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That as early as the 1stday of May in the year 1779 he again commenced his Services in Burnsides Fort and continued in service until the 1stof November following that he thinks it was in this year a party of Indians came into the settlement and Murdered William Bradshaws Wife the circumstances are these Bradshaw had remained at home with his Family and two of the Spys returning to Cooks Fort [on Indian Creek just below Greenville] called at his Cabbin to rest and informed him. I then volunteered in the company of Captain Andrew Kinkade [Andrew Kincaid] Lieutenant James Calwell [James Caldwell] at Whitleys Station [on Walnut Flat Creek in Lincoln County] in Kentucky in the month of November 1780, in the Regiment or Battallion commanded, by Colonel Benjamin Logan, marched from thence to the Ohio river, crossed the same at the mouth of Licking, from thence we marched to the Old Chilicothe Indian Towns, thence to the head of the Miami. Note: The annotations to this document, and any other Without a guide to help his men go farther north, Brodhead returned to Fort Pitt and his men sacked and burned empty American Indian towns along the way. These documents include muster rolls, payrolls, strength returns, and other miscellaneous. Each of these expeditions ended up diverting men to stay and guard the mines, as they were constantly under threat by the local tory groups in the nearby mountains. Likewise, the Indians were somewhat divided in their loyalties, with the Delawares and Cherokee loosely hanging onto the Americans, and the Shawnee, and others, openly and actively engaging in warfare against the American settlers. During this battle at least 100 out of the nearly 350 American troops died due to heat strokes caused by the continuous heat of over 100 degree weather. Also competing for power in the region was Col. William Crawford, who commanded various militia units around Fort Pitt at this time. preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, relating to the history of On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department, and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. Reached home the last of August in Company with twenty-eight others who had been in the same service. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. State Troops recruited men from Botetourt, Augusta, Hampshire, and Frederick counties and West Augusta District. Went on to Fort McIntosh lay there a while and then moved on with the army to Fort Laurence (Fort Laurens). 1st Virginia Cavalry (5), 20th Virginia Cavalry (3) Old Tyke: Before Time: Confederate Cavalry (micro-Scale) . Graham, Dixon warned Cpt. James O'Hara's Company of Regulars, was a messenger for General Irvine; he later served as a Captain in the Allegheny County Militia and was a noted scout and Indian fighter with Samuel Brady[1]. Charlottesville, Va., 197679. [W]hen forted it was the custom (and we always pursued it) to live pretty much in common[?] That they marched on to Fort Chisel (Chiswell) where they met with Major Quirk or Kirk a Continental Officer who assumed the command over Major (Andrew) Hamilton, and thence they marched on to Kentucky to Colonel Logans Station where they remained until the three months draft expired when they were informed that the object of the draft was to go to Detroit (with George Rogers Clark) and a number of the men becoming dissatisfied deserted the next day but he remained and went on to Baughmans Station and remained until most of the men left the Station when he was permitted to return home having served five months in said tour; that he never received any pay for said Services when acting as a Spy and but $6 for his services while drafted. Ans. Brodhead and his colonial troops traveled up the Allegheny River on their expedition against the Seneca Indians. Mar 11, 2023 5th Maryland Regiment at Washington . American Farmers Forming at Concord. He was also, of all the known pension applications, the individual who was garrisoned in Byrnsides Fort the longest period of time, apparently serving there in 1774, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780 and 1781. That he enlisted for Eighteen months that he served out his time and was discharged at Buckades (Bouquets, I believe) Old fort on the Muskingham River . 3 companies under Major Hamilton, includeing mine went to Chissels Mountain [sic] and from there towards Kentucky a part of the men indeed almost all of them went on to Kentucky. The said Gilmore crossed the River Kanhannay (Kanawha) for the purpose of hunting and was fiered upon and kild by the Indians. The regiment saw action in the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, and the Battle of Monmouth. with another letter from Russell on the same subject, but it postponed consideration of the Board of Wars report on the matter (JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds. The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. 2 vols. Interrogatory 1. The application contains an amendment, this time with more detail: [W]hile he was stationed at Fort McIntosh, he was sent out with fifteen or twenty others on a scouting party; while out on this party they were attacked by about forty Indians and succeeded in killing a great many of them. John Hardin and advance guard discovered thirty or forty of the enemy descending the river in canoes. That he does not reccollect that any thing of importance took place in the immediate neighborhood of the Fort but that the Indians were constantly prowling about through the Country and committing murders and depradations on the persons and property of the frontier setters insomuch that the people were kept in constant alarm, That in the year 1778 he again entered the Service of his Country in Burnsides Fort on the 1stday of May and continued in Service until the 1stday of November following that he was commanded this year as before by the aforesaid Captain Wright. William McIlvain's Co. I shall be 77 yrs. Left Valley Forge with 400 men assigned and 218 fit for duty. Here's a list of over 20 Black-owned restaurants and bars that you can visit to celebrate Black History Month in Pensacola. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War . In a strategic attempt to divert the enemys attention from these campaigns, Washington requested that Brodhead resume his expedition along the Allegheny. Koquetakeghton was killed while serving as a guide for an American expedition against the British post at Fort Sandusky in November of the same year. of Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia where I then lived for the defense of the Northwestern frontiers which were annoyed by the attacks of hostile Indians that we marched with a force of 100 men under the command of Captain Ben Harriss for Point Pleasant on the Ohio River near the mouth of the Kenhoura [Kanawha] river we arrived there with many of our men sic of the flux. Regt, which I Accordingly have done, Excepting those of the 13th Virga Regt and some who were sick. Early life . Archives. He also served during the American Revolutionary War as an officer in the Virginia state militia, raising a regiment from Gloucester County and supplementing . 1 13th Virginia Regiment (1777) 1.1 Officers 1.1.1 Senior Officers 1.1.2 Captains 1.1.3 Regimental Staff 1.2 List of Soldiers without linked profiles 2 Sources 13th Virginia Regiment (1777) Officers Senior Officers 1776-1778 Colonel William Russell Colonel George Gibson Lt. (Russell's regiment was raised entirely in the West Augusta District and its successor counties, and was consequently known as the West Augusta Battalion.) [2] The original Companies B and E enlisted only for 6 months, the others for one year. Author: John Guy Vassar (1811-1888) Release Date: March 1, 2023 [eBook #70180] Language: English. While he was there, the Shawnee attacked the Graham family. Thomas Jefferson, as Governor of Virginia, had written a letter to the officers of the Greenbrier County Militia, ordering the to raise 137 men of the county militia, once again for the purpose of joining George Rogers Clark, but this time it would be on a prolonged expedition in the west (i.e., taking Detroit). virginia civil war reenactments 2022. Wright and being stationed at Byrnsides Fort, under Capt. He described their return journey in a letter: Three days were occupied in destroying standing corn and burning houses. Sullivan settled out west after the war. List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. Records Commission. Some outfit their troops at personal Lithuanian. I remained in service under the aforesaid officer at Fort Laurence Fort McIntosh Fort Pitt & fort Wheeling removing from the one place to the other until the close of the Revolutionary war. Upon the evening of the same day, 13th of October, 1862, with my husband and a lady friend, we accompanied the detachment of his own regiment which carried his body to the grave. And after he returned home he went to the County of Botetourt County State of Virginia and in the month of September 1780 he again entered the service of the United States as a Volunteer in the company of Captain Alexander Hanley in the County aforesaid to serve a tower of six months, the company marched to the County of Montgomery & State aforesaid on Holston River where they were attached to Major Campbells Battalion and from that place they marched through North Carolina to South Carolina where they joined General Morgans [Daniel Morgans] Brigade and after they joined the aforesaid Brigade they marched to the Cowpens and that he was in the Battle of the Cowpens [January 17, 1781].. February 26. Wright, which we know took place at Byrnsides Fort, who was then sent to Fort Chiswell, and then on to Kentucky: Living in Monroe County, West Virginia on Sept. 17, 1832. Authorized by the Second Continental Congress on 16 September 1776, it was organized on 3 February 1777 and consisted of four companies from the Virginia counties of Loudoun, Frederick, Prince William, and Amelia; Captain Daniel Morgan's . It seems he was mostly garrisoned at William Hamiltons fort on Muddy Creek. Washington and his western officers wanted to attack Detroit. Thomas Wright, of Greenbrier, for the alleged purpose of going against the Indians at Detroit, but was marched by Crytes (probably Crisswell) lead mines to the head of Holston, and thence to Logan Station, Ky., where it was decided that the troops were not to go to Detroit. After having served the foregoing period and performed the foregoing services, he was discharged by Captain Woods and Henderson both signing a written discharge which discharge is either lost or mislaid. James Armstrong was in command.. . Its believed that such was the plan under which troops were being raised in these counties. The circumstances that brought a second tour of service, were as follows (towit) in the fall of the year 1780 I engaged in the company of Capt. During the Revolutionary War, . We are Sir Your most Obedt. Read the email, or read online! Gibson served as lieutenant colonel of the 13th Virginia Regiment from November 1776 to October 1777, when he became colonel of the 6th Virginia. We shall continue to use all means to have the Militia ready as speedily as Possible, shoud you think it improper to grant our request. Woods and served three months guarding the Country from the depredations of the Indians. They arrived during the attack, rushed towards the fun. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Search For Your Ancestors in Historical Documents. The regiment moved by train to Manassas but was stationed on the unengaged right flank during the battle. The fort was in the form of a trapezoid, about 150 feet on each side, with raised earthen bastions on each corner. Combined with the ones we already knew about, they paint a good picture of the importance of Byrnsides Fort, as well as James Byrnside himself during the Revolutionary War era. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War . I am with due respect, May it please your Excellency your Most Obed. Below is Georges own application narrative, which is pretty interesting. Mr. Griffin, by now an elderly man, half a century after-the-fact, recollects that he joined the military in 1777 and joined up at Byrnsides Fort itself, which is pretty cool. Thus, it was probably 1778. He was right. That would have been the 1778 trip to Kentucky. James Armstrong was in command. Private James Amberson, previously of Capt. preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, relating to the history of where they had been and that they had seen no signs of Indians but not thinking a family safe in such a situation advised him to leave his Cabbin and go to the Fort but he did not concent to do so and in a few hours after the Spyes left him the House was attact by a small party of Indians and some of them firing at the door which was shut the ball penetrated through the door and lodged in the boddy of Mrs. Bradshaw and wounded her so badly that she died that night and on Bradshaws firing his gun through the door from the inner side the Indians retired without doing any farther damage. The 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in central and western Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. Heres the narrative portion: Gordon Griffin states that he was a Continental soldier in the revolutionary war, in the service of the United Colonies that he enlisted in Greenbrier County Virginia, he thinks about the middle of August 1777 that he belonged to a company commanded by Capt James Burnside (Byrnside) which was attatched to the thirteenth regiment of the Line from Virginia on continental establishment Commanded by Col. Daniel Brodhead and Lieut. REVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA: Jonathan Fowle 13-star flag 1 national color REVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA REPRODUCTION FLAGS "Grand Union" flag (Siege of Boston) . Indeed, Company C, Capt. Millers March, from the number of men who were on Commands, at the Small pox Hospital, & Employed as Artificers, we coud hardly mount a Serjts Guard. Was two years & nine months in actual service I substituted as before stated for nine months. He was drafted as a private in said company but if there were any stated time for the termination of his service he does not now recollect. The 13th Virginia was commanded by Col. John Gibson (previously Col. William Russel). the United States, and research and development projects to bring historical records to the Subscribe now and get each blog post by email. Saml Miller of the 8th Pensl. During the Gettysburg Campaign it was left at Winchester as provost guard. It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. I returned home to Greenbrier my place of residence after serving in this tour 30 days. I recently discovered additional Revolutionary War veteran pension applications mentioning Byrnsides Fort. The regiment or Battallion commanded by major Andrew Hamilton in Greenbrier County, State of Virginia, marched from thence to Fort Chisell (Fort Chiswell in present Wythe County VA). The competing officers would engage in a power struggle in a letter writing campaign against one another to Gen. Washington. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for 13th Virginia Regiment . This is George Dixons own pension narrative, which follows: [H]e entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated That he entered the said service in the month of September AD 1777 A volenteer of the County of Greenbrier in the state of Virginia, in the Company commanded by Captain James Armstrong, marched from the said County of Greenbrier [illegible word] the Kenhaway to Point Pleasent [sic: Kanawha River to Point Pleasant] on the Ohio River Captain [Matthew] Arbuckle commanded said Garison [Fort Randolph] at Point Pleasent. List of West Virginia Civil War Confederate units, Hampshire County, West Virginia, in the American Civil War,, Units and formations of the Confederate States Army from Virginia, Military units and formations established in 1861, Military units and formations disestablished in 1865, American Civil War unit and formation stubs, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from public domain works of the United States Government, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Champ G. Cooke, George Cullen, Benjamin F. Naile Weisiger, Charles T. Crittenden, Williamson G. George, Waller T. Patton, Zephaniah T. Ross, George A. Goodman, Charles H. Richards, William C. Scott, John W. Hibbs, Henry W. Murray, Frank V. Winston, Stockton Heth, William A. Ashby, John L. Brooks, Daniel Field, Andrew J. Eheart, Charles L. Graves, Conway Newman, William S. Parran, Samuel D. Buck, William H. Harrison, Lewis N. Huck, William H. Sherer, Job N. Cookus, Abraham Smith, Robert White, Felix Heiskell, John B. Sherrard, This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 09:06. Archives Division Publication date 1913 Topics Virginia. . They had other offensive plans, to take the war to the Indians. John Gibson (17401822) was a French and Indian War veteran and Indian trader who had settled near Fort Pitt. That in the winter of the year 1781, he was drafted for a three months Tour to go as he was then told against the Indians on Cumberland River and on the 15th day of February of that year he together with about thirty others took up their march as they supposed for that place under the command of Captain John Henderson, Lieutenant John Wood and Ensign John Hall, their company was joined at Burnsides Fort by a company from the County of Greenbrier Commanded by Captain James Armstrong and another Company commanded by Captain Davidson, in the whole was under the command of Major Hamilton. Not only that, but he states that he joined a company commanded by Captain James Byrnside, and that they marched to Fort Pitt in 1777 and there joined Col. Brodheads command and built Fort McIntosh, on the Ohio River. On 25 Mar., GW wrote Gates that Our number of effectives is so reduced by innoculation that it is impossible to spare the few Men of the 13th Virginia Regiment just at this time. Instead, GW sent Russell to Fort Pitt to collect and take the command of by far the greatest part of the Regiment who are now stragling about that Country (see also GW to Russell, 30 March). In the James Christy application below, Christy mentions serving under Capt. The official records corroborate his recollection: It was noted in the Virginia Militia records for the County of Greenbrier, that in 1780, Captain Thomas Wright raised a company, to go against the Indians at Detroit. We found a Methodist book belonging to him inside Byrnsides Fort, discussed in the above post. ==Summary== The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. 1.Gibson enclosed a general return, dated 3 Dec., of the troops at Fort Pitt, where he was serving as colonel commandant (DLC:GW). That the nature of his service was to guard the Fort and go out when commanded in pursuit of the Indians when they would make their appearance in the settlement that his companions in service was commonly Matthew Patterson and John Cantly who are long since Dead. General Edward Hand was originally in command of the western war department and was headquartered at Fort Pitt. That as early as the 1stday of May in the year 1780 he again entered the service of his Country as before in Burnsides Fort and continued in service until the 1stof November following That he was commanded as before by the aforesaid Captain Wright. Sullivan for that purpose, and hope your Excellency will Give such directions as will Enable him to Return as soon as possible.5 I am with the Utmost Respect your Excellencys most Obedient humble Servt. on one occasion I was out with three other men spying on Gauley River we were in this service for one month I dont know by what authority we were spying but suppose by the direction of Capt Hamilton. description ends , 1:14344, 2:304, 310, 3:286). 13th Virginia Regiment Frontier, Native Americans, Strategy, The War Years (1775-1783) May 11, 2021 May 12, 2021. Gen. Peter Muhlenberg: Of the eight companies in this regiment, four were raised in Pennsylvania and four from Maryland. He states after he returned home from the tower aforesaid he removed to the County of Montgomery & State of Virginia and in the month of August 1778 he again entered the service of the United States as a volunteer in the company of George Parrish of the County of Montgomery & State aforesaid as an Indian Spy the Company to which he belonged was ordered to guard the frontiers on Knew River [New River] where they were attached to Colonel Taylors Regiment which was commanded by said Taylor. From this service he was discharged but not in writing. The company was assembled in Greenbrier County Virginia they were then marched to the fort Chessel then in Montgomery County Virginia (Fort Chiswell now in Wythe County). [M[y Father and my self each had a settlement right of 400 acres of land the title to which we perfected[?] The undertaking and of which was considered to be very hazardous We arived safe at Logans Station on Dicks river (Dix River near present Stanford, KY) in Kentucky and delivered said express as directed to Colonel [Benjamin] Logan of Kentucky Staid at said station about Three weeks when the troops that this said declarant belonged to arived from Fort Chissel in Virginia for the purpose of joining Genl Clark. 3.Simon Girty (17411818), an Indian trader born near Harrisburg, Pa., and raised partly among Seneca Indians, had been employed as an interpreter for the Americans around Fort Pitt as early as 1759 and as a scout during Dunmores War in 1774. After the Revolution, the fort was the home of the First American Regiment, the oldest active unit in the United States Army. Brodhead and his troops returned to Fort Pitt on Sept. 14, 1779. There destroyed the Indian Towns, destroyed their (the Indians) Corn and other property. Un concours pour mettre en avant des inventeurs africains-amricains That he served in this year from the 1stof August until the 1stof November following, nothing of importance occured during this year. I remained in the Station about Two or three weeks. Our work has been featured by the New York Times, TIME magazine, History Channel, Discovery Channel, Smithsonian, Mental Floss, NPR, and more. So just to clarify, there were two separate militia musters at Byrnsides Fort, for the Greenbrier Militia to march for Kentucky in order to serve in expeditions under George Rogers Clark: one in 1778, and one in 1781.