So much i wish but i cant change. 126243 and 283800. You can even make a WhatsApp group with friends for this purpose in which all friends mess. Allah is testing our loyalty to Him, and our trust in Him. We buy houses. It is a feeling of terror that you are floating away into space not knowing if you can make your way back to solid ground. Dua To Remove Worry, Stress, Anxiety, Sorrow, Depression And Negative Thoughts. crying a lot. Allah (S.W.T) stated in the Quran, If you are thankful, I will give you more Al-Quran (14:7). O people, beware of gluttony in eating. Allah loves His Prophets the most, they are His most loved humans that He chose Himself for a special purpose. One of the reliable solutions for every problem is dua. Islam Q&A. Jealousy is strongly discouraged in Islam. Al-Quran (2:45). And we are told that when Allah (swt) loves someone and wants good for them, He tests them [Sahih Bukhari]. When you make supplications and have patience, Allah will surely give you the fruitful results. Respite itself can be a mercy if used in Allah's way but for the unbelievers the respite can be granted in order to make the sinners grow in their iniquities to make them deserve their upcoming punishment. Its not necessarily because weve done something wrong. Dont allow yourself to stray. Answer (1 of 3): As-Salam : The giver of peace Al-Fattah : The remover of all difficulties Al-Mujeeb : The one who answers Al-Wali : The protector, Helper, Friend, patro Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Every time I tried to watch what I say I slipped. It came to a point where I felt as if I could not take much more. Couldnt this be considered a punishment from Allah? We should surround ourselves with family, friends, and believers who can be a positive influence on us. We should seek our cure for depression and anxiety in a holistic manner by addressing its physical, mental, social, and spiritual aspects. Even eating too much good food can cause a nutritional imbalance, which will ultimately affect our mental health. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023, Questions cannot be asked through this form. He praises me, even as I remove his soul from between his two sides. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. We should not indulge in negative assumption and suspicion about others. Seeing a lot of luxury and fake happiness on media on social media, we often think that we are not as happy as others are. But from deep in the belly of the whale, there came a cry There is nothing worthy of worship (or unconditional obedience) except You. What Are Some Common Mental Health Issues? Seclusion and Solitude for God. I praise him as he provides me with patience to bear it. He lives blissfully in a world of material comforts and does not realise that he is fettered down by his sins. For example, Prophet Sulaiman (pbuh) was a King with a lot of wealth and power. . One of the most beautiful aspects of Islam is that it suggests a solution for every problem. Every time you go to the washroom for instance, dont leave without doing wudu so when its time to pray, youll be all ready to start. Think positively of Allah, may He be exalted, for He is kind, most merciful and loving, and He does not let His slave down or dash his hopes. Belleville, MI 48111 And yet, these Prophets have faced some of the most difficult times in their lives. Mental health is our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. It was said, "They are being punished for not paying taxes.". seek help with patient perseverance and prayer: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere. O ye who believe! No one can run away from them. If you have or had a bad experience with a counselor and therapist, there are literally thousands of other counselors you can turn to and may offer a better experience. To walk among the What is Khalwa? You can also go for music therapy as there are many great Muslim singers who have produced excellent hamds and naats that you can listen to for peace of mind, here areTop 10 Muslim Hamd & Naat Singers With Most Soulful Voice. Amputation is used as punishment for theft in Nigeria, which reintroduced shariah law in 1999. nato act chief of staff is anxiety a punishment from allah. Listen to youtube lectures and videos on the importance of prayers. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It helps push away hardship. This doesnt mean that they were all tested with severe hardships, since tests come in the forms of both adversity and prosperity (Quran 21:35). This life is a trial, in and of itself; its not Jannah. After that, I repented to Allah, may He be exalted, and I began to pray regularly and to read Quran, but I still do not know much about religion and I fear the wrath of Allah, may He be exalted. Corporal punishment, therefore, might alter specific neurodevelopmental pathways that increase risk for anxiety and depression by making children hypersensitive to their own mistakes and less . One study published in the Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, for example, proves through a systematic review that the recitation of Quran or listening to it reduces anxiety and therefore this can be used as a non-pharmacological treatment for psychological problems. These foods contain too much sugar, salt, chemicals, and other harmful additives. is Rich beyond any need, and everything is poor and seeks its nourishment from Him. Sleeplessness is a psychological problem which causes difficulty in sleeping, or interrupted sleep or light sleep. (85:12) "Such is the Seizure of your Rubb when He seizes the (population of) towns while they are doing wrong. Think positively of Allah, may He be exalted, for He is kind, most merciful and loving, and He does not let His slave down or dash his hopes. He loves us more than seventy times of our mothers love. Or if you find even that hard to manage, start with one namaz a day and then gradually increase the number. And in such scenarios, doing Astaghfar will get you Allahs forgiveness and your hardships can end. Source: Sahih Muslim 2999, Grade:Sahih. Between Anxiety and Trust in Allah Ads by Muslim Ad Network Theresa Corbin 20 April, 2022 Most of us have a routine. Sabr and salat are the two most powerful stressbusters. Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2678, Grade:Hasan. ". 3. Next, we should adopt Islamic mindfulness techniques to gain control over our negative thoughts. So below, I have compiled a list of things that have helped me to deal with my anxiety and daily pressures of life that I was experiencing: 1. . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Allah says: I am as My slave thinks I am, and I am with him when he calls upon Me.. I wish i was looked after more. Allah gives us illness so we call him more and pray to him 2. They would always praise Allah in every circumstance, hardship or ease. 847 Sumpter Road Offer a lot of duaa (supplication) for your grandmother. If we are too deeply attached to a material object, we will become depressed when it is inevitably taken away. Anas ibn Mlik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) used to say: "O Allah, I seek refuge with You from incapacity, laziness, cowardice, senility, and miserliness. Recite the duas mentioned above daily to avoid all the worries. Allah SAYS, DON'T STRESS TOO MUCH Website : Subscribe to our Channel : Follow us on Twitter : To be Given Death Punishment "The only punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is that they should be murdered, or crucified, or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides, or they should be imprisoned. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". On the other hand, Prophet Ayyub (pbuh) lost his family, wealth, assets, and health. To sum, overcoming depression and anxiety, when they have a stranglehold over our lives, is a very difficult task. It will make you feel at peace inside out. No matter what upheaval is happening, I know that in Islam I have certainty and stability. I have a problem with wudoo because of my nervous colon. caesar rubikon spruch; fm radio that can connect to bluetooth speaker Both the constant anxiety and the permanent sense of guiltiness are greater when a married woman gives the lineage of her child to the father who he or she (the child) does not belong to. But the Quran says otherwise: And (mention) when your Lord said to the angels, Indeed, I will make upon the Earth a successive authority. They said, Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and spills blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You? Allah said, Indeed, I know that which you dont know. mercedes house virtual tour . Doing zikr reduces stress and depression. Here are25 Beautiful Thanking Allah Quotes that you might find inspiring for this purpose. it seriously helped me so much. Media and social media, in particular, has brought in the limelight a lot of exposure to people. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. "O Allah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being overpowered by men." (Sahih Al Bukhari) Narrated by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (RA), one day Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) "Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest" (13:28) Dhikr, prayer and meditation can help one feel calm. A sinner or a believer will never be dealth unjustly in the very last. Talk to Allah more and more in your prayers and ask Him to heal you. I will protect them and teach them the true way of Islam & allow them to love the religion. I went through some physical and psychological problems and did not go to university. by | Jun 1, 2022 | | romain goisbeau lebouseuh | Jun 1, 2022 | | romain goisbeau lebouseuh "There's going to be lot of people that think that a parent absolutely needs to use physical force to raise a compliant child . Source: Sunan Ibn Majah 3803, Grade: Sahih. Allah has promised in the Quran that every hardship will be followed by ease, so as Mufti Menk says, try to put your trust in His promise and dont lose hope. O Allah, I seek refuge with You from anxiety, and sorrow, and weakness, and laziness, and miserliness, and cowardice, and the burden of debts and from being overpowered by men. Both God and Prophet Muhammad remind us that He will punish those of us who commit injustices or oppress others. Get connected to a trained counselor in your area. It can be a punishment to those who have forgotten about Allah and Islam The criminal is killed if the criminal killed the victim. Dealing with faith-related doubts in Islam. I became very sad and unable to focus. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Another important factor in our overall health is our place in the support structure of our community. You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in And while we highly recommend getting professional help if youre suffering from depression or stress, there are also some steps that you can take from the Islamic perspective. Abu Darda, may Allah be pleased with him, said: . 'justification' for the claim that [the pandemic] was the hand of God, a punishment for heretics. What if this test is protecting you from a much bigger hardship? I look at Muslims now who arent practicing or who are proud of their sins or those who are lost and clueless like i once was and i just feel so bad for them because even if inshallah they see the light and Allah guides them to Him they will now have to live w their mistakes and their sins even if theyre forgiven. Welcome to IslamicBoard - Discover Islam | Connect with Muslims! I praise him as he guides me to remember my hope for reward, and I praise him as he did not make it a calamity in my religion. And Allah Almighty asks us to trust His plan. We should take gradual steps to eat less of these foods while adding more fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and proteins to our diet. I ask Allah (SWT) in desperation to show me what I needed to learn, how I needed to change. Make dua intensively and work towards your betterment. I wish i was perfect from the start. The meaning of forgiveness is Islam is two-fold. He punishes people in this world and also in the Hereafter. If he experiences pleasure, he thanks Allah and it is good for him. Every difficulty that we go through is an opportunity for us to remember our place and recognize our dependence on God and our need for Him. Punishing a fearful animal will therefore likely increase, not decrease, its fear. 2- Retribution. Source: Jami al-Ulum wal-Hikam 2/468. Periods of grief and worry are a normal part of life, which can usually be cured with prayer, patience, and positive thinking. Make yourself involved in any voluntary work that focuses on bringing positivity in society. For those of us who experience abnormal and unhealthy levels of grief and worry, there is hope in Islam to overcomethese debilitating symptoms without resorting to pharmaceuticals. Verily, your own self has rights over you, so fast and break your fast, pray and sleep. He tells us in the Quran: {[] and put your trust in Allah if you are believers indeed} (Quran 5: 23). It says in the Quran that "Indeed, mankind was created anxious- (Quran. Its not necessarily because weve done something wrong. The seller of musk will give you some perfume, you will buy some, or you will notice a good smell. There is a specific supplication that the Prophet (s) taught us for curing depression and anxiety, which reveals how important sound creed is to our mental health: Ibn Masud reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: . O Allah, I seek refuge in You from grief and sadness, from weakness and from laziness, from miserliness and from cowardice, from being overcome by debt and overpowered by men (i.e. This habit will eventually result in getting closer to Allah (S.W.T). Since I have moved from my home, and as my husband and I seek the means to build a new life, we have been in constant state of flux. Jealousy In The Light Of Quran Jealousy is a complex and destructive emotion that fills hatred, rage, aggression, feeling of insecurity and negativity in a person towards another person. We are taught to reduce anxiety through dhikr and prayer: Seek help in patience and prayer (Surah Baqarah, Ayah 45) Hadith 8: It is also said that whenever an event of difficulty or hardship comes to the Prophet , he would ask Bilal RA to call the adhan by saying, "Bilal, relieve and soothe us through salah (prayer).". And thats how We rescue believers(21:88). My primary writing focus is on article, blog and site content, but I am always open to other areas of writing. Such an articulate post it is! His patience and strength of faith are what proved that he passed the test, since he didnt question Gods will or goodness. If he is weak in his religion, then he is tried according to his strength in religion. All are welcome but please read the sidebar rules prior to posting or commenting. The professional and ethical obligations of all mental health professionals are to respect your religious values and beliefs. And will make you realize that this world and its problems are all temporary. So pray and let your mind be at rest; ask Allah, may He be exalted, to grant you healing and well-being. And He alone knows the reason for this.