my words. If you want the script as a PDF instead (easier to print), just let me know and Ill send it to you. Both hips together. Well, thats it! Ankle. Left elbow. You want to be as still as possible, so make sure that youre as comfortable as possible. One by one. Make sure that you are warm enough and that your position is one that will be comfortable for the duration of the practice. half-awake state and then. An online Yoga Nidra Training is coming soon for teachers wishing to write their own scripts. The body scan exercise. Lower row of teeth. It is worth noting that traditionally yoga nidra was not The Yoga Nidra Practice to Rest Well and Beat Anxiety. The air is warm as you It takes you on a fast paced journey through the body, the breath and then the mind. Right buttock. The resolve should be very simple. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Its mentioned in various texts as far back as 300 BC. Feel your belly rise on the inhale and feel your belly fall on the exhale. re-focusing awareness on our breath. This was by far the best experience I've had in a yoga class. After all, people have been practicing sleep meditation and dream yoga for countless Both arms together. By maintaining Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Jennie Wadsten | Yoga Leela. Maybe soft moss maybe something else? Lower lip. You are laid on your back on a water lily, floating on top of You Second, iRest is designed to help people who suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, stress, and insomnia, while Yoga Nidra is designed to help people achieve a deep state of relaxation and . You can lie on your back with a bolster under your knees and a folded blanket behind your head; or sit comfortably, perhaps on a bolster or a few folded blankets. Rests. Right elbow. Permissions for live in-person classes only: This script is copyrighted Ambuja Yoga 2019, all rights reserved. Upper arm. Awaken the feeling of heaviness in the body, the feeling of heaviness. No part of this script may be reproduced, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, digital copying, print, audio or video recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Yoga teachers and other healers will be able to easily guide their students and clients through the yoga nidra techniques simply by reading the script. They use the herb to promote good dreams, which they consider an essential aspect of normal human functioning! Ill make this nice and simple (is anything ever, really). YOGA NIDRA IN NATURE Jennie Wadsten (Approx. As you settle into Savasana, bring your awareness to the spaces between your body and the earth beneath you. Thats 5-10 minutes for the preparation and 10-15 minutes for Yoga Nidra meditation 15-minute script. Tools and Phrases of Yoga Nidra Rotation of Consciousness. Back of left hand. Ribs. Take a moment here. Start coun Left thigh. Relax the palm of your right hand and the back of your right hand. The whole left leg. Arms cold. Make an intention for your right shoulder to rest and let your attention run down your upper arm to your right elbow, down your forearm, and into the right wrist, tip of right thumb, the tip of the right index finger, tip of right middle finger, tip of right ring finger, tip of right little finger, let the whole hand rest Attention in the right wrist, right elbow, right shoulder, let the whole right arm rest, Move your attention to your throat. Right nostril. It is best that you remain still during Yoga Nidra so that both your body and brain have a chance to fully relax, however if you . Left inner ear. The strength of the water lily makes you feel protected and Stars at night; Waves breaking on a deserted beach, waves breaking on a deserted beach; The restless, eternal sea, the restless eternal sea, eternal, restless sea; Now is the time to repeat your resolve. You should now be in a calm, relaxed and half-asleep state. In the Yoga Nidra body scan, we move through the body in succession, rapidly focusing on each individual part of the body. Begin to feel your belly gently rise and fall with each and every breath. Intensify your awareness between the eyelids. And now focusing on the right side of the body.A golden light gently touching the right shoulder, upper arm, forearm, and hand.The whole right arm. surge throughout your whole being and settle in your heart. Theres bound to be something, right even if its just It's a short, effective yogic sleep practice with natural forest sounds and birdsong to create even deeper relaxation and states of innate healing through slowing down the brainwaves and activating the parasympathetic response. the visualisation. You may cover yourself in a blanket, if you wish, and cover your eyes if it is very bright. Right inner ear. collective heart of humanity. The whole body becoming hot. Love this. So weve mindfully re-connected with our body, our The coaching was given in such a way as to not draw attention to my needs but to highlight the benefits of doing a pose the right way. [PAUSE] Now let that go. thoughts and emotions. It is thick and the water cannot even think about seeping in. The right ear the left ear both ears together. Namaste! There is no effort. So it may be more accurate to call these yoga nidra 'visualizations' instead of 'scripts'! Part by part. Watch the breath fall exhaling from the center of your brain all the way beyond the tip of the nostril. Your mind Your body feels so light that it seems to be floating away from the floor. Listed on Jul 26, 2022. Front body rests into back body, Imagine how it would feel for your whole body to feel weighty as though you have let yourself sink into the support of the ground. I will remain awake throughout the practice. LP (30 seconds). Begin to visualize the breath moving in through the right nostril and out through the left nostril. Here is a script that you can use in your classes. During this phase, students will be asked to focus on the contrast between physical sensations like pain and pleasure and cold and hot.These are sensations that are not typically felt together and helps stimulate different areas of the brain, creating new neural connection. Spend the next few moments ensuring that you are as comfortable as possible. Right armpit. The essence of both without striving or grasping. enter a profound state of consciousness with potentially profound We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Feel the body heavy Feel the body light Feel the body heavy Feel the body light Continue on your own. I dont want you to fall asleep. Friends, family. Now, envision your breath as a golden light flowing up and down your spinal column. Notice your inhales enter in through the nose and feel the breath moving out of the nose. patches of clear blue. Pause. The heart. Develop awareness of your physical existence. What do you see?Pause, and you see a swing and a bench and you choose one of them and you sit down feeling so relaxed and free. As you are breathing out, allow a deep relaxation to fall upon your whole body. It may last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, though typically, it takes around 30 minutes. Take your time. Visualize your skin softening away from the muscles, Imagine your whole body settling into rest, Imagine your whole body surrendering to rest, Visualize your whole body resting deeply. Self Love Meditation Script [15minute Guided Meditation . Neither heavy nor light. Make any small adjustments that will help to settle your body. Now we will rotate consciousness through the different parts of the body, as quickly as possible; the rotation of awareness jumps from point to point. Rest in the changing sensations of your breath, As you move into a mental version of alternate nostril breathing the body will remain still and the breath easy. Space in between the pubic bones, attention rising to the navel, let the whole abdomen rest, center of the chest, let the walls of the throat relax, space in between the eyebrows. A transformative relaxation tool, an aide to sleep, and the ideal way to start any flight. in 1970s. Stay awake. nidra, how to prepare for it - and finish up with some simple yoga High expectations for comfort are important for the practice. Doh!). over the side of the cliff with all of your might. Invite your body to soften and rest. You feel your feet connected to the Earth, wholesome energy This use does not convey the right to borrow from this script or to reproduce it in any way. See your body lying on the floor. The earth beneath you. you are doing yoga nidra for sleep and that is your goal. Commit your weight to the support beneath you as though tension is falling through your body and into the ground underneath you. OK. Awareness of all the meeting points between the body and the floor, the sensation of these points simultaneously, evenly. mind. The meditative state is completely different than sleep state and includes conscious awareness. The script presented below is designed to appeal to swimmers, yet follows the general structure developed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati and taught at the Bihar School of Yoga beginning in the 1970s. Right shoulder blade. It is published in Julie's Yoga Meditations book and is on the CD included with the book. Allow the breath to be as easy and as soothing as possible. Scripts provide a systematic dialogue that can be used by a yoga teacher working with students or recorded by a practitioner for personal use. I want you to stay awake. Now is the time to make your resolve or sankalpa. Feel the meeting points between the back of your head and the floor.shoulder blades and the floorthe elbows and the floorthe back of the hands and the floorthe buttocks and the floorthe calves and the floor..the heels and the floor. Set the stage by having them lie down in a comfortable, peaceful place to begin the yoga Nidra script. I am breath." Allow yourself to recognise any major emotional or life events The center of the chest. In fact, a single yoga nidra session resulted in a 65 percent increase in dopamine release, showing the practice regulates conscious states at the synaptic level. The practice of yoga nidra is now complete. Relax your right calf muscle, ankle, heel, sole of your foot, top of your foot and your toes. steps more along the same path! Our Trainers, Supervisors, and Mentors; Teacher Trainings; Certification; Workshops & Immersions . Right shoulder, left shoulder, right shoulder blade, left shoulder blade, right buttock, left buttock, the spine, the whole of the back together. thoughts. Yoga Nidra Scripts for Sleep, Deep Relaxation & More, Yoga Nidra practitioners establish awareness during a and now, explore if any part of the body feels a little warmer than the rest.Short pause, if you cant find anything special you can choose to focus on the heart, for example and imagine a nurturing warmth in there.Pause, and now feel if any part of the body feels a little cooler than the rest.Short pause, if you cant find anything special then you can choose to focus on the sensation between your upper lip and nose. Give them permission to lie down as they please, let them move during class if they need to and emphasize that there is no failure in Yoga Nidra (not even if you fall asleep!) Crown of the head, forehead, right eyebrow, left eyebrow, the eyebrow center, right eyelid, left eyelid, right eye, left eye, right ear, left ear, right cheek, left cheek, nose, tip of the nose, right nostril, left nostril, upper lip, lower lip, both lips together, chin, jaw, throat, right collar bone, left collar bone, right chest, left chest, middle of the chest, navel, abdomen, lower abdomen. We now come to visualization. Here it is. constrained on too tight a collar. You are happy and comfortable, drifting on your back - with Left eye. Little finger. Chris Hammond - Editor and "Chief Lucidity Officer"of World of Lucid Dreaming.