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field grade officer oer character commentsaiken county sc register of deeds field grade officer oer character comments 4.3. " Your team consistently meets their goals often exceeding expectations. It can't be a rambling, general statement that "John is one of the nicest guys I have ever met". Majors should approach future career goals logically and sequentially. What are best command practices for closing down battalions? nature (e.g. Being mentored by a senior leader is a great opportunity to develop a viable career plan. A key part of the new OER system will be to ask raters to make determinations about what an officer is capable of, and what suggestions there might be for how the officer can be better developed . No choice when you have to rate / are rated by someone you don't even know. While TDY with her at Ft Meade, I had the opportunity to witness her instructing other NCOs about the GTC, its purpose, and its proper use. As a rater and senior rater, I provided the thoughts below to my team as more clear and concise guidance regarding each. 15 Rater Assessment: Field Grade Form Narrative comments focused on performance in line with field grade competencies and attributes Limited to 5 lines of text Performance based assessment; no comment on potential d2. KD opportunities may affect what type of battalion an officer will command; however, the key to success is to perform well regardless of the position. It is your responsibility to double-check the information you find on this site before you use it professionally. I have served over eleven years active duty service in our great Army. The final pages of the OER Support Form defines them for the Army. Your narrative is important, and developing a proper network will aid in transmitting your goals and desires. If you are asked to write a character statement, don't worry if you can't write well. Selected continuation officers will continue to be assessed for promotion to lieutenant colonel. Ensuring family peace is an enduring priority. I call upon him frequently during unit PT sessions to assist others with their running and endurance. 45- The MSAF programs was eliminated June 08. NAME OF RATER (Last, First, Middle Initial) a5. All officers are leaders, regardless of duty position. The more distant the relationship, the more credible the letter will be perceived to be. If detailed data is not submitted, units leave the decision to assignment officers who may not have complete information to assign the officer who is best suited to the unit's mission. There is a symbiotic relationship between family peace and work productivity. # 1: S4 Officer Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. Officers may have promotion to lieutenant colonel basically locked, but the probability of being selected for battalion command may be lower. Rater profile established for raters of company and field grade officers Maintain less than 50% of reports written by grade in the "Excels" box (for raters of LTCs and below) Flexibility - Raters have a "credit" of 3 in the "Proficient" box to start profile Rater OER profiles calculated based on Profile LOCK date as evidenced by . Raters and SRs should do their work. Comments and Help with electrical outage report example forms. That was very much the norm, especially in TPU status but I think the new entry system makes that more dofficult since the rated soldier can't open their eval. The way officers perform far outweighs their assigned positions. In my professional opinion, SSgt Trejo has always confidently displayed what it means to be a U.S Marine. The prosecution will methodically present arguments proving their case by focusing on specific traits and if you want to have any hope of defending your pal, you must present specific examples in your statement. Not once did he complain about making telephone calls, visiting high schools, or area canvassing the streets and Subways of Brooklyn, NY. Essentially, this is an algorithm, and step one must be accomplished before step two is initiated. However, officers must develop realistic plans that mitigate risks to accomplish their overall career goals. (Adherence)to)Army)Values . Make it as presentable as possible. 3. Body. They command between 300 and 1,000 Marines. LT Smith security mission was responsible for securing 25 square miles of land and enabling the first . Commanders for cause or misconduct without Field Grade LDAP consultation (Ch 3-6 i.1.a) o Updated Pre Command Course (PCC) attendance guidance (Ch 3-6 i.1.a note) o Updated the Officer Career Management Board convene date and added AMEDD OCMB (Ch 4-3) o Added a sixth consideration for AGR promotion (Ch 4-4 d) Oraganized by categories: Character, Presence, Intellect, Leads, Develops, and Achieves. Sample Army OER Bullets & Comments. Initial Field Grade Counseling. 2. This system allows officers the opportunity to market themselves by adding skills and experience that may enhance the gaining units' mission accomplishment. Votes. In summary, I am surprised to learn of the behavior SPC Morrison is charged with. HRC will serve as the final adjudicator, but the units' input combined with the officer's skill set are large parts of the assignment decision process. I have been in the Army for over 11 years and I am currently the NCOIC of Personal Property at the Installation Transportation Office. To this end, this DA Form 67-10-2, Field Grade Plate (O4-O5; CW3-CW5) Officer Evaluation Report, is a document used for providing the Department of Army Headquarters (HQDA) with information about the rated officers' competence, mental and physical condition, and potential for promotion.This form was previously revised by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) on March 1, 2019, with all previous editions being . For these reasons, it is my humble recommendation that CW3 Texas-Ranger is advanced to CW4. SSG Deleon served as a Drill Sergeant in 1st Platoon and later became the Senior Drill Sergeant of 3rd Platoon. OFFICER EVALUATION RECORD. 2. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) HELIXON, WILLIAM, M g. UNIT, ORG., STATION, ZIP CODE OR APO, 05; CW3 - CW5) OFFICER EVALUATION REPORT see AR 623-3; the prwonent agency is DCS, G-1 PART I - ADMINISTRATIVE (Rated Officer) . His military presence was something that even many of his superiors adored, including myself. The important thing is that you cared enough and took the trouble to write. We need all leaders in our quest to remain the dominant force in the world, and it is the responsibility of all leaders to maximize individual talents in the best interest of the organization. Intermediate Rater Qualifications. 2. SSgt Trejo's overall dedication, passion, and love for the Marine Corps is something I wish to see in every Marine. Normally must serve 90 days. 1. This approach should include preparing for promotion to lieutenant colonel, competing for the centralized selection list, and commanding a battalion, if desired. The below comments are not to replace the Army's definition, nor are . Leadership. Despite numerous TDYs and dozens of uses, she has never misused her card before this instance. To contribute examples, enter them below. height/weight and APFT data. o is a motivated troop but needs further guidance in o has unlimited potential but requires more experience before o must realize the importance of finishing assigned tasks without supervision, o failed to use time wisely, consistently failed to complete duty assignments, o frequent unwillingness to cooperate in working toward unit goals affected readiness, o failed to fulfill his leadership's intent for positive and appropriate EO practices, o needed to be consistent with leadership style and maintain formality when in presence of Soldiers, o an excellent technician but needs to work on tact and communication skills, o understood his role as a senior leader but failed to contribute to the mission, o failed to keep track of the Soldiers under his supervision, o sometimes requires supervision on how to talk to Soldiers, o demonstrated poor judgement without consideration of results, o has good potential but requires more experience applying daily soldier leadership skills, o good Soldier, but fails to self improve by applying sound personal management skills, o demonstrated a serious lack of integrity and poor judgment without consideration of results, o compromised integrity by submitting altered documents; poor example to subordinates, o encouraged soldiers to advance by cheating for each other, poor example. These documents will provide the rated Soldier essential rating chain direction and focus to aid in developing his or her support form. SUPERSEDED DA FORM 67-10-2, 11/01/2015. EMAIL ADDRESS (.gov or .mil) . Throughout this period of time, I had the opportunity to witness his work ethic, professionalism, and ability to lead. SUBJECT: Character Statement for SGT Jones. Talent management affects all officers regardless of their current performance. 04-PUB NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGNERS (NOFORN) 42-ITEM ONLY PRODUCED IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA. I encourage officers to perform well regardless of the assignment, and to trust the organization to keep them on a path of progression. In this case, a middle third officer may have the right skills and experiences to supersede a top third officer. At that time, SSgt Trejo was a Lance Corporal and played a key role in the success of RSS Brooklyn. Report) to DA Form 67-10-4 (Strategic Grade Plate General Officer Evaluation Report) (para 1-1). - Presence. I am positive that he will thoroughly think things through and never make another decision without basing it off of our core Army Values. If you have any questions or concerns, or if I can be of further assistance, I can be reached at DSN 123-4567. Although we have screened every document for quality control, there likely exist errors in content and typography. Department of the Army Pamphlet 600-3, Officer Professional Development and Career Management, states that the length of a KD position should range from 12 months to 24 months. The goal is to achieve diversity of thought, so officers should have multiple mentors to avoid a myopic assignment approach. O-6s typically attend the Army War College. Contact Disclaimer. This group of officers is targeted for areas that allow more opportunities to strengthen their files. I have been in the Army for almost nine years and currently I am the ASF Administration and Occupational Health Element Chief. The first sentence should state your overall opinion of the subject and everything else written should support that statement. The report is forwarded to the HQDA. OFFICER EVALUATION RECORD. Once a space is open and a validated requisition is created, it is up to the assignment officer to find the best qualified officer. I had the opportunity to get to know SGT Jones as a peer and as a friend. Nevertheless, a large percentage of officers assume that if they do not receive KD opportunities as a support operations officer or battalion executive officer, promotion failure is guaranteed. He does his share of the work without complaint and appears to enjoy his job and being a member of the Army. Family considerations should carry enormous weight during the assignments process. Career Field Designation Boards are being conducted annually, promotion and selection boards are being conducted by career field, some concerns over the Officer Evaluation Report have been addressed, and time in branch qualification positions for majors and associated stability is at an all time high. RYAN P. FASANO HRC will continue to move personnel in predefined cycles, and senior leaders must not shy away from being involved in the process early. (3) (b) The rater will ensure that the rated officer or rated NCO receives a copy of the rater's and senior rater's support forms. What bullet point examples have you seen for "Achieves" in the new Army NCOER form? This will suggest to the reader that the incident was a one-time, out-of-character act, not likely to be repeated. An assignment at the Army Human Resources Command (HRC) is an incredible opportunity for officers and enlisted personnel to learn how the Army executes personnel processes. What I have personally witnessed of SGT Jones' character does not indicate a person that poses a threat to the professional image and integrity of our Army. I have been informed by SGT Jones about the situation that she is currently in. Since, traditionally "companies" are commanded by captains and assisted by lieutenants serving as their executive officers (second-in-command) and platoo. Nominative assignments are continual and do not necessarily align with a specific cycle. Unit human resources professionals must have a firm grasp of their projected losses as depicted by officers' year and month of availability for assignment (YMAV) or date eligible for return from overseas (DEROS). judicious in their comments. My most humble request is that you allow him to continue service. " You lead by example. I understand that he must be held accountable for his actions and punishment will be administered. Middle third officers are on track for promotion but will not compete as well for battalion command. Bottom third officers are at risk for having promotion denied and basically have no chance of selection for battalion command. CW3 Texas-Ranger never failed to uphold the Army Values and consistently embodied technical and tactical proficiency. Your approach of embracing change and adapting to changing work situations encourages others to do the same. Senior leaders play a critical role in managing talent across the organization, and your reputation will make the difference during the process. Normally a single paragraph of a couple of sentences explaining who you are (rank, place of work, etc) and your relationship with the subject (co-worker, friend, supervisor, etc). 30 days or first drill if reserve component. During my time at HRC, I learned many things about field-grade officer career progression that I want to share. $84 million contract awarded for Excalibur replenishment, Army initiates corrections to criminal database, Army officer part of newly resumed cooperation for International Space Station, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Sarah Stone is just one of four, Army CIO speaks at Army Europe and Africa 2022 Cybersecurity Summit, Transcript: Media Roundtable with Mr. Douglas Bush, ASA for AL&T, July 27, 2022, Transcript: Media Roundtable with Dr. Raj Iyer, Army Chief Information Officer, and LTG John B. Morrison, Jr., Army Deputy Chief of Staff G-6 June 09, 2022, Army Inspector General starts New Soldier Experience inspection, Vietnamese-American service members parallel paths to the American dream, Bengali chief warrant officer finds the American dream through serving, U.S. Army STAND-TO!