QUIZ TIME: Are you truly living in your feminine energy? This is the key character trait of any high value woman, but what exactly is femininity? Or perhaps she's one who is financially independent, self-made, and financially well-off. At the heart of it all, understand that being a high-value woman isnt about how you look, how much money you have, how intelligent you are, or how others see you. 1: He keeps his word. In other words, it's your ability to deeply connect with your own emotions so that a man can feel you, connect with you and feel inspired to take care of you. Without connection, there really is no depth of value in a relationship. She gives people the respect they deserve and demands that she be respected as well. 2023 Oldtown Publishing LLC 479 State Route 17 N High value women need to set boundaries. There are very few things I would suggest that you never do. A high value woman is defined on many different TikTok accounts, so the definition seems to vary. She isnt afraid to show that she genuinely cares about people, whether its towards her family members, friends, or people she encounters throughout the day. He doesn't cry over spilt milk; 9. She traverses her journey with pride and faith in her abilities. March 4, 2023, 3:11 pm, by Heres a quick contrast between high value (highly desirable Vs undesirable) traits in women: Lets talk about number 1, health and radiance value. According to an article from WebMD, having a sense of humor leads to better psychological health. If you want to show up high value, give value first. Of course, as a high value feminine woman, you want to avoid the, For example: lets say you give value by being gently playful with a man while dating. Some signs surpass all social conditioning and modern politically correct thinking. Put simply: her behaviour drains others of their valuable time, energy and attention. 1. For her, every day is a chance to grow and learn. A high-value woman embraces her best self, inside and out. Rather than chasing a man, you can find ways to send subtle signals to him that its ok to approach you. He doesn't 'wait around' for important things to happen. Read my post of when he says he is "Not ready" for a relationship. A high value voman is a woman who has intrinsic value in relationship with others. If you're not happy with the woman that you are, or the direction your life is heading its not too late to change for the better and become whoever you want to be. While shes capable of taking care of herself, shes accepting of a man wholl take care of her too. Pearl Nash 7. You are able to offer him a listening ear and make him feel understood. The more you work on your other skills towards becoming a high value woman, the more comfortable you will feel socializing with others. (in fact, this is, By the way, if you want to weed out the low quality, narcissistic and low value men while in person dating or in online dating, I really recommend you check out, You meet a man where he is at. Click here to watch his free introductory video, femininity reflects what she has inside her, 15 signs you have a strong character that some people mistake for arrogance, 10 warning signs youre a chronic over-apologizer, 12 signs you have an innate ability to inspire others, 13 things only classy women can relate to, 15 things you dont realize youre doing because youre naturally classy, She indulges in daily pleasures that makes her feel good, Shes passionate about everything she does, She loves herself and enjoys her independence, She chooses a partner who accepts and respects her authentic self, Know that youre in control of your thoughts, Keep grounded by not letting someones opinion sway you, Listen to your emotions without suppressing them, Practice regular meditation, yoga, or get a massage, Drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated, Pamper yourself with a massage or a salon visit, Engage in exercise or just move your body, She knows how to cope with unexpected changes, Shes honest about herself and her feelings, She takes responsibility for her actions and behaviors, Think through and analyze every choice and decision you make, Keep your promises and remain true to your words, Its about giving high regard to yourself while honoring those around you, Its about allowing people who value and respect you into your life, Its about owning your value and knowing your worth. My advice to men reading this to not worry about establishing yourself as "High Value", as defined by women who need you to check a box off their list of . Thats how my husband and I came up with the term. So we need to look at what men perceive as high value. A high-value woman doesnt need a man to complete her. It does not make you show up higher value if you claim to have a bunch of standards for how men should be for you (from a place of hurt, pain, resentment or insecurity. Instead of giving up quickly, she deals with the problem and seeks out solutions to solve it. And she never takes it too hard or too personally. A high-value woman makes an impression wherever she goes and whomever she meets. Deeper social value is the social value that really lasts long term. But its about showing ones authentic self, being brave with her emotions, and being transparent. You should believe that you deserve better, and then you will strive for it. check out our article that discusses 250 self-help books that can assist you on your journey of discovery and self-growth. Shes a bold, courageous, and honest woman who is never egotistical to admit a mistake. Its the very reason why you cant stop her from taking chances. Do valuable things. Vulnerability doesnt mean that you try to virtue signal about how invulnerable other women are. (yes, in online dating, too!) Before you can successfully transform into a high value woman, you must truly believe that youre not only worthy of the title but that you can achieve it! As she respects peoples boundaries, she expects others to do the same for her. She embraces and respects her sexuality in a modest and great way. She does the right thing regardless of what the circumstances are and even when no one is watching. She realizes that tone can't be heard in a text and things can go south fast.. She isn't so anxious to solve a perceived issue that she has to text out paragraphs of how she feels or what she thinks. She is cognizant of the problems of people and lends help in the simplest of ways possible - listening patiently, withholding judgment, or words of affirmation. What Does It Really Mean To Be A High Value Woman? Its that internal pride that youre looking for. Because of her inherent warmth, she exudes genuine, enduring beauty. Speak ill of others. There are 2 main reasons why a man will ignore a woman. A high-quality man will never lie or post fake pictures on an online dating profile. Kevin Samuels is a YouTube sensation and self-appointed "professional image consultant." Like so many YouTube experts before him, he exploits the pain and vulnerability of Black women's quest for love while the world watches in amusement. In time, shell be with a partner who will value her the same way she values herself. I feel like the original meaning of high value, at least in the way we meant it, can easily be lost in a day and age where the term is being increasingly used. Also, if you expect things from the world, if youre entitled, then youre not vulnerable to life. She knows what she wants and works hard towards it. Instead your time is precious, it is worth something and so are you. Heres an article and some videos we made on the. If you're putting forth little effort, so will she. Here are more traits that show her maturity: A high-value woman possesses humility and is grateful for everything in her life. Theres nothing wrong with triggering sexual attraction in men, however it doesnt get you what your heart really wants with men. Because blindly chasing means youre off in your own little la-la land, completely oblivious to the feedback hes giving you. Instead, focus on the things that make you happier like spending time with your loved ones or taking care of yourself. b : to rate or scale in usefulness, importance, or general worth : evaluate. People, especially men, get drawn to her welcoming and easy-going personality. When you know your values, you are in a better position to develop meaningful goals and move forward in life. Right now you probably embody several of these traits. QUIZ TIME: Are you truly living in your feminine energy? You see, a high-value woman has usually learned how to cultivate self-worth. Last Updated March 3, 2023, 5:41 am. And that will frustrate you. Besides, judging a book by its cover is never a good idea if you want to make the most out of life and take every opportunity to learn from others. Sensitivity toward others is one of the best qualities of a high-value woman. Conversely, for men, they tend to look to take female attention and sex. So thats not what Im talking about here. A high-value woman can hang with the best of them. Its all a matter of embracing your person. High-value women don't over-invest: they use your level of investment as a barometer for how they respond. She isnt afraid to walk away from toxic people, situations, and relationships. The reason that women who show up high value will stand out easily from the crowd is that humans are sensitive to where value is as well as who has the real value. Her strong sense of value and femininity reflects what she has inside her. Plenty of ladies tend to assume that if a man is desiring them, that this means this is the answer to what makes a high value woman. Living a lifestyle filled with positivity helps the high value woman to thrive and this positivity is often contagious. And certainly, confidence might be one of those things that can be seen as high value, but that barely scrapes the surface of being high value. The high-quality woman is well-mannered, knows to talk and converse, has high social skills and is well-read and knowledgeable. He won't sit idly and waste his time, energy, or resources. Here is a quick comparison between the dictionary meaning of the word 'value' and 'quality'. However, with so many more people teaching about the term, I wanted you guys to have my perspective, to hopefully make the meaning of high value more complete in your mind. High Value Stemmed From The Idea Of Mate Value. Whether shes in a relationship or single, she can find her happiness. She can deal with the challenges and roadblocks when life doesnt go as planned and when faced with unexpected moments. That means showing her that you are interested, taking her on dates, and giving her the space to make up her own mind. Theres a distinction I want to make first You can have more superficial social value, and you can have deeper social value. By doing this, we earn our rightful place in each others lives. You know that guy. When you internally know what youve made yourself do, you naturally feel a sense of pride and confidence and self respect. It should all be somewhat intuitive to you. When you ask either gender what they want most in a partner, almost everyone says "confidence". You will eventually see positive changes. So Im sharing this guide so we can all self-evaluate as we embark on our journey to becoming the embodied woman that we are. How do you not just act like you matter, but actually matter in a social scene? And heres a question for you: do you think those things are the answer to how to be valued by a man? A high value woman is aware of her power and wonder as a woman. Heres how: Being a high-quality woman means allowing men to pursue you. And she knows how important it is to extend that kindness to herself. ;%9 Gp2 D[ . Soon enough, you will notice that youre starting to attracthigher-caliber men. A positive but serious approach to life. These are the women who trap men emotionally saying they would harm themselves if their partner left them. Generous women can still be aware of whether others are able and willing to reciprocate and give value back. People love being around optimistic peoplebecause they feel good and significantly more positive themselves as a result. She makes sure she always looks and feels her absolute best! A high-value woman carries herself with utmost class and dignity and holds herself with grace. Being a high-value woman means having strong convictions and being able to stand for whats morally upright. On the contrary, he is always ready to defend them from people who might want to cause harm. All rights reserved. It should moreso be about what it is in life (perhaps also what it is beyond yourself) that you believe in and have faith in. Even if no one agrees with her or likes what shell say, shell never hold back especially when she knows her points. She is not a snob, but she knows what she wants out of life and how to get it. You start to not be a pushover type person that is always available. If you liked this article and are psyched about the possibility of becoming a high value woman, tell yourself that its possible. 3. You can refuse to be impressed. He is thoughtful and intentional, especially when it comes to relationships. 4. So, if you want to be a high-value woman who knows her self-worth and has self-love. 15) She doesn't play games. Now, all you ladies who are above 50 or 60 years old, bear with me here, because I know that at that stage of life, you might feel like you are passed all the young and healthy or reproductive value stuff and are into a different stage of life. We hear a term like "High Value Man", and instantly want to associate ourselves with the mantle, without stopping to ask: Why would a man want to be "High Value . The problem with using alpha and beta to rank men. She can crack light jokes and isnt afraid to laugh her heart out. Thats why I want to give you some clarity around this idea of being high value. Connect deeper with her work through the social media links below. A low value person is someone who is always taking more value than they give. . We can always improve ourselves and become anyone we want but it can take time, patience and hard work. Realize that youre a complete person being on your own. No wonder some get nervous about her strong, intimidating personality. You just have to make sure it doesnt cause you to drop your standards or neglect yourself altogether. (Do you know the 7 common signs that a woman is low value in the eyes of men? Shes a woman to look up to when youre going through a difficult time as she performs well even under stress. A high value woman is very adept at socializing with others. But just because I think they should, doesnt mean Im somehow high value for thinking that. And she isnt afraid to voice out her wants and needs because she knows they are as important as everybody elses. The 11 Traits Of A High-Value Woman. Showing your fun side will make him want to be around you.. Make him feel needed. Were not going to delve into the nitty gritty here, but I want you to start thinking about what really reflects a sense of health, energy and radiance in a woman? You don't want your man running or slipping away from you during his pulling away season. It is your ability to get out of yourself and understand and relate to and connect with him (but also yourself and other humans of course). Now, if you date online, remember one thing. Hack Spirit. I dont think those words are the right words to use here. High Value Women Don't Text Deep Stuff. According to Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and author of Joy From Fear and Date Smart, Boundaries are the separations that humans needmentally, emotionally, and physicallyto feel safe, valued, and respected.. To be spiritual also means to be able to fluidly connect with and act from your heart whether you are being so called slutty with a man, angry with a man, or being loving and nurturing with a man. This insensitivity passes on to your love life. It has more to do with how she carries herself as a woman. Self-respect. Which is a lot different than just working on having self confidence. For she knows she can provide for herself, she doesnt demand or rely on others all the time. m@'1) O7 +v'wG o!D 2. A high-value woman knows that malice would be disadvantageous in the long run, so she avoids it like the plague. Weve been teaching these 3 areas for the last 11 years now in a few of our programs. 2. Seventh Trait Of A High-Value Woman - She Loves Herself. Being feminine means a woman is sensitive, without being overly emotional. She is generous thus she invests in relationships. And its powerful in its gentlest, most beautiful way. I mean, I have a whole program on the 17 Attraction Triggers. She smiles at strangers and people she interacts with. If you like reading self-help books, they can certainly help you on your quest to becoming a high value woman, so be sure to check out our article that discusses 250 self-help books that can assist you on your journey of discovery and self-growth. A high-value woman isnt afraid to speak her mind and this makes her a lot more attractive. Being an entitled value sucker just leaves you fighting for resources like the next woman (or man) who have the exact same approach to life. Avoid playing games or using cheap gimmicks to get her attention. There are definitely general, but important things that make you a high value woman in the eyes of the male population at large. Voice your standards in a playful way. He won't accept anything less than what he deserves. You can totally feel confident inside and yet be perceived from a mate value perspective as low value. Your posture, your gait or the way you walk, all give little subtle signs of the health of your body and any potential disease. She lives with compassion and kindness and understands the power that these virtues hold. Stand tall and proud to be you. //, by A high-value woman has an admirable presence that makes her world and those around her a lot brighter. Visible and verifiable. A high value person within a purists definition is a person true to their own values, a person who understands values driven by the importance of their own influence, a person who understands the importance of their own values to others and the world at large, like the saying a man sees in the world what he carries in his heart. A high value woman's time is the most precious thing she has and she does not give it away for free. She understands her desires and knows that shes worthy of having them. Here is How To Tell If He Actually Likes You. It is signs that you have people around you who like you or want to hang out with you. She Knows Her Worth. She has no problem with lying to get what she wants. It means that she has these traits: You show him your high valued by building your value in the three core areas: There are no short cuts to showing a guy that youre high value, because any short-cuts like plastic surgery, multi dating (to try to look popular and sought after) or even heavy use of make up only work in the short-term. "She is a queen. Of course, a lot of us do this naturally anyway, but sometimes we need more understanding of what it means to be high value, so that you can clearly stand out from the crowd. You're not only being a high value woman, you're being a high-quality human being and that does a great deal to build up your sense of self-esteem. By being generous, you actually become more capable to finding out whether the other person is willing to give to you, too. Rather than chasing a man, consider that its ok to initiate in smart ways that are innocent and add value. A high-value man will rarely chase women. Spiritual value is all about you having a desire to want to meet a man at his level.