That smell better be skunk. Ziggy Berman: [to Nick] It was her. Stay out of their way. Deena: Look, Sam, I cant let her die. Our pastor was a man of God. She wasnt a witch! It was only me. Youre leaving?C. I shouldve just skipped class, partied, had sex, had fun.Alice: [as she reveals her cut wrists] I hate to break it to you, but the fun, its not any more real than your polo shirt. George Fier: You know, it was your mother who convinced us to settle this land. The films arrive on . Beware the Devil. My sisters perfect, virgin, boring boyfriend Tommy. I was Sarah Fier, and Sarah Fier was innocent. My God.Joan: [referring to Kurt] He might be dumb, but hes kind of shagadelic.Gary: Hes disgusting. Im going. She was angry. All three "Fear Street" flicks were co-written and directed by Leigh Janiak, who has the difficult task of balancing the source material's teenage sensibility with the rated-R trappings of. Sheriff Nick Goode: Solomon forged this place with nothing but words and stone! Sarah Fier: A full moon rises before nightfall. Alice: What, youre just going to pretend that everythings okay?Cindy Berman: Alice, I justAlice: Tommy split Arnies head in half. Not after that. She- I was just walking- I wasn't even looking at her! Just put the bones back, rebury them, and put her to rest!Deena: No, thats so stupid!Josh: Thats genius!Simon: Yeah! By cutting off her cursed hand, she kept her grip upon our land. Im not letting you die. Alice: So what, like the witch made this f***ing place?Cindy Berman: Or the settlers claimed she did. 1. Thats like totally witchy behavior.Cindy Berman: Its just, there must be some explanation. Yall have no f***ing vision.Josh: Im telling you, man. Missing. Tommy Slater: [reading from Nurse Lanes notebook] A deal was made with the Devil. And he's never been happier. Youve been in your bed like all day! Josh: 1666, Sarah Fier was hanged for witchcraft, fact. Deena: The dude was probably just some sad sack who hated his life, just like the rest of us, except he decided, Hey, why dont I get out of here for good? And, Hey, why dont I take Heather, and a couple other mall rats with me? Theres no angry dead witch who made him go postal. Sarah Fier: I was never normal. Deena: The Goodes, theyre trading us. For the same reason they killed Alice, your sister. Oh, I know. Cindy Berman: [to Alice] And I knew then, I wasnt different from the other Shadysiders. Ziggy Berman: My sisters in the toilet!Gary: What? Well have a healthy crop yet. Is the hand bone still there? Samantha Fraser: You are total chaos! Someone must pay! They hanged her, from this very tree. Cindy Berman: [referring to Nurse Lane] Maybe she was on something.Joan: Drugs are peaceful, not violent.Cindy Berman: Im not talking about marijuana. No. So we put down roots, and made up our own Eden here. Hey, Nicky, you there?Sheriff Nick Goode: Yeah, Ill take care of it. I know it. Were going to eat cheeseburgers and listen to the Pixies, and make out, and have the best night of our goddamn lives. But among locals, a history of horror has earned it another nickname, "Killer Capital USA." And last night tragedy struck again. It doesnt matter. Sarah Fier: I will make a deal with the Devil. I clouded her mind. Okay? Sheriff, what can you tell us? An underprivileged overachiever with bright prospects. And that was before the witch possessed him.Cindy Berman: Tommy was sweet. Hannah Miller: Youre completely mad.Sarah Fier: No, Im just not afraid with you. You have successfully purchased store credit. Except one.Cindy Berman: Tommy? Sams got to go.Deena: Are you kidding me?Samantha Fraser: Kates right. She wrote it in blood, and the result is extraordinary. The Fear Street books take place in the fictionalized town of Shadyside and feature average teenagers older than the typical Goosebumps preteens, who encounter malignant, sometimes paranormal, adversaries. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: I was thinking, that maybe once we get out of this, we could start a book club, or something. Okay? "I Pledge Allegiance" Third Place Winner! This is all proof. Hannahs innocent. Hannah Miller: What if it was the widow, or Caleb?Sarah Fier: Caleb can barely find his own member.Hannah Miller: But if he saw us, if he tellsSarah Fier: That spoiled piglet doesnt scare me.Hannah Miller: Theyll hang us, Sarah.Sarah Fier: Well, let them hang us then. C. Berman: Which is why I dont want that thing near me. R.L. For Sarah, for Kate, and Simon. First his child, then his wife. If we are ever to end this misery, then we must root out the guilty. Alice: I was there, I was in the past.Cindy Berman: Youre okay.Alice: I saw the killers. She makes the rules.Deena: Who?C. You could have watched us dead on the six oclock news, but you didnt. We have to get her back. Goode gives a name to the Devil. Stine] It began as a prank and ended in murder. Fantastic choice. Netflix's Fear Street Part 1: 1994 initially seems simple plot-wise, with slashers chasing teens in Shadyside, but it does get a bit complicated as we learn the true culprit. But when another Shadysider is possessed with the urge to kill, the fun in the sun becomes a Read allShadyside, 1978. Who has seen the new Fear Street Trilogy based off R.L. But the kids, the kids say Sarah Fier made her do it. Tommy Slater: She said one way or another, I was going to die tonight.Gary: Spooky! Sam, Deena's ex-girlfriend, moves to Sunnyvale to escape both the blood-spilled reputation of Shadyside and her closeted identity. I clouded her mind. I promise we got this all under control.Martin: Okay.Josh: Shes one of them now, but were going to save her. Josh: [after Deena kills Nick] She did it. Maybe not today. Only Ive grown tired of watching fortune turn a blind eye to me. Just like Arnie. Read more > TRILOGY TRAILERS FEAR STREET - A Film Trilogy Event - Official Trailer - Netflix FEAR STREET PART 1- 1994 - Official Trailer - Netflix FEAR STREET PART 2- 1978 - Official Trailer - Netflix FEAR STREET PART 3- 1666 - Official Trailer - Netflix STATS I avoided you, but I couldnt avoid Ziggy. *Scripts on sale may be shipped as "Media Mail." Screenplay Title: Price : $5 A DAY (2008) $ 24.95: 1408 (2007) $ 14.95: 1492: CONQUEST OF PARADISE (1992) $ 14.95: 15 MINUTES (2001) $ 24.95: 40 DAYS AND 40 NIGHTS (Shooting 9-5-2000) (2002) $ 24.95 I love this one.Customer: Its trash. Solomon told me. Baron has rounded up some great dramatic monologues for men to get you started. She drinks the blood of virgins to keep her youth.Sarah Fier: Youre safe then. No way out. New titles tend to drop on Netflix at 12 a.m. Eastern Time, or 3 a.m. Pacific Time on the morning of the film's release date. But I cant save you. until a siren sounds, the doors automatically lock, and the not-so-studious students discover they are trapped. What is Performerstuff? Stine is back with the first four books now in one thrilling package! It was the witch. Kurt: Tonight is Sunnyvale versus Shadyside. I confess I confess! even saw the woman walking down the street in front of me. Ill head to nine.Gary: What if the killers still out there?Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Thats the whole point, Gary. How do we not die?! Sheila: You do know what they did to Sarah Fier, right? Her heart stopped. Ziggy Berman: And now, now its just gone, and everythings s**t. Because thats what happens when you live in Shadyside. You do not summon the Devil by chance. Check the titles you want and click the "Add Items to Cart" button below. Caleb: It was some nights back when the full moon had risen just beside the sun. More like Sheriff m**herf***ing Evil! I mean, here we are. Speculation! Maybe I was born wicked and strange. Its bigger than a tape deck. Alice, this isnt funny.Alice: What, you think I carved your boyfriends name into solid stone with my fingernails? Martin: [as one of the possessed killers walks by] Oh, my God. Read more. She has two options; Sit back and watch as people lose their lives under her f. Completed. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: [referring to the witch] Thats not real, Ziggy.Ziggy Berman: Thats exactly what aSunnyvaler would say. And I fear in her absence, I have failed her. Second, yeah. Fear Street Part One: 1994 (titled onscreen as Fear Street 1994) is a 2021 American supernatural slasher film directed by Leigh Janiak, with a script co-written by Phil Graziadei and Janiak, from an original story by Kyle Killen, Graziadei, and Janiak. Fear Street Part 1: 1994 kicked things off with a tale of teens chased down by a string of undead serial killers, believed to be doing the bidding of a wicked witch. I fear Union. We will not rest, and we will not have mercy! She's possessed by the witch. I do like the weirdo from Shadyside. Sarah Fier: Youre right. Red is for radiance, if you live in Sunnyvale. [releases the string that pours a bucket of Deenas blood over him]. The makers should have done way better with this story. Goosebumps. Deena: [to Sam] I know theres not much of a future in Shadyside with a lesbo. - Sarah Fier (Fear Streat Part 3: 1666), 'It's not your future if you're pretending to be someone else.' Stine, the "Fear Street" movies take place in side-by-side suburbs. But ever since she was executed, shes been possessing people, turning them into killers, to take revenge on the town.Simon: Its like the nursery rhyme.Josh: Yeah. Go ahead. Kurt: Well, thats it, Berman. Kate: [to Sam] Youre not doing this alone.Josh: Theres another way. Cindy Berman: We can end this. Real Sarah Fier: The truth shall be your curse. Samantha Fraser: It doesnt make sense. So no one else knows where she is.Lizzie, Abigail, Hannah, Isaac: Except us. And theyre giving me a f***ing medal. Deena: I was back in time. This speech comes at the start of the play. Ive been a bad friend. fearstreet. You used to have it, remember? Berman: Theres not! Bob, described simply as disheveled, is reading Stephen Kings The Shining for a few seconds and then develops a twitch which becomes progressively worse. Its perfect.Highschool Kid: This thing is bigger than my Discman.Martin: Yeah. C. Berman: I thought he was different. Something perhaps a mother could have rooted out, but you were raised like a boy. I never want to see you again!Deena: Great. Alice: [to Cindy] I watched my dad go to jail when I was six. Alice: [referring to the witchs house] Was I the only one expecting like, I dont know, a house made out of candy?Arnie: Maybe theres candy down here. Take later. He extended his hand to the darkness for my family, for me! Ziggy Berman: Last year for me. Simon: Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. Caleb: What, are you jealous? For Arnie. He has come to stake our land. If we put Sam in the hall, we end this now.Deena: Youre a monster.Kate: Im being reasonable! Deena: Why do you think our friends died? Josh: It happens in Shadyside over and over. Ziggy Berman: [to Nick] Would you ever kiss the weird girl? And then, just like this C. Berman b**ch, we bring you back to life.Kate: What are you saying?Samantha Fraser: F*** it. All together, Fear Street Part 1: 1994 has a soft-R nature. Like you just came back from the dead.Samantha Fraser: Shock, I guess. Officer Kapinski: [over radio] Someone called for you. Sarah Fier: Look around, Solomon. We cant kill the Devil. [he then cuts off her hand]. Includes folded color poster of the Fear family tree. Ziggy Berman: Deep down, you feel it, dont you? Stine novels is a reminder that nothing good ever happens at . Because you, and we, are the way out. I cant accept it.Sarah Fier: Just think of it as my dowry. Mad Thomas: I see the darkness in you, girl!Sarah Fier: Be still, Thomas!Mad Thomas: Beware, Sarah Fier. Tommy Slater: Maybe Mary was looking for the hand. Whats going on? But shes not the only woman he has brought here or indeed the last. I'm thinking they wouldn't believe her about it for some reason. Look, check that out. Children: [singing] Pastor Miller, blind as a bat. A London mosque. And I bewitched Hannah Miller. This is what brings her back. Deena: [to Kate and Simon] Youre both morons.Kate: Excuse me? What if that psycho shows up again?Deena: Then well be ready. He took his wife to her after they lost their child, but it was too late. Based on books by R.L. Is it still buried underneath the Hanging Tree? Simon: Sam bled on her bones, and now the witch wants more of her blood!Samantha Fraser: Okay, so what do they do in Jaws?Kate: Well, Im pretty sure they didnt go skinny-dipping with the goddamn bait.Deena: Shes not bait!Josh: Yeah. His head bows . They just played some 90's songs back to back and that's it. Ziggy Berman: You believe me, right? Could of just said that and said dont belive me check his basement, I get those goosebumps every time yea when you come around yea, Me too, I had chills when I first heard it. Even you, Ziggy Berman! She knew it. Hannah Miller: Something is wrong. Congrats on getting out of Shadyside, Sam. You don't want to corrupt her virgin ears. I love you, Sarah! C. Berman: [over phone] Youre still alive!Deena: Who is this? It was me! My child, my dear Constance, and many others, are dead. Oh my God! Stine's best-selling horror series, the trilogy covers three different time periods, 1994, 1978, and 1666, and follows a murder mystery that shakes up the town of Shadyside, Ohio. Yet you resign yourself to it! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. And you want to know what she did find? Directed by Leigh Janiak. Although this is the second film in the Fear Street trilogy, it was actually filmed last, after Part One: 1994 and Part Three: 1666. But we wouldnt have the movies but that would have been my level of petty. Josh: Wow. Martin: [referring to the Discman] Look at this dumba** thing. I will shadow you forever. Tommy Slater: [referring to Nurse Lane trying to kill him] It just doesnt, it doesnt make any sense. Part 1: A tragedy strikes at Camp Nightwing and Lynn Goode knows her brother is behind it. And, second, I cant like the weird girl.Ziggy Berman: Why not?Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Because Im a counselor. It is traditionally a device used in theatera speech to be given on stagebut nowadays, its use extends to film and television. Something different is happening to us. Sam disturbed her grave. Fear Street: Deena And Sam Early on in Fear Street Part One: 1994, the relationship between Deena and Samantha is established as two teenage girls both struggling with their identity as gay women. In fact the directior should be banned from doing horror movies. Solomon Goode: You can always come to me, Sarah. And last night, tragedy struck again. Josh: I need you to stay calm, alright? He removes his hat to reveal an unkempt head of thick, red hair. Ziggy Berman: You smell like s**t.Cindy Berman: Yeah, thats because Im covered in it. Local d**e slays girlfriend, friends, brother. Heather: [First lines] It began as a prank and ended in murder. And Mary knew it, alright? Thats how she gained eternal life.Sarah Fier: Well, I heard she kept the company of the natives, and that she even fell in love with one. I saw it on the wall. I thought he would believe me. Cindy Berman: [stabbing a possessedTommy] F*** you!Ziggy Berman: You swore!Cindy Berman: Its becoming a habit. He calls to you from it. Deena: Who the hell was that?Simon: How the hell should I know? He was possessed! I will show them what youve done. I love you! The dude was wearing a Halloween skull mask! For Mary, it was today. What if thats not who I want to be? Joan: The kiddos are right. Kate: Its just fun.Deena: Its sick.Simon: What? What? Even the weakest heart, the most corruptible soul, they must make the choice. C. Berman: That was July 19th, 1978. Shes lying!Sarah Fier: I walked with the Devil! He needs someone to take care of him. Your boyfriends name in that f***ing wall. You burn them. Low-brow horror. While some of the Fear Street novels have paranormal elements, such as ghosts, others are simply murder mysteries. Weve sacrificed for it! The classic and heart-pounding Fear Street Series from beloved author R.L. | Good or Evil? It was after, well, you know when. This monologue is not from a play; it is a standalone piece. Alice: Crazy Nurse Lane made a crazy map. Sheriff Nick Goode: [referring to Kate and Simon] They are to blame for everything. Go as far as you can, and hope a bus doesnt hit you on the way out. I told everyone the story of how she died. An email redemption code has been sent to the receiver. Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Before he died, my dad loaded me up with all this, you know, Youre my legacy, the future of the family depends on you s**t. You know, he just dropped this huge burden in my lap. I will never let you go. Cindy Berman: [holding up the hand] What do you want, Sarah Fier? Theyre afraid because they know youre different. Cool.Ziggy Berman: Youve read Carrie?Young Sheriff Nick Goode: Yeah. Pastor Miller, blind as a bat! And some foul-smelling paste made for whores like Abbi Berman. Deena: Im going to kill you.Josh: Yeah? None of this is random. Lizzie: Shes not just an old lady. He was funny and brave. Joan: Now, Shadysiders, lets go out there and do our best. Is that so crazy? Fear Street Part 1: 1994 already hinted that Sarah Fier has a living follower in the present day, who is helping her maintain her grip on Shadyside. The plot takes place in 1994, yet this font was not introduced until 2007. 04/01/1996 # 37. samfraser. It doesn't pull any punches, but it isn . Horror fans will be grinning over a visual . I saw her! Since dad left. As I lay sleeping, she came to me. The scriptthis time written by Zak Olkewicz successfully fleshes out both Berman girls as complex characters, and, as a bonus . Tonight, we commencicate Color War!Gary: Its commence. These monologues all find characters confronting, recollecting, or becoming their own fears. It looks like him, but hes not himself, Sarah. Josh: [referring to the Konami Code] When things get bad at school, or whatever, its what I think about, and it helps me, I dont know, to survive.Deena: You are the biggest nerd.Josh: [as they hug] You smell like an androgynous baby. Deena: [to Sam] Look, I know I always give you s**t for like pretending youre someone youre not, but its not really easy for me to, you know, be like us either.