i just wanna. Offering to do so is a great way to reach out and check-in with a professional tone. You stumble into your kitchen, make yourself some coffee, take a few sips, and then head to the computer to open your inbox and catch up on emails. Try another search, and we'll give it our best shot. We are not attorneys and are not providing you with legal Hows Tuesday morning?. ", "Hi, I found this [book/podcast] interesting. Example: I recently had a chance to speak with [mutual contact] and they shared some positive observations on X prospect over the past quarter.. Dont apologize for doing your job, apologize when it is merited. Instagram. Its also important to be upfront about what you want from them. Here are some ideas for messages you can include in a formal check-in email. Did this thread get buried? I saw [reference] achieve theirs through [tool/suggestion]. ", "Hi, here is a demo video on our products/services. A check-in is an indirect request for our time or attention, and we find ourselves wishing the sender had gotten straight to the point (not unlike the classic I hope youre doing well email). ", "Hi, are you still looking towards reaching X target? Generally, there are two other variations you can use: Removing just allows you to sound formal and respectful. Heres a tip: Want to make sure your writing shines? This is always a wonderful way to check in, Anwar says. If so, Im happy to schedule a call. Example: We think it would be a great time to discuss our product solution for your business amid recent developments.. ", "Hi, Here is an interesting guide on How to [topic]. 11 Things To Say Instead Of Just Checking In Ive Been Thinking Of You Lately Id Love To Hear How Youre Doing, If You Want To Share Id Like To Hear How Youre Really Going How Are You Managing Things Right Now? How Have You Been Feeling Lately? So How Was This Year For You? How do you say just wanted to Your contact might appreciate a reminder that theres still an open email chain needing attention. If you could send the update by 5 p.m. today thatd be great. This is probably the most common way that just checking in emails are used. A former champion could now influence a purchase decision. Any information you provide to Cake, and all communications between you and Cake, It just briefly lets them know that theyre in your thoughts, which can go a long way in lifting their spirits. By clicking "Accept", you agree to our website's cookie use as described in our Cookie Policy. As a general rule, you want your messages to create a sense of urgency or excitement on part of the recipient. A check-in is an indirect request for our time or attention, and we find ourselves wishing the sender had gotten straight to the point (not unlike the classic . Ive been excited to get your input. Ill be happy to help you if youve managed to come across any issues.Thank you,Simone Woodbridgeif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'grammarhow_com-leader-4','ezslot_17',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grammarhow_com-leader-4-0'); Dear Mr. Dean,How are things coming? Updates are important in business settings, especially if you have a managerial position. Just checking in!, with its requisite cheery exclamation point, wont always cut the mustard. Are you free for a call this week to move things forward?. Whats more, your reader will naturally interpret the expression as a request for their time and attention. Writing, grammar, and communication tips for your inbox. Are you tired of sending out a generic email thanking the prospect for their understanding? RingCentrals integrations with other tools also open up new powerful ways of working more efficiently as a team. This means you have to make the message hyper-relevant to the specific person youre contacting, drawing on their specific needs, interests, and previous interactions with your company. Romero, Dear Melissa,Im just checking in to see if I can help. After a meeting or discovery session Suppose its been over a week since you had a call or face-to-face meeting with 2. If someone in your life is going through a hard time, you might want to quickly check-in to see how theyre doing. A message like this one doesnt put any stress on the recipient to. How are things coming is a good way to ask how something is getting completed. I just wanted to say "Hi" and see if there was anything we could do better? Follow-up emails provide a great opportunity to get a little more personal with your prospects. Cheers, [Salesperson]." checking to see. This will further solidify that you're interested in them and their business. Whats going on with is a simple way to ask someone to follow up on a project. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Other times theyre waiting for the go-ahead from another project partner. How to say just checking in professionally Option #1: Stick to work-related questions Option #2: Use open-ended statements Option #3: Offer support Option #4: Schedule a meeting How to write a checking-in email for a business contact The wrong way to write a checking-in email The right way to check in with someone over email Its obvious to the reader that youre checking in just by virtue of the fact youve reached out to them at all: I was wondering if youd had a chance to review the report I sent last week? Grammarly helps you communicate confidently Whether it's in your sales email subject line or the email body, "Just checking in" as a follow-up email strategy is overused. ", "Happy Thursday! Whether youre networking or pursuing a sale, when you want to stay on your contacts radar, begin with one of these approaches. 11 Things To Say Instead Of Just Checking In Ive Been Thinking Of You Lately Id Love To Hear How Youre Doing, If You Want To Share Id Like To Hear How Youre Really Going How Are You Managing Things Right Now? How Have You Been Feeling Lately? So How Was This Year For You? How do you say just wanted to Instead, take a moment to think about what exactly you want from your contact and what they might want from you. Referencing a specific challenge that you've talked about with someone lets the person know you have been thinking of them and are genuinely interested in hearing an update, Anwar says. You have leads to nurture, deals to close, and projects to push through. Example: Read our client success story with X and see how their profit grew Y% in a matter of weeks with our service.. I just wanted to share my condolences and check in on you. In these situations, its often the case that the prospect is struggling to reach a decision with the information theyve got. Use the tips and examples covered in this post to help sharpen up your business communication. In a professional context, you can send a client or co-worker a link to an article that reminds you of them. If you make a future wellbeing check-in date, keep it faithfully and maybe offer to bring snacks. To do so, you should definitely try these phrases. Use the request for a status update as a call-to-action, and make it time-sensitive so youre more likely to get a response. Apart from being chronically overused, one of the main problems with just checking in is that its basically a redundant expression. I notice you have been quite busy with the issues lately, and Im here to offer my services.Best wishes,John & Johnson Co. If someone is stuck on a project, it might be useful to offer them support. We prefer a more straightforward approach. Finally, take a look at the following email samples to find out more about it: Hey Craig,Can we schedule a follow-up on the project at some point this week? Although this is a perfectly good reason to check in via email, there are ways to avoid the just checking in language we all dread. Then ask straightforwardly how the project is coming along. Instead, you can get more creative and establish a personal connection that will make your prospects feel valued. Free and premium plans, Content management software. Provide details about a common difficulty faced by your buyers. You can send an enthusiastic message requesting further conversation if youre willing to spend some extra time checking in on a friend. Sometimes you need to find out where a task stands or how a project is progressing, be it from a member of your team, a project partner, or client contact. They show how our past clients in [their industry/niche] have worked with us to achieve [relevant goals]. It's related to [topic] that you might be keen on. In a polite or formal email, its often a good idea to let the person know the purpose of the message right away. Prospects will often ask for more time before they can make a decision or continue discussions with you. And offer to follow up over a phone or video call if they're interested. Finally, make your request for an update time-sensitive. What to say instead: Its better to use inclusive or motivating language that champions an individual employee or team, Liou suggests. 1 Ask Drop the checking in wind-up and ask for an update politely and directly. 1. Example: Hi [prospect name]. If you suspect your contact has just forgotten about a project, offer some context in your message to jog their memory. I need an answer, already! Im keen to hear about your progress.Thank you for your time,Sarah, To Mr. Dinners,Can we schedule a follow-up whenever youre next free? Warren. i just called. Usually, however, these scenarios have two things in common: Any or all of the following situations all but necessitate a "just checking in" call or email: Its important to note that there will be times where you shouldnt just check in and thats when they arent actual qualified prospects, or when they have clearly asked to stop communicating. When an email just wont cut it Keeping in touch with your contacts doesnt have to be an email-only affair, of 3. Example: You are cordially invited to join our companys latest educational event next month, please RSVP if youre interested.. Be sure to include the contents of the previous email as well. Ask whether newly created positions relevant to your product reflect new company initiatives strategic shifts indicate changing needs. Sometimes you need to know where a project or task stands. Furthermore, we can use this phrase when we want to find out more about the current situation. Are you available Thursday at 10:30 a.m.?. 1 Ask Drop the checking in wind-up and ask for an update politely and directly. A quiz plugin like [your app] could be the answer to the conversion problem you mentioned. Hows Friday at 3?). Furthermore, this subject line doesn't mention the value you can create directly. of an actual attorney. Dont leave them guessing and dont shift the responsibility onto them to propose the next steps. I wanted to make sure things were still in progress. I just wanted to follow up allows you to send a follow-up email politely. 1. Let me know if you need any help. After a meeting or discovery session Suppose its been over a week since you had a call or face-to-face meeting with 2. After a meeting or discovery session Suppose its been over a week since you had a call or face-to-face meeting with 2. Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right Followup, or Follow Up, or Follow-up? Provide them with a short piece of actionable advice. Should I make that happen? When we are vulnerable with others, they are more likely to reciprocate that vulnerability, Jackman says. Example: We know your company is making waves in the X industry, so wed like to share our recent article with you to use as a resource for your mission.. Im so sorry for your loss. Would next Thursday suit you?. Doesnt mean its great though. Let them know when youre available to talk, or just let them know they can reach out at any time. In a polite or formal email, its often a good idea to let the person know the purpose of the message right away. And if you can't think of a single legitimate reason to follow up that would be beneficial to your prospect, don't. ", "Hi, I haven't heard a response from you since [date]. Bring up a common challenge your buyers face. Be very smart at drafting your emails when you want to cash on the guilt-trip scenario and spin a positive approach on it. I wondered if [software] is still on your radar. Your writing, at its best If they told you to reach back out in X days/weeks/months, If they didn't show up to a scheduled call, If they told you they needed a few days to make an internal evaluation, then went dark, If they committed to signing a contract and didn't, If they started a product trial but you haven't heard back on their progress. Heres a quick comparison of using an email-focused approach vs more flexible methods of communication: For example, some clients may welcome the occasional phone call as a much-needed break from the monotony of responding to emails all day. This is a gentler way of initiating a check-in, Anwar says, because it contains some nuance. Would you like a demo? your text, so your work is extra polished wherever you write. Congratulate a potential decision-maker on a promotion. Whats the problem with just checking in emails? Walkins. Finally, you might benefit from looking into the following follow-up email samples: Hi Mike,Whats going on with the mission at the moment? The rule of thumb for "just checking in" emails is essentially this: If you have a good reason to reach out or new value to provide, reach out. 11 Things To Say Instead Of Just Checking In Ive Been Thinking Of You Lately Id Love To Hear How Youre Doing, If You Want To Share Id Like To Hear How Youre Really Going How Are You Managing Things Right Now? How Have You Been Feeling Lately? So How Was This Year For You? How do you say just wanted to ", "Hi, I haven't heard from you all week. It sounds redundant. Send them a message about a weakness in their business that should be fixed, and offer assistance. A quiz plugin like [your app] could be the answer to the conversion problem you mentioned. OConnor, Dear Jerry,I just wanted to follow up in case you missed my last email. Lastly, this phrase can work really well in follow-up emails like so: To Jackson,How is the project coming along? List Of 30- Alternative Follow-up Strategies To "Just Checking In" Personal Check-ins. Its been busy. Theyre the bane of our inbox existence. If you feel like your friend or family member might be in some emotional distress, and the two of you are fairly close, you can let them know youre concerned with this type of message. How does next Wednesday work for you?. How to say just checking in professionally Option #1: Stick to work-related questions Option #2: Use open-ended statements Option #3: Offer support Option #4: Schedule a meeting How to write a checking-in email for a business contact The wrong way to write a checking-in email The right way to check in with someone over email Checking in is a term that has been taken over by social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. forms. Is there anything I can help you with?Yours,Richelle, You may also like:Followup, or Follow Up, or Follow-up? 100+ cold outreach email templates for every industry. i just wanted to make sure. In a polite or formal email, its often a good idea to let the person know the purpose of the message right away. Asking for a status update is a good way to make sure things stay on track. They (rightly) suspect that whoever wrote it wants something from them, but is hesitant about getting to the point. ", "Hi, I came across [competitors name] performance increase, using [tool/services]. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Just a quick reminder that youre loved. Furthermore, its good to set up meetings instead of receiving emails in most cases. If you've already started a sales process, there are many scenarios that could warrant a "just checking in" email. Checking in is a term that has been taken over by social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Save time, find new ways to reach out to prospects, and send emails that actually convert. Here are 10 better ways to say this, 10 Thank You For Your Understanding Alternatives. Whatever the reason for their stalling, you can help by reaching out with some extra information that theyll find useful or reassuring. i just wanna. Thought you would like to know. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Sometimes the how are you doing? question just leaves us with fine, like its the end of the story, Heidi McBain LMFT, a family therapist, tells Bustle. Just checking in!, with its requisite cheery exclamation point, wont always cut the mustard. Point out business weaknesses. go check. How are they managing that really stressful issue with their car/their landlady/their landladys cat that hates them? I expected it on my desk last night but have yet to receive anything from you.Thank you,Missy Winter, Dear All,Where are we with the team cohesion exercises? I need to find out where the morale problems lie.Kind regards,Mr. Follow-up emails provide a great opportunity to get a little more personal with your prospects. 2. I am sure it will make your work easy. Send them a blog post from your company. Learn more in our affiliate disclosure. It also shows that you actually care about how they are, and youre interested in their well-being. Move your previous message to the top of their inbox by asking if they might have missed your last email. 3.What can I say instead of just checking in? 14. Even if theyve been off work because of an illness or loss, they might be happy to jump back into work for a quick conversation. If you cant think of something even remotely useful to say, why should you expect the reader to care? In general, we can start an email with this when we want to know whether someone has anything more to report. Do you have anything to tell me?All the best,Mr. You must be busy and no longer interested in our products/services. As a writer for a popular blog (this one) and a freelance PR professional, I get follow-up emails regularly. It also gives them the option of an out; maybe theyre not feeling it right now, but it still contains the strong message that youre there for them, whenever theyre ready. I have some recommendations on how to get you there.. Let me know if theres anything you need from me.. Im happy to be of service.Kind regards,Mr. ", "Hi, looks like we missed catching-up yesterday. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, 'dad1fbc0-d801-4918-90c6-a163306bde24', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Get expert sales tips straight to your inbox, and become a better seller. I wanted to remind you about the trial period that ends by the weekend. Use these 4 alternatives to just checking in emails: Theres no perfect alternative to this email but there are a few follow-up sales emails you can rely on to get back on your prospects radar. This could be a case study, a testimonial video, a breakdown of pricing options, a list of product integrationsanything that can help crush the doubts or objections they may still have. This is another way to rekindle a conversation you began before. It sounds robotic. At that time you werent ready to make any decisions [because of X reason, if provided], and you asked for me to come back to you after [Y weeks/months]. Let's set-up a time and discuss. Reference a relevant blog post. Instead of saying I just wanted to follow up, you can say can we schedule a follow-up on.. 1 Ask Drop the checking in wind-up and ask for an update politely and directly. But thats precisely the problem. The fees for the advice of an attorney should not be compared to the fees of do-it-yourself online Send a how-to guide. You might find this useful. Use the request for a status update as a call-to-action, and make it time-sensitive so youre more likely to get a response. Reference a relevant blog post. I could set you up with a free trial account. i am calling. If you wonder about the best way to follow up on sales, influence the decision-maker and get that much-awaited response, read this blog post and get more ideas about follow-up email etiquette. Heres what the research says about some of the most popular ones. I am leaving my contact information if you want to touch base with us in future. Loss is hard. Few examples are: Also Read: COB vs EOD? You can also keep things fresh by mixing up the mediumemail is not always the best option. All we ever want is for you to succeed and be profitable. Imagine you are a business owner. If you decide to register (or you already have), let me know so we can get together for coffee or lunch. In a polite or formal email, its often a good idea to let the person know the purpose of the message right away. Moreover, its especially effective if weve been out of the loop for a while. Firestorm, Im just checking to see if is a calm and polite alternative to I just wanted to follow up.. 11 Things To Say Instead Of Just Checking In Ive Been Thinking Of You Lately Id Love To Hear How Youre Doing, If You Want To Share Id Like To Hear How Youre Really Going How Are You Managing Things Right Now? How Have You Been Feeling Lately? So How Was This Year For You? Can I say just checking in? If we havent been updated for a while, its a good idea to send an email containing this phrase to let somebody know that you expected a reply from them a while ago on your previous email. Dont apologize for doing your job, apologize when it is merited. That could speed up the process and give you valuable insights into the progress itself. Send them a blog post from your company. i just wanted to check. 2. I had lunch with Kristina Smalley yesterday and your name came up. Now you can focus on leaving a legacy instead of a mess. Answer a question on an online forum. If so, heres the information I shared with you in the first message.. You might pick them up straight from our blog post or get inspired to draft a much interesting follow-up pitch. Lastly, here are some helpful follow-up email examples you can rely on to teach you how to use it: Dear All,Has there been any progress on the report yet, or are you all still waiting for more information?Kind regards,Kimberly, Dear Terry,Has there been any progress on the project that youd care to share with me?Thank you for your time,Mrs. Let them know your team has added a product feature they wanted. I read your blog post about email funnel strategies yesterday. I like your viewpoint and share the same with the rest of my clients. I notice you have not kept me updated over the last week.I hope all is well,Mr. ", "Hi, you might be wondering why us [company name] over others. Id love to catch up on what youve been doing! Respond on social media. Example: Hey, [client name]. Borrowmore. Ive just read this great blog post about [relevant topic] that I think youll find useful [link to post]. Drop the checking in wind-up and ask for an update politely and directly. Share a relevant industry article. This isgreat news for small businesses; you might not be able to compete with huge companies when it comes to price, Small business, SMB communication, SMB employee experience, SMB productivity, Bring everyone and everything together on RingCentral. for your reference. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Hybrid work might be in your future. Just because they began working with a competitors product doesnt necessarily mean theyre in love with it either. Dont pressure them to respond, but just give them the information that youd like to know how theyre doing. Or, another variation is the Baseball Opening, which is Im calling to just touch base. They might respond or not, but youve let them know theyre in your thoughts. Surely that shouldnt be that hard of a thing to do. Respond on social media. Write with Grammarly. Sharing your own story can be a very good way to focus on feelings, and the person youre talking to can follow your lead. Moreover, we can replace it with whatever the thing is that we want updates on. 9. ", "We're excited to share the new and improved website. Having more resources usually means growth, and growth means addressing priorities that weren't previously top-of-mind. Example: We have a new addition to our executive team, here is an overview of the changes to come upon their arrival.. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Remember: You have to actually write the post, of course.