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Decreased Bolivian political power loss in events. Transamur now changes its name to Free Russia, if the rest of Russia becomes a puppet. Fixed Yunnans Kuomintang claiming all of China twice, and too early. Fixed Suez not counting as part of Egypt for the Ottoman centralisation mechanic. Reduced the PP gain from the Pacific States leader traits for Cain and Warren. Fixed the Sdwestafrika / Germany-in-Exile focus tree overlap. Fixed Yang Yuting not being purged if Fengtian is hostile to Japan. NatPop Italian Republic can now join Moscow Accord, if the Socialist Republic of Italy does not exist. Fixed a Mangabeira event for Brazil removing stability instead of adding it. Added description for Austrian tanks and armored cars, Persias 70 day focus tree times reduced to 56 days. PSA's leaders can join the primaries in the case of a peaceful reunion. Updated some national focus effects for the Ma Clique. Fengtian now gets an event informing it when Japan refuses to intervene in its favour. Reduced the completion time of Austria's foreign policy national focuses. Fixed Sardinias Aimone di Savoia-Aosta not being retired when appropriate. Decreased the amount of building slots given by several national focii. Fixed Fengtians minister system events rarely firing due to an oversight. Austria will now intervene against Russia even if already at war with the Third Internationale, if Germany is losing heavily. Nordic countries can now help each other working on the Scandinavian formation foci, should one already researched that then it autocompletes for others - the foci will also now be locked for player and AIs alike should someone else is already working on it. Fixed a reformed United Kingdom getting the wrong Prime Minister. Germany will no longer research doctrines before getting rid of the Victors of the Weltkrieg research speed debuff, Chile now asks the faction leader before simply joining their faction, Fixed Iosif Dshugasvili existing in multiple places at the same time, Russian countries can no longer release Russia, Puppet Russia is now able to fix black monday, South Africa will no longer take loans and instantly repay them with the loan money over and over again in a loop, Maximiliano Hernndez Martnez will now no longer remain as General in El Salvador should the capital be taken over by Partisans, Tibet and Mongolia should now get the correct cosmetic tags (and flags) should they become autonomous regions of the LKMT government. Fixed Japans artillery national focus instead giving bonuses to infantry equipment. Fixed the United Kingdom being unable to release a controlled Ireland, had the former already been occupied by Canada before the restoration of the United Kingdom. Fixed Burgenland not going to Danubia when the latter is formed in the Austrian annexation event. Fixed the Russian socialists attacking Germany not triggering the Second Weltkrieg events. Fixed the loc for MacArthur restoring the Vice President when he fled to the Pacific States. Fixed Russia trying to spawn units in impassable states. Fengtians Restore the 1923 Constitution focus now adds the Zhang and Communications Cliques to a coalition government. Fixed Anqing not re-annexing Shandong after breaking with Fengtian. Fixed East Turkestans diplomatic decisions still being available, while at war with the target. Assigned Ulsters new ministers for use in its revolt. Fixed Entente Panama being declared on by socialist Canada, drawing Costa Rica into the war and then joining the Reichspakt, causing an early Reichspakt/Entente War. Fixed the West Indies bypassing the Depression Woes national focus twice. The French Republic now controls the Ivory Coast, which was previously held by Mittelafrika. Canadian Admiral Andrew Browne Cunningham, Field Marshal Edmund Ironside, and General Claude Auchinleck, are now instead included in the roster of the Union of Britain. The Italian Republics government can fall after the 1937 elections if the democratic parties win, leading either to a restoration of the Italian Federation, or devolution into Lombardy and Venice. Fixed the Germany/Internationale peace news event overflowing. Clarified a requirement in the tooltip for Polands National Distributism and Supreme Chamber of Commerce national foci. Added some negative effects to Canadas negotiate with Quebec path, so its not better in every way than the other paths. Fixed the Fate of Sarawak giving the lands to Malaya instead of Insulindia. Likewise if assertive it will still occasionally take pro-Japanese decisions, but will have a far higher chance to declare war against Japan. VideoGame. Hawaiis Communal Democracy national spirit now gives a flat stability bonus instead of a tiny weekly increase. New country colours for Carlist Spain, CNT-FAI, Dutch East Indies, Eritrea, Mexico, Somalia. Fixed Anqing attacking Hunan and Lianguang too early. Fixed black-coloured text showing up on tooltips with dark backgrounds. Fixed South Africas Minority Government idea sticking around after a new election was held in 1938. Fixed the Reichspakt getting its units stuck in Entente Britain. Fixed the very first vote in the Legation Council sometimes resulting in OK and breaking the event chain. Some new NF icons for the Indochinese Union. The ship list of the CoF now doesnt contain names of colonies or kings anymore. Bulgaria now gets a unit limit boost with secret rearmament. Adapted the Italian Libya events to account for Tripolitania. Italian states can now peacefully reunify once the SRI is defeated. Adjusted the costs and durations of Paraguays economic decisions. Syndicalist SocDems can now use Rally Public Support. Decreased the timer for Lithuanias The Fraying Front mission from 200 days to 120 days. Slightly nerfed the Russian armour tech bonuses. Fixed Sweden getting a Finnish event about the militarisation of land. The League of Eight Provinces can no longer reduce Yiguandao Unrest to level 0 before the national focus is completed. Fixed the timing of Land Marshal Ungern-Sternbergs' removal. Fixed tags not getting the correct custom autonomy level when released after annexation. Fixed South Africas "Start a Public Works Program" being available without the required National Focus. Here's a pick of the best HOI4 console commands to use with the country tags above. Kings Cabinet Denmark will no longer have its government overridden by Kanslergade Agreement events. Velchev stops being a security minister if Zveno-lead Bulgaria maintains the monarchy. Ramirezs Argentina can now access its political tree if he comes to power after the FOP refuses reunification. Fixed LKMTs Revolutionary Fever national spirit cancelling too early. Fixed two Bulgarian generals still being available as ministers after theyre purged, Fixed PatAut Brazil being unable to remove negative national spirits, Fixed the Swedish syndicalist flag which was not properly rendering, Updated the Colombian, Montenegrin and Venezuelan flags so they are now using the correct colors, Made some changes to the peace conference code which could cause a crash if too many countries were capitulating at the same time. Qing AI will only attack Shanxi before the 5th ZhiFeng War if they win the LEP intervention. Temporarily disabled the Government in Exile mechanic due to a peace conference bug which is only fixable on Paradoxs end. Fixed a Belgian unit spawning in Albania. Added custom difficulty settings for most major conflicts and alliances, GRE - can now have the outcome of the Monarchy Referendum chosen. Totalist Turkey is now referred to as the Republic of Turkey. Fixed Serbias Konspiracija being referred to as Fringe Nationalists. Improved the translation on some Irish abbreviations. Fixed Argentinas missing leader description for Farrell. Fixed a broken manpower modifier for the French Republic. Removed the African Minors generic national focus tree for now, pending review of effects, and rebalancing with the new Irregular units. Removed German East Asia's cores on Indochina during the war. Updated Swedens starting army, navy, technology and equipment. Fixed Greece using a Megali peace deal with itself in the Greek Civil War. Fixed multiple bugs involving characters that resulted in game crashes and/or characters not appearing where they should. Redrew the internal borders of Slovakia, with added victory points. Greece will always be kicked from the Donau-Adriabund, Entente or Reichspakt if they attempt the Megali Idea. A Guangdong puppet of the L-KMT now uses the Guangxi KMT's flag. Poland may now only perform Operation Parasol when in a faction. Polands Red Intermarium no longer inherits the other countries troops. Fixed some songs not playing for the French Republic on weighted shuffle. Fixed puppet Puerto Rico not being able to access its tree. Changed Iraq icons for several focuses, National Spirits and a decision. Fixed Italy requiring Dalmatia to claim Fiume, instead of Istria. Fixed Silverio Ortiz not being promoted correctly in Democratic Centroamerica. United Baltic Duchy, Lithuania and White Ruthenia now start as a unique custom puppet type - Oststaaten. Fixed Russia not annexing German land correctly after winning against Germany. GEA will now keep its units in East Asia. Ma Ji is no longer locked to only being an advisor to PatAuts, if he flees to the Zhili Republic. Fixed Russia spawning emergency units without a template. Replaced Switzerlands starting Council portrait with a Swiss Coat of Arms. Patagonia now has stronger starting templates, and now with Internationale equipment. Fixed Armenia remained a vilayet after the defeat of the Ottomans. Nations can now actually get Korea when they defeat Japan. Fixed an endless loop in Ireland's events. Fixed the Germany/Internationale peace event disbanding the Reichspakt. Patagonia can no longer join the Internationale, if it has formed Andesia. Tweaked the effects of some East Turkestan events unlocking focuses. Re-added Prestes to the Brazilian commander roster, but he is still removed if NatPops come to power. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth can no longer trigger a German-Austrian war. Fixed Qing seizing Tianjin from Japan, due to events firing simultaneously. In return, they receive a national spirit which gives political power generation. Totalist Peru is no longer able to join the Internationale. Fixed the AI factors for Persia claiming Iraq. Fixed Norway getting mountaineer units without the required tech. The AI will no longer return cores/claims during the delay when annexations are being checked. Non-core states now give only 2% towards the unit limits, instead of 5%. Added missing claims for the USSR on Ashkabad, Cernauti and the Kuril Islands. The Peking Commission now gives some boni to QIE. Reverted a previous nerf to Naval Bomber stats. Argentina can now take Uruguay development, Paraguay development and Mitteleuropa resource focuses at the same time. Fixed the display date of the Left Kuomintang election. Added a leader description to the Baltic States Inner Circle. Fixed socialist Brazil not getting rid of Black Monday. Nepal: B.P. Ireland - converted the Promote Dublin events to decisions. Fixed the inverted BHC civil war leaders. The Third Internationale will now research oil tech more but has fewer bonuses for it. Sichuans Federalists-in-Exile path now attacks Lianguang via focus instead of via decision, and receives cores when they declare war. Increased the World Tension generated from shelling of Avricourt/Elfringen events. Added the states of Batumi, Basque Country and Santarm to the map. Changed the Rifle Contract event for South Africa to either provide an equipment designer or add infantry weapons tech bonus. Slightly tweaked some Japanese economy and infrastructure-related national spirits. Added Cancel triggers for the Liangguang war decisions. Fixed MarLib Fengtian forming the Anguojun. Fixed Romania completing the Camarilla national foci if Carol is deposed. Transylvania can now be granted to a non-aligned Romania. Fixed the repeating SAU-OMA white peaces. Made Serbia less likely to cause WK3 in trying to enlarge Yugoslavia. Legation Cities can now request concessions that their allies hold. Transamur will be given the correct states in their peace deals. After the Lucknow conference, British generals in India will leave to the United Kingdom if it exists, and Canada if it doesn't. Germany now starts with two heavy tank divisions. Bikaner Camel Corps now actually consists of camels. The Code of the Indigenate is now removed after the Algiers Conference for National France. Added a starting cavalry template to the United Kingdom. Fixed the position of Austin, USA on the map. Added a railway effect to Irelands railway national focus. Fixed the Pope warning of a wave of syndicalism to a Poland that has already turned socialist. Added a strategic region for the Persian Gulf. Removed the option to execute the Japanese Imperial Family. Changed the leaders for Syndicalist and Totalist Morocco. Fixed a doubled Centroamerican cash crops effect. Manchu-led Qing now immediately integrates Shandong, should the former had been their benefactor in the coup. Rio de Oro now has its own annexation decision. Updated some Romanian decisions to incorporate railways. Added a failsafe to make sure French Republic states always get the Lingering Resistance modifier. Portugal can now no longer always immediately begin its political tree. Fixed Liberia being able to release puppets while also being one. Retreating to the Southwest as Mittelafrika now triggers a timed mission to suppress the insurgency, allowing for a grace period before South Africa intervenes. Reduced the World Tension gain from Canadas naval exercises. Renamed the Addressing the Macedonians focus for Serbia, and changed the description. Fixed the player of the German Empire not properly being moved to play as Germany in Exile. Tweaked the Consumer Goods factors for White Ruthenia. Player-controlled Ottomans can now join the Reichspakt without being in a defensive war, or Germany already beating Russia. Kaiserreich has a lot of content, and while weve done testing its more than possible there are special situations we havent yet noticed, or old content (like units being spawned) which never took into account the possibility of a division limit and which havent yet been adjusted. Fixed the Dutch East Indies releasing the West Indies Federation in Saint Martin. Fixed Persia giving an ultimatum to Ottomans while already at war with them. Added new national focus icons from vanilla Ethiopia. Converted the Nancy state into a Barn state. Fixed being able to choose Status Quo in the Austrian secret deal path. Dutch 1938 elections now unlock national focuses. Added a new focus tree for Fevzi Cakmaks regime, Libya can now move its capital to Benghazi or Tripoli when it conquers them, Added a lot more event pictures to National France, Changed a few idea icons for National France, Ziraat Bankasi icon for OTT no longer features the words Turkish Republic, New portraits for Muhamed Husan in Tanzania and Ivan Valkov in Bulgaria, Corrected the population numbers of Chad, South Chad, Ubangi-Shari and Eastern Neukamerun, Changed the border of the South Chad state. Fixed the West Indies Federation having two Vickers companies. South Africa now receives a few extra cavalry units two weeks after the Entente enters the war against them. Vy zhertvoyu pali (You Fell Victim) now correctly plays for Russian socialists instead of German socialists. Fixed Sweden retaining the Revolutionary Committee if the congress deadlocks. Fixed several Chinese generals not transferring correctly. Floyd Olson is uniformly referred to as governor in 1936, Combined two national spirits for Mordacqs CSN path, Add resistance to former French colonies when back under NFA control, If National France controls the Aosta Valley, they can decide to give it over to SRD, or keep and integrate it. Added tech and doctrine cost reduction to two Romanian national focuses. Several non-political ministers such as singers in Algeria from the DH minister list has since been removed across the map, Mengjiang (which doesnt exist in KR anyway) no longer infiltrates divisions in every country across the world, Reduce the percentage of bad results from Canadas touring king decisions, Hunan leaders have calmed down after the initial outburst, now opted for nonsense and untrue over bullshit, Italy can no longer join Russias faction, Cuba no longer drags German Empire into war with CSA, Gdansk shipyard for POL no longer requires you to own Lesotho, Osnabrck class CAs are now Heavy Cruisers instead of Light Cruiser, American tags no longer uses SMG combat animation when theyre using rifles, Falkland no longer magically relocate itself in the Southern Pacific ocean, with clues of such failed scientific experiment removed in all British records, Russia integration for Tuva now targets the correct state, Fixed Tsar Dimitriy being replaced by Vrangel after Kornilovs death, Canadas Payment to WIF are automatically cancelled should they are at war with WIF/WIF no longer exists, Update the Japanese rename in endonym mode for Manchurian states, Reduced the Austrian surrender bonus back down, so it will actually capitulate, The American Civil War no longer ends more than once, Non-socialist majors will now retain control over Gibraltar when releasing Spain as a puppet, Russia will now retain control over Karelia when releasing Finland as a puppet, All remaining references to Lavrentiy Beria have been removed, Australasia and New Zealand now given republican flags and leaders when released by non-Entente countries, Naval locs now works properly for non-MtG owners, The Abdication Crisis will now end if the UK is created in the middle of it, Stability/war support events now no longer apply to countries in a civil war, Event for Canada to get a Governor-General after restoring the UK fixed, Event for the balance in Italy being broken now has the proper effect, AI Austria will no longer move to protect Venice if the balance global is still in effect, Fixed Canadas annexation decision for America, for cases where the global flag for the ACW being over was not yet set, Fixed code for chances of Bill C-7 passing for Canada, New Gamerule category and additional options, Major overhaul of older nations background code (Russia, INS, Commune of France and others), many bugs fixed and performance improvements, Heightmap has been redesigned, giving the map more verticality, Annexation decisions and events have been spruced up with new GFX, many fixed bugs, adjusted costs and standardised names3, SRI now cannot call the Third Internationale into a war against an Italian tag unless the WK2 has begun or if theyre also at war with a major country. Fixed the Serbo-Croatian voices not being applied to Montenegro. Changed Chile national spirit icon to something that fits even non-socialist Chile. Germany no longer demands Pas-de-Calais from NFA if they are not allied with Belgium or Wallonia. New England and the Pacific States keep their colors if they form the USA again. The Netherlands will no longer have a second revolution after being reconquered by the Dutch East Indies. The Golestan Pact will now be dissolved if Persia chooses to ally with the Bharatiya Commune. Added events to Assyria informing them on whether or not they will get Entente support. Attacking Oman removes the Armed Neutrality national spirit as the Ottoman Empire. Fixed the modifiers of Naval Production / Air Production continuous focuses having random names. Made the Commune of Frances AI more diligent at guarding against Germany, since the Weltkrieg can now start at more varied times. The decision for Serbia to form Yugoslavia is no longer locked behind the Together Against Austria national focus. Added victory points for Maribor and Bregenz in Austria. The effect of building coastal forts on Aland from the Finnish national focus "Guard Aland" will be applied only if the territory is demilitarised. Fixed South Africas Plan Smuts decisions missing AI factors. Nepal may now be invited to the Co-Prosperity sphere so long as the RAJ tag does not exist and is not a Japanese puppet. For Sweden, the event which features Gyllenkrok dying will now fire immediately, so that he does not appear to lead the country while already being dead. To press further claims, they need to fight another war. Fixed some missing cores for Alash Orda, and it being released without relevant states. Not sure if set_ruling_party boosts the ideology on it's own. Massively reduced the time it takes for the Chinese United Front to form. Slav'sya now plays for all Russian government types. Player Serbia or Romania can now decide they want to keep the Belgrade Pact even after the war with Austria, which AI will honor as long as Romania doesn't claim Serbian territory. Fixed Estonia not being able to do its economic decisions due to a lack of factories. Removed Thurlow Craw from the American Union State general roster. Added advisor descriptions to all American Civil War participants. ITA and SIC should now be slightly less cautious about jumping in on wars against the SRI. Fixed PatAut Lianguangs National Protection Army national foci not bypassing if they are already in a faction. Adjusted Liberias content to account for the French Republic controlling the Ivory Coast. Changed the generic portrait used for Ecuadors Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola. Tweaked the effect of the Austro-Hungarian Ties Broken national spirit. Fixed a French Republic air national spirit using a naval icon. Mittelafrika now releases the Gold Coast when releasing the British colonies. Fixed the Netherlands not being granted Dunkirk alongside Flanders. Upon a pro-Japanese coup, all Chinese national governments will be prompted to declare war on the Fengtian Government. Patagonia now receives more Argentinian characters via events and national focuses. Socialist Russia now forms its own temporary faction (the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale) with any syndicalist neighbours, and will only fully join the Third Internationale after Germany is defeated. Johan Laidoner is now removed from Estonia when Isamaalit fails its coup. Fixed Nasir Shah being retired in the wrong moment, breaking the rest of the events for the Kumul Khanate. Removed the random chance of countries not attending the federalist conference just because. Fixed Adamawa not getting New Cameroon if spawned through Goering's revolts. Germany may now choose to intervene in the regular Italy/Austria peace event in the same manner it intervenes in the Belgrade Pact/Austria peace event, no longer making a solo war the superior choice for Italy. Fixed Shandong getting a decision too early. Fixed the sound effect of the Toccata event chain playing for all nations in multiplayer. Added a description to Russias decision to attack Poland. Democratic USA can now appoint George Marshall as chief of staff. The base unit count now takes into consideration the number of owned states, and the industrialisation factor now works on an asymptotic curve.