Height 2 feet 6 inches. Found near Sang Hollow. Age twenty-two. Could not remove ring. Female. Middle-aged Full head dark brown hair. Red dress. Blue eyes. Small earrings. Checkered dress. Female. Green, black and brown barred pants Gold hunting-case watch and chain. Portage street, Conemaugh Borough. Age eighteen. Emblem pin of A.O.K. False upper teeth. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Female. Age twenty-four years. Bunch of keys. Muslin drawers. Taken to Cambria City. Male. Male child. Bald on top of head. Dark hair. Age thirty-five to forty. One wire sleeve supporter. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Pearl buttons. Age about ten. Home-knit socks. Weight 130. Female. Black cork-screw pants. Scar on side of face. Weight 115. Black and brown jacket. Age forty five. Age twenty-three. Catholic. No vest. Plain gold ring Small ear-drop. Red and green striped body. Red and blue striped petticoat. Age thirty-five. Light brown hair. About thirty-five years of age. Height 5 ft. 7 in. Age fifty. Dark gray mixed woolen suit Red flannel underwear. St. Louis, Mo Lady's gold open-faced watch, stem-winder. Height 5 feet 3 inches. Height 5 feet. Boy. Age about eighteen months. Brown sacque. Button shoe. Blue drill overalls. Pair of spectacles and tin case. White flannel skirt. Male. Dark hair. Two keys. White cotton underwear with pearl buttons. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Congress gaiters. Light hair. Brown eyes. Dark brown eyes. Age about ten. One small key. Gingham apron. Age about eighteen. Age about one year. Male. Receipt to Robert Bossett, from Geo. Plaid dress, belt with two buckles. Black hair. Male. Red flannel skirt. Age eighteen to twenty Height 5 feet 6 inches. Age forty-three. Knife. Kid gloves in pocket. Black basque. When the flooding began, the area's telegraph lines were down, preventing anyone. Silver open faced watch. [7] The Conemaugh River, immediately downstream of Johnstown, is hemmed in by steep mountainsides for about 10 miles (16km). Weight 75. Female. Mustache black. Black vest. Blue shirt White undershirt. Prospect, June 12th. Revolver and knife. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Valuables. Weight 165. The Johnstown Calamity [Johnstown, Pa. Broad and full face. Two pocket pieces. Male. Brown hair. Age about thirty-five. Badly burned. Weight 125 pounds. Height 3 feet. Male. Female. Light hair. Buttoned shoes, spring heels. White handkerchief with blue polka dot border. Light hair. Female. Short sack coat. Black stocking. Fair complexion. Buried at Grand View. Pin with square and compass. Supposed to be Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Holmes. Earring-drop. One watch and chain. Papers, etc. Dark blue dress, blue and gray striped. Large. Black cashmere dress. Male. Valuables given to John Marshall, his brother. Height 2 feet 6 inches. B. I. or J. Brown ribbed stockings. Laced cloth gaiters. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Knife and pencil. The Johnstown Flood (locally, the Great Flood of 1889) occurred on Friday, May 31, 1889, after the catastrophic failure of the South Fork Dam, located on the south fork of the Little Conemaugh River, 14 miles (23km) upstream of the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, United States. Age about thirty. Light calico dress. Light hair. Weight 60. One small gold ring. Belt of same goods as coat. Male. Morticians traveled by railroad. Ring on finger. All survived. Female. Female. Female. Vest. White handle pocket-knife. temporary shelters. Weight 40. Male child. Age about thirty. Long gold breast-pin. Heavy dark brown hair. false. Light hair. Age eight. Female. About eighteen. Age twelve. Height 4 feet 6 inches. Female. Age about twelve. Female. Napkin ring. Female. One watch chain, one tooth brush, cash $1.20. Four bladed knife. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Light complexion. Dark knee pants. Pair cuff-buttons. Brown striped skirt. Light complexion. Male. Weight 200 to 225. Female. Supposed to be Katie Krieger. Blue calico dress, with white spots. Recognized by his father. Female Weight 140. Medium size. No shirt. Woolen skirt. [1] Barton arrived on June 5, 1889, to lead the group's first major disaster relief effort; she did not leave for more than five months. They carted off debris, distributed food, and erected temporary housing. Supposed to be Mr. Farrell, of Woodvale. Red flannel shirt. Four keys. Height about 4 feet. Fourth Ward Morgue. Weight about 160. Male child, two years old. Burned beyond recognition. The new river walls withstood Hurricane Agnes in 1972, but on the night of July 19, 1977, a severe thunderstorm dropped eleven inches of rain in eight hours on the watershed above the city and the rivers began to rise. Key. $2.00 in bills. Weight 175. Becker kept it under wraps until the time of ASCE's convention in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 1891. Brown coat. Valuables gotten by Laurence McGuire. Height 5 feet 6 inches. After the flood, there were no structures, no topsoil, no subsoil only the bedrock was left. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Button gaiters. Gray hair Gold necklace. Weight 130. Small tooth-pick. Bracelet and ring on left wrist and hand. Two plain rings on third finger of left hand. Pearl buttons. Bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, and as late as 1911; 1,600 homes were destroyed; $17 million in property damage was done; Four square miles of downtown . Key ring with Yale flat key and two door keys. Ring on left hand. About fourteen. Blue black ribbed stockings. Light hair Dark brown eyes. Male. Heavy black cloth jacket. Male. Contact; About us; . Aged about five years. Female. One broken. Valuables given to him. White. Johnstown's Flood of 1889. Scapular around neck. Height 5 feet 7 inches. Female. No coat nor vest. Two finger rings, one carved, the other ruby. Age thirty-five. Sandy hair. Ear-drops, enameled black, with blue setting. p.475. Light drawers. $1.00 bill. 7, p.216. Black stockings. Blue woolen shirt. Boy. Blue silk tie with dots. Valuables placed on body. Red flannel underwear. White. Basque and overskirt. Age about fourteen. Male. Black pants. Age ten or eleven. Weight 110. Paper No. From pockets were taken a three-bladed knife, ring, shoe button, lead-pencil with pocket fastener, street car check and child's china ornament. Blue and white striped shirt. Two rings on left hand. Striped pants. B." Johnstown Police detectives were . Green cloth basque. Height 5 feet 7 inches Weight 145. Female. Blue shirt with large bars on it. Apron of check shirting. Button shoes. Gray pants and coat. No valuables. A female. Purse with one cent. Gingham dress. Pair blood stone cuff-buttons. Height about 5 feet 3 inches. Age thirty-five. The perceived injustice aided the acceptance, in later cases, of "strict, joint, and several liability," so that even a "non-negligent defendant could be held liable for damage caused by the unnatural use of land. Ring at Fourth Ward Morgue. Pair cuff buttons Bunch keys. Dark complexion. Blue and white apron. $47.16. Age three. Taken by "Deckart.". Working clothes. A. Dewald, father, care of Jos. White. Male. Black and white woolen dress. Nothing but the bones. Weight 220. White Age twenty. Height 4 feet 2 inches Found on Walnut street. High broad forehead. Ex-policeman. Gold ear-rings with five blue sets. Ring on left hand. Weight 250 to 300. [9] Unger, Parke, and the rest of the men continued working until exhausted to save the face of the dam; they abandoned their efforts at around 1:30p.m., fearing that their efforts were futile and the dam was at risk of imminent collapse. Age about fourteen. Female. Female. F. Miller, 4422 Leipert St, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa., June 10th. Light hair slightly gray. Red and black barred blue woolen stockings. Weight 100 to 120. Female. Dark blue suit. Weight about 45 pounds. Bunch keys Match safe. Suppose to be James Haltzman. McK No 1698 Pocket-book Pocket-knife No money No on grave is 332, Weight 140 Height 5 feet Heavy jacket with heavy cord Dress with large pearl buttons in front. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Silver watch and chain. Dark knee pants. Of Company C, 14th Regiment Penna. Male. Money and pass book in express office. Weight 80. Long gold breast-pin with stone setting. Age not known. Black stockings. Female. Black jean pants. Gray eyes. Gray hair. Light hair, one plait in back, one on each side of head. Age about twenty. Dark clothes Paper collar. Letter found on body addressed to Minnie Linton, Lincoln avenue, Johnstown, Pa Signed, S. Clark Dougherty, Female. Overcoat. Eyes unknown. Age forty. Hundreds of people were never found; over 750 bodies were never identified and their remains were buried in The Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery. Height 4 feet. Silver watch. Two gold rings. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 6 inches. Height 5 feet. White muslin skirt. Age six. on it. [10] These alterations are thought to have increased the vulnerability of the dam. Blue and white striped skirt. Male. Two rings with clover leaf pearl set. Cash $6.21. Black ribbed jersey Black dress. Age about two years. Upper teeth false. Gum boots. Female. Blue calico dress with pearl buttons. Afterwards identified as Mrs. Frawater, mother of Colonel Frawater. Ten years old. Height 5 feet 1 inch. Male Weight 90. Weight 125. Male. Light hair. Dark eyes. $65.95. Height about five feet eight inches. Valuables given to his aunt, Ella Mulhern. Daughter of Charles Prosser, of Cresson. Height 5 feet Light complexion Auburn hair, brown eyes, blue check dress, blue waist. Vol. 145 pounds. Age about fourteen years Weight 90 pounds. Body delivered to her husband and taken to Morrellville, Pa. Door key. Ring on left hand. Metal buttons. Found at Conemaugh furnace. Knit shirt. Red skirt with ruffles. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Red, blue, black and green plaid dress, woolen goods Red flannel skirt. Red mustache. Silver watch. Male Age thirty-nine. Knife. Female. Buried as unknown 216, from Millville School Morgue, at Prospect Disinterred and buried in lot of Conrad Raab, Sandy Vale, June 12th. B. Bickenton, June 28th, and taken to Philadelphia for internment. Necktie. White. Male. Female. Red flannel skirt. Height about 4 feet 6 inches. The Johnstown Flood of 1889 Challenging the Findings of the ASCE Investigation Report. "D.E. Head severed from body. Buried in Decker's cemetery, Morrellville, Pa. Dark hair and stubby beard mixed with gray. Age twenty. Blue calico waist. Slender. The great wave measured 35-40 feet high and hit Johnstown at 40 miles per hour. Last summer, Beale's yellowing journals were found in an old Philadelphia carriage-house, shedding new light on a catastrophe that killed 2,209. Calico dress, brown figure. Gray woolen sack. Identified by his wife. Female. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Sandy Vale, by friends, June 15th. Pipe. Wore scapulars. Striped calico skirt. Medium hair. Hair long and brown. Identified by Mrs. Julia A. Hatzinger. Pearl street, Johnstown. R. O., 1886. Bone collar-button. Eardrops with black sets. Blue spotted calico dress. Male. Found in drift above Company's store. Catholic. Residents were caught by surprise as the wall of water and debris bore down, traveling at speeds of 40 miles per hour (64km/h) and reaching a height of 60 feet (18m) in places. Height 5 feet 10 inches. Age three. Short hair. Female. Plain ring on finger of right hand. Light hair. Gold earrings. It was featured as a main attraction at the Stockholm Exhibition of 1909, where it was seen by 100,000 and presented as "our time's greatest electromechanical spectacle", Willis Fletcher Johnson wrote in 1889 a book called, Gertrude Quinn Slattery, who survived the flood as a six-year-old girl, published a memoir entitled. Flannel skirt striped gray and black. Female. Male. Age forty-five. Blue eyes. The dam and lake were part of the purchase, and the railroad sold them to private interests.[9]. Age thirty-five. Found in Conemaugh river above Company store. Male. Son of Howell Powell. Red flannel underwear. Door key. Height 5 feet 7 inches. Female. Handkerchief marked "E. Light hair. Gingham waist. Large door key, had been broken and repaired. Female. Worked with H. Martin, Wire Mills. The flood lasted only 10 minutes, but the destruction and fear continued . Gum overshoes and shoes. Key ring with keys 4 foot pocket-rule and one Harmonie badge. Male. Brown hair. White vest. Collar buttons. Two $5.00 gold pieces. Ticket of admission to Johnstown Opera House Prospect, June 11th. Female. The work to find survivors and rebuild began almost immediately after the waters subsided. Worsted coat. Height 5 feet. Weight about 110. Age twelve. Gray woolen drawers. $1.94 in cash. One stud Taken by friends. IMage: library of Congress. [19] At ASCE's annual convention in June 1890, committee member Max Becker was quoted as saying, We will hardly [publish our investigation] report this session, unless pressed to do so, as we do not want to become involved in any litigation.[19] Although many ASCE members clamored for the report, it was not published in the society's transactions until two years after the disaster, in June 1891. Blue calico dress with star figures. Red dress trimmed with fringe around yoke. Age sixteen. With George O'Brien, Florence Gilbert, Janet Gaynor, Anders Randolf. Female Age eighteen months. Working seven days and nights, workmen built a wooden trestle bridge to temporarily replace the Conemaugh Viaduct, which had been destroyed by the flood. Hazel eyes. With Len Cariou, Elam Bender, Randy Bender, Clarita Berger. Weight 155 Height 5 feet 6 inches Black hair Woolen under skirt, red, brown and white barred cotton underskirt, striped white and red Black cashmere dress, with black glass buttons oval shape. Black hose. Watchman at Wire Mill. Black pants. Light brown hair. Nickel five cent piece. Female. No valuables or other articles. Coarse cotton socks. Red, white and blue striped shirt Cloth top button shoes. Weight about 115 Height about 5 feet 6 inches. Green and brown striped skirt. Male. Black ribbed stockings. Child. Valuables One ring with set. Supposed to be Cooney or Conrad Schnable. Woolen shirt, has evidently been blue. Low cut shoes, laced. Black hair. [25][26], The Johnstown Flood was the worst flood to hit the U.S. in the 19th century. Bunch of keys. Watch No. Locust street, Johnstown, Pa. Black jersey. White undershirt. Lead pencil and pocket-knife. Black calico dress with white spots. Light hair, plaited, tied near middle. One of the first outsiders to arrive was Clara Barton, the founder and president of the American Red Cross. Calico dress, red and brown. Weight 100. At Point Park in Johnstown, at the confluence of the Stonycreek and Little Conemaugh rivers, an eternal flame burns in memory of the flood victims. Blue overalls. KEELER & CO., 1889 Disastrous flood (1889) in the town of Johnstown, Pa., U.S. Johnstown lies at the confluence of the Conemaugh River and Stony Creek; at the time of the flood it was a leading U.S. steelmaking centre. Silver watch. White collar. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Among the . Pocket on left side. $25 00 in paper $1.68 in silver. Babe. Son of Robert Phillips, Johnstown, Pa Age thirteen. Large broad face. Make sure youre always up-to-date by subscribing to our online newsletter. Sex unknown. Male. White stockings, No. Brown hair. Age about fifty-five. White skirt. Age five years. $37 00 in cash. Watch. Part of a skirt of a petticoat, the band of which was made of ticking The shoulder strap holding up the skirt was of the same material. Brown canton skirt. Crooked legs. Female. Height 5 feet. Coat with large tin buttons Corsets. Blue and white striped dress Red undershirt Two plain gold rings on second finger of left hand. Some people, realizing the danger, tried to escape by running towards high ground, but most were hit by the surging floodwater. Over 1600 homes were destroyed. Gold filling upper jaw front teeth, gold filling in lower jar, back teeth filled with silver, two front teeth lap over. Johnstown Flood. . Weight 100. [27], The authorities averting looting on Main Street, as drawn in Harper's Weekly, June 15, 1889. Light dress. Height 4 feet 3 inches Dark hair. Key and one cent. Blue eyes. Well dressed. [6] Support for victims came from all over the U.S. and eighteen foreign countries. Red and black skirt. Pocket knife. Tom has no idea of Anna's love for him, and he becomes engaged to Gloria. Eyes burned out. $1.00 silver clasped in hand. Two plain hoop rings on third finger of left hand. Six years. Black dress. Turned up nose. Sex unknown. Gray woolen shirt. Small key. Brown hair. Male Age twenty. White cotton drawers. Flash floods are the most dangerous kind of floods, because they combine the destructive power of a flood with incredible speed. Breast-pin. Black and gray barred underskirt. Age forty or forty-five. Woodvale. Boy of sixteen or seventeen years (Johnstown). Weight 110. Female from Hulbert House. Female. White shirt. The idea was to let more water out of the lake to try to prevent overtopping of the crest, but without success. Female. Body sent to Greensburgh. Supposed to be Miss Zimmerman. Full face. Suit of gray woolen underwear. Black merino stockings. Male. Body sent to Blairsville, Pa., by John Henderson, June 10th. 10 cts. Valuables given to his brother James. $497million in 2016), and 4 square miles (10km2) of downtown Johnstown were completely destroyed. Buttoned shoes with spring heels. Penknife. Checkered apron. Open (silver) thimble. Weight 190. Blue eyes. Cut in upper lip. Dark blue suit. Weight 150. B.". False teeth upper and lower. Male. Female. Male. Light hair. Wore truss and had false teeth. Light complexion. ; MORE PEOPLE THAN REPORTED BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN DROWNED", "Note: The Floodgates of Strict Liability: Bursting Reservoirs and the Adoption of, "Silent Era: Progressive Silent Film List", "Theater Loop Chicago Theater News & Reviews Chicago Tribune", Shelley Johansson of the Johnstown Flood Museum, "First Person: The Swedish Johnstown flood", https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2017NE/webprogram/Paper290358.html, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2016.e00120, https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2016AM/webprogram/Paper283665.html, Benefit event for Johnstown Flood Sufferers held on June 14, 1889, "The Johnstown Flood", Greater Johnstown/Cambria County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Google Earth view showing Johnstown and the South Fork Dam site, "'It's still controversial': Debate rages over culpability of wealthy club members" by David Hurst, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Johnstown_Flood&oldid=1137812179, 1889 natural disasters in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from May 2017, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "A True History of the Johnstown Flood" by.