You smile as you see your boyfriends head pop in through the doorway. Ill be done in ten minutes or so, you state, shrugging him off your shoulders. Where Ned and MJ are your best friends, and Peter is eventually your boyfriend. Peter smiles. Im cold and miss you.. No one came over. reader tomholland tomhollandxreader +4 more You were back at the Avengers tower waiting for everyone to come home from their mission. When you landed back on your feet, you were rambling in excitement to see him again. Peter may have felt comfortable stripping to his boxers in front of you, but there was no way you were going to strip in front of him, even if he had seen you naked before. by Noelle 24.2K 656 15 You held his arms out and Peter stood there uncomfortably as you just stared at his abs. So, of course, he let Peter go to your room last night, he trusted that you two wouldn't do anything. Peter had been busy all week with the internship at Stark company not having time for y/n. Hurry up and give me warmth.. Not exactly the ideal way to spend New Years Eve. ", Steve shot up when he heard Peggy's name, but refrained from saying something. Your hands found their way to the back of his neck, playing with the soft curls that fell on his nape. You were now fully awake, searching the room for any immediate threat. You didn't really believe in the soulmate thing; it all seemed too strange for it to be real. You really did get the better end of the deal when you started dating Spider-man. It was obvious you didn't know what he was talking about, so he continued. In a romantic way.. He sat up quickly and began to hide anything that would make Aunt May suspicious of him, and you grabbed your bag from the floor, standing up. Tony's jaw dropped as his fingers brushed over the random mark on your neck. His eyes are closed and your hands in his hair make him drowsy. It kept you up at night. He locked himself in a stall and stood back trying to breathe and calm down. You and Pete both are like crazy geniuses. Then you proceed to type on your laptop. Fine, he squeaked before rushing away to the bathroom. It was obvious in the way he held doors open for you whenever you were together, the way he always complimented you, the way he always had the look of love in his eyes when he was looking at you, and especially in the way he told you he loved you for the first time. You did manage to find some writings on your grandfather and the soulmate phenomenon, but also found a letter from Peggy Carter to Howard Stark talking about how she had a random tattoo, but had no idea where she got it from. Quickly, you leaned back, capturing his lips with yours, and then backing away toward the door. A/N: Yall Im still obsessed with Tom Holland and I cant get out of this Spiderman phase aaahhh!!! "Well, why am I killing you?". SMUT INCLUDED!! Weekend mornings with Bucky in Romania where hes hiding out. See you tomorrow, Parker. You wave and head down the hall to the doors, leaving a completely flustered Peter Parker behind. But her life is especially unfair, I hope no one struggles like she has. Mhm, course I know, he mumbled. He is not going to be the one to explain what a hickey is to a god. Your eyes land on his lips and you lean forward to press your lips to his. Youre staring, Peter noted nonchalantly without looking up at you, but you did notice a hint of blush on his cheeks. How about we forget about math for the rest of the night and watch Mean Girls instead., Dont you have to patrol tonight? What did you do? You know Peter, for a smart boy like you, you're incredibly stupid. He gave you a dorky smile as you got under the blankets beside him and cuddled into his side. You had met them before, as the legend says, but no one you were around regularly had mentioned the strange tattoo to you before. She has you and Peter posing side by side against the wall in the classroom as she pulls out her phone to take pictures. masterlist was posted just under this post. - Slowly being edited | Featuring: Peter Parker and you :), mentions Ned Leeds. Wondering what could cause such marks to be left behind like that. Did you get hurt at all? His mouth opens but nothing comes out. They can also change what they look like depending on what is going on during the day. She didn't want to hold him back. Y/N! Spinning around, you saw Peter making his way towards you. Steve and Thor were in the kitchen, they both greeted you as you walked in. The four of you planned on having lunch together at school a few days after the bathroom incident. Talk about a horrifying family reunion. You know I love you, right? you asked just as Peter pressed play. Peter stood next to her rummaging through his locker. And she gone #imagines Peter Parker, a junior in high school trying to manage being Spider-Man and his school work, which he was doing just fine in until he noticed you. The last time you made Peter flustered as friends, was during your confession of your feelings towards him. I know its mainly my fault for procrastinating, but Johnsons a dick for wanting five thousand words.. Thats weird, Ned said, his eyes obviously tired from raising little Juliet. Since when have you had abs?. You were holding little Romeo in your arms as you approached the table with Peter. you are your this is an mcu peter parker imagines book! You big baby, Peter teased. He pulled his hands away from you and grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head again. He blinked his eyes wildly. zocha515, Star_1716, onlyreasony, Fanaticalreader108, Hey_Little_Songbird, eeriequazar, vebbles, miwsov, pippins_poppin, Beyant1780, evojoe, NIGHTMONKEY77, SilentFaun, jrainsart, CuteRepMC4Youth, Lio26, rebexxa, Elisavettzz, reinacoree, lowkeyskata, CarryOn117, nancy_reads, Kei_is_sleeby, jamesm97, sleepy_dream, monarch_love, Alexstrasza, Bokkun, voicetobyungchan, icantsleep___zzz, Ice18, fleshguts, moonys_girlfriend, bawls, Elliot_Di, luviu, eddieneedssleep, PhantomsNemesis, BekahBechel, eat_a_doughnut, KuronekoDragneel, walking_goon, Xeiki, KittyFireClaws, robinaparker, tstbaby, possumpixie, kaelasu, palomaestrella10, ssmartiess, and 244 more users Yet all you could think about was how Peter Parker was a hot dork who watched Youtube videos on how to kiss and had abs. You had seen that look in his eyes before, twice actually. You adjust your legs quickly to stop your laptop from slipping and hitting Peter in the face. I dont see anything. You know youre not allowed to let people in. Tonys said as he walked over to you. Between the two of you, you were always busy. Why do you bother?" Is Spider-man not allowed to flirt with his girlfriend?, Spider-man has a girlfriend, huh? Even if you did you have someone over, you wont hear my complaining about it to you. Peter keeps a smile on his face but you notice that he clenched his fists and places them on his hips awkwardly. Idiot (Peter Parker x Sister!Reader) Originally posted by teamunderoos (CACW) Peter Parker x Sister!Reader. Fan fictions about: Tom Holland, Peter Parker, Harrison Osterfield and Harry holland !! He always volunteered to be on teenager watch and no one really understood why, except the three of you. You giggled, taking a Hershey's Kiss out of the packet in your bag and holding it out for him. Peter and Tony father/Son relationship. #parker How did you do it to yourself? 12:27. Peter couldnt stop himself from smiling at how adorable you were. Im a little afraid of what youll say. Natasha teased you as she drank her coffee. Thats all you needed, is him on your back. When you felt his teeth graze your skin, you pushed him off. You did need some type of break and this would be great for you. Peter is head over heels for you, okay? You lifted your head up and glared at him, your arms crossed across the table. As you were sitting in your room, you heard a tapping noise coming from your window. Tell me everything! Everyone came over to give their own hug and pushed you around like a little sibling. Wanting a more normal lifestyle as a teenager in new york, she convinces her dad, Tony, to l Just some imagines of my favourite , soft, boy, Tom Holland . #peterparker The first time you noticed him become flustered because of you, was when you were talking to him at your locker at the end of the day. You come home after spending the evening with Peter. So if you could-. "I-uh, I have to go," you stutter, eyes on the ground as you brush past Peter. You were tired of work, tired of college, tired of sitting and staring at your laptop trying to write an essay, tired of being tired. #n, my favorite thing to do, when peter and i are making out, is to give him hickies, i just can't help myself, i love giving them and seeing him with all the bites on him, it makes him look hot and lets girls know that he's taken, by me, "y/n" peter says looking in the mirror "how am i going to explain this to aunt may? Requests Open Well, to be fair, that is the only reasonable explanation. You were playing one of the pink ladies in Midtowns version of Grease. Whod you let come over? You come home after spending the evening with Peter. "A Hershey's Kiss, I mean.". Me, I will probably be the personal assistant of your personal assistants., Its okay, Pete. He was a needy teenage boy in his own world. If you see a male specimen hanging around the tower or god forbid about to step into your room, you are to report directly to Tony Stark. A hickey? He smiled in embarrassment as he took the chocolate from your hand. left kudos on this work. I love it. Michelle said she had better things to do, and Peter and Ned had looked at each other before saying they were busy. Quite the opposite really - Peter Parker x reader. Looks like it wasnt that bad for you while you stayed here. With that, Peter turned away from you and went towards his room. avengers imagines spider-man +20 more # 4 Your promise Book 2 ( Peter Peven. Is everything alright in there? May called. You trying to finish an essay that you procrastinated on. And only a few minutes later did you walk into the room Peter and your father were in, waiting for you. Its fine, were fine, Peter said quickly when Aunt May stuck her head in through the doorway. Masterlist "Look I just think it's good if we spend sometime apart, maybe try again in a couple months" y/n spoke. #nerd Anything cool happen? Running out in your oversized shirt and pajama pants, you skid to a stop when you see the whole team lounging around the kitchen and the dinner table. You are just as smart as we are if not smarter. enjoy fellow Andrew Garfield simps. Letting out a small giggle, you keep your arms around him and go up on your toes, Thank god for that.. She kept escaping Foster Care to come back to the rubble of her old home. The sound was basically porn to your eyes, everything in your body melted the second you heard it. And why not? Peter looked at you with confused eyes. Looking around the room, you could see everyone giving you knowing smiles and small nods. She pulls away from you, and you see Peter right behind her. I just wanted to get that out there. You sighed and turned to Steve, not sure what to say. She left the doorway, but not without giving you both a warning look. Its been near torture being so close to him only to have him only see you as a friend. It was Peter Parker who was very happy to see them both. The first time Peter wanted to kiss you, it had also been the first time he realized his feelings for you. Your neck and chest were covered in purple love bites. I know, Ned. What happened on that mission?, How about your neck? All you can hear is your own breathing and the heavy thumping of your heart in your ears. You didn't really know many people your age, considering you've been homeschooled all your life. The sudden sound of fingers tapping against glass disrupted your quiet room and caused you to flinch in fright. (Y/N)! Peter exclaimed. I know it looks like one but it isnt., Y/N, really I dont think we need to talk about this-. I was here the whole time you guys were gone and no one came. His arms are now dropped down to his side and it seems like hes holding his breath as he watches you intently. Come in!". What do you mean? he decided to ask, wanting to know why your dad wanted to shoot him with an arrow. He was either completely oblivious to all of your signs or was just a dumb dork that was too afraid to say anything. You had on a tight sweater in hopes to keep yourself warm. (See the end of the work for more notes. "Miss Y/N, you are expected in the kitchen in thirty minutes," Jarvis informed your tired body. A/N: I dont usually write pure fluff (im assuming thats what you wanted) but this concept was interesting to me! You jutted your lips and made a face. As the baby, safely made its way into the carrier, Peter turned to you with a soft smile on his face. "This showed up a while ago," You showed your father your neck. Knowing what it is like to be young and in love. Ooops, sorry? Peter screwed up his face apologetically, now understanding why your dad wanted to shoot him. Peter, are you okay? Ned asked concerned. "It's not about what we see, it's about w BOOK 1 OF THE TWISTING TIMES SERIES She said Peter did it to her. Thor is quick to explain the situation to them. Platonically? It was at that moment Peter was hit with the realization that he had a crush on his friend. Youve only written a few words when you feel hands on your shoulders. He had even less an idea who could be your soulmate; he was just hoping it wasn't the Maximoff boy. Peter Parker x Reader Reader insertsssss uwu "Why am I killing them?" Authors Note: repost from my old blog. "You're my soulmate?" Managing to hide your hickeys at first. Your window was unlocked, Peter stated casually. I'm Parker. Conclusion, you mumble continuing to stare at your screen and type. ", You shrugged and agreed with him, but hearing his stories of those days were always interesting. So innocent. He had taken upon himself to carry your lunch tray for you since you were preoccupied with bottle feeding the hungry robot. He sat up for a second to pull of his shirt, then continued. Then Hydra comes And if you listened closely, you could hear cheering coming from outside the door. He opened up one of his drawers and grabbed all the various screws and things he had laying on the bed, throwing them into the drawer. A/N: Hey everyone! You, being the rebellious teenager that you are, couldn't give two shits about this rule. Also that hes a huge dork who watches Youtube videos on how to kiss, The few times that you make Peter Parker flustered, College AU where you and Peter live together. And Peter has been great. Peter Parker x Reader Go-Away Green by Lunalella 15.9K 392 10 A very shy reader has the inexplicable ability to make people ignore her completely. You dug through your father's bins filled with paper from when your grandfather was alive to see if you could find anything about their soulmate tattoos. Prompt: You are an Avenger and Clint Bartons daughter. The marks looked painful. for one thing, he didn't exist. Hey, baby, a soft voice says. You clearly remembered your windows being shut when you left for your bathroom break. Im going to go ask for some ice. And a flustered Peter gets up from the table, trying to hide his red face from you. w Y/n Stark Rushing towards his room, you skid to a stop to knock on his door loudly. Last week the two of you had found out that youd be partners for your family and consumer science class. Dont lie, Y/N. It was silent in the room as you processed what he just told you. You scared me.. You tell him otherwise. Heyyy, Ned greets back, dragging out the end. He stepped out of it and went to your closet to grab the spare change of clothes he usually left. He saw the tattoo on your neck, which looked like a blurry spider, but he only realized that now. You grabbed his face between your hands and kissed him, one hand resting on his stomach as you leaned forward and tried to keep balance. Ill print it in the morning, you mutter as you get off the bed to set your laptop on the overcrowded desk in your room. If I was a guy, Id probably have a boner right now, you said blatantly. Peter leaves you to finish up your work, and a few more minutes later youre done. You need the nutrients, I know how you get lightheaded sometimes., You shook your head, No, Ive got some raisins in the baby bag. It was lunch, and you were sat in the cafeteria trying to do some last minute cramming before your test next period. Reader X Peter Parker (First Person POV) Y/n is the daughter of Tony Stark. Peter looked at his best friend and . Its so good to have you back. Peter youre so adorable! you squealed. No, no definitely me. He blurts out then quickly blushes at his words. You frowned, watching the sadness on his face was even worse than the shrieking mechanical sounds coming from the fake infant. He avoided your eyes. Chill out guys, Ned laughs. The countdown he heard got louder as the numbers got smaller. There are enough cops out there to handle it for now, Peter said. Youve never been this straightforward before. You could feel the heat in your cheeks, blushing in shyness all of a sudden. Yay! he cries. Peter? you called again. Peter lifting thor's hammer(cause you know y'all wanted to see that). A collection of one shots written by me, there is no specific Peter Parker in mind for these so whether you like Andrew Garfield's, Toby McGuire or Tom Holland's more it Anna Belfield was immortal, and that was that. It was an accident. It was probably for the best that your father knew about the tattoo; that way, you didn't feel guilty for not telling him. You watched as Peters eyes began to close again, Peter! You shouted. He couldnt help but notice how soft and inviting they looked. Why would I when the one person I want is right in front of me. You whispered as you took a step closer. Everything went according to plan and it was a success for them, everyone was coming home safe and sound. What Tony said earlier gave you hope that maybe he was right and that Peter shared the same feelings for you. It was even better for Peter, as he already had a huge crush on you. Basically just fluff. Peters hands faltered for a second, his cheeks turning redder. "You've met your soulmate, and the world is trying to connect the two of you," Your father quietly told you. He sat up for a second to pull of his shirt, then continued. He trailed open mouth kisses down your jaw and onto your neck. Im glad you both came today, especially since my family couldnt come. You force a smile, and Aunt May pulls you in for a hug. Anyways, I came to see you. He gets upset when were not together., MJs eyes narrowed at the two of you, unsure of what the hell had changed over the last few days. Peters fist clenched, I could turn on the water, we could throw little Romeo in and then all our problems would be over-. Peter took your bottom lip between his teeth and bit it softly. Dont worry about it. Shut up, Ned. It was 11:59 and Peters extra senses allowed him to hear the countdown happening in the next apartment room over. A lot had changed for you and Peter in those few days. "Oh, no," Tony dropped his hand. He left you a few reminders of him since you didnt know when you would being seeing each other again. Hands grabbed at the pillow you rested your head on, violently pulling it out from underneath you and slamming it on your head, trying to drown the voice. And another. He was looking at your neck with a look on his face youve never seen before. What are you talking about? Confused, you opened your mouth to ask but Peters voice boomed through the room. No no no! @justimaginemarvel / Okay, hurry and come back to bed, Peter says. This wasnt the first time you were left out, but you were going to make sure it was the last time. Youd locked yourselves in your bathroom so you wouldnt disturb your sleeping family. This, however, only creeped you out more that your soulmate wasn't someone you knew very well. You cringed just thinking about what would happen if your father found out you snuck Peter in your room. How much left? he asks, slipping into bed beside you again. Whats going on in here? You returned back to the Avengers Tower after spending the night at Peters house. Meanwhile, your father was waiting for his newest recruit to show up and learn more about this superhero thing. Confused, you looked over his shoulder to the rest of the team to see that some were standing in alert and some were grimacing at the two of you. (Y/N), that was so amazing! Peter pulled you into his chest in a hug and kissed the top of your head. A bunch of short stories because I'm a sucker for Peter Parker Natasha smirked to herself, trying her best to hide it from your father. we taking the subway together?, I think were going to have a quiet weekend with the little one, Peter answered and you confirmed with a nod, Were out before nine p.m most nights anyways., Nine? MJ shouted, growing frustrated with this sudden and new dynamic, On a Saturday? Word Count - 2.3k. also that hes a huge dork who watches youtube videos on how to kiss, Warnings: theres making out and it gets kinda heated (dont read it if youre a baby child!!). This means you've already met who could be your soulmate. - Highest rankings: #28 Fanfiction 30th July 2017 Thats what happened to Peter. Peter Parker can be magical, but he can't make New York feel like home no matter how hard he tries. It sure does. You stood up and stretched your arms, your shirt riding up a bit and exposing your midriff. Or not.. Just let me finish fixing this real quick, (Y/N), Peter said still focused on his web shooters. "Don't worry; I was helping them with the second world war. All the profs are dicks, Peter grunts. But the thought that his mind wanted to kiss you made Peter go wild. Peter decides to come along and put you out of your misery, Spending Friday night with Peter Parker and finding out that he has abs. I thought youd be too caught up with physics homework to show up.. Oh no guys youve got the wrong idea. You have an 83 in that class. as well as Youve been Peters friend for ages and youve had a crush on him for about the same amount of time. This really ticked him off. That dude is like ridiculously in like with you.. Its only 6:23. it is sexy to see a man that you are dating, with hickeys that you gave", "you set me up on a date with your uncle and i won't say a word about peter's hickeys", i laugh "it's a deal. Hey, (Y/N), he smiled. But it wasn't home, he and you knew that. And maybe I should have a dog for the sympathy factor-, (Y/N), come on, Peter said cutting you off. "I actually had to help Peter with this topic last month," Steve nodded, and your face turned to confusion. #spiderman No, its right- he motions to the spot and you rub your finger across it and give Peter a questioning look. Another time you made Peter flustered was during your performance in the school musical. You both also had school, which was why you both decided that Friday evenings were the best time for you to just relax and be around one another without any distractions. Peters teal sweatered matched with your teal colored romper. Hey, holy shit, are you okay? the familiar voice of your boyfriend asked. You, on the other hand, shut all your textbooks and binders, and grabbed your pajamas, announcing that you were going to change in the bathroom. He pulled your face to his and gave you a peck on the lips before turning back to the movie. Peter immediately clings to you, pulling you closer by your waist so that your noses are touching. You both stood in silence again as your words set in and you see a slow smile start to pull at Peters lips. You rubbed your tired eyes and cursed under your breath. Loser, Peter chuckles at your lame joke. Stop, you muttered. Reader X Peter Parker (First Person POV) You pulled away seconds later. What the fuck? The last night had been no exception, Peter had been over for a team meeting and convinced Tony to let him stay the night in one of the never-ending guest rooms. You felt a shift in the mattress as Peter shied away from the light, turning to his other side.