淡々と仕事をこなす現実主義者。 合理的な戦術、社会的な正義を良しとするが、彼の発端は『万人を救いたい』という理想である為、冷徹に徹しきれないところがある。 At long range his fire won't work against Bellerophon. The advantage of projection allows for him to replace swords if they are destroyed or if he is disarmed. Unlimited Blade Works Class Abilities Fate/stay night[2][3]  トップをねらえ2の四巻とアンダーザローズ三巻の面白さに死ぬ。 While Lancer tries to disarm Archer, he becomes quite agitated at Archer's ability to reequip his swords. However, he acts more light-hearted and comical than his usual self. Just as Shirou Emiya grew from a weak, talentless magus into one of the most seasoned heroes ever summoned, Heroic Spirit EMIYA has grown from a mediocre Servant on release into one of the most powerful and versatile Archers in FGO. He is, so to speak, a repairman of the ages. この英霊がなぜ守護者の一部になったのかは、EXTRA本編を参照のこと。 While in a fair fight with True Assassin he nearly killed him having almost sliced his body in half. The majority of the weapons persevered in the reality marble are Noble Phantasms of Heroic Spirits copied through projection sorcery, each possessing deadly powers. Archer first appears in Episode 7, interrupting a volleyball match between Rider and Rin vs Shirou and Saber. D[2][3] 道具をイメージで数分だけ複製する魔術。 Chousokabe then asks Mouri if she knows what is happening after she complains that the Holy Grail is being used for something weird again. きくなるのは明白。地形効果によって狙撃を封じられたアーチャーがやや不利か……. Archer makes his debut in the series during the second half of the show, though his face becomes obscured or partially shown when the episode centers around Shirou. Stop, stop. He is not a proper Heroic Spirit in the sense of other heroes. Nasu: Oh, that. Archived. It does not oppose enemies, but instead the external environment. He stubbornly trained himself while pursuing his dream of saving mankind, but later fell into despair upon realizing that his abilities were insufficient in fulfilling his goal. The Boundary Field Noble Phantasm that provides absolute defence against projectile weapons. ILLUST:武内崇 Japan[2][3] After they destroyed the Grail and parted, he went on to cooperate with Rin and headed to London. There might be some degraded NPs with similar performance in stock though. 赤い外套に身を包んだ、 二十代中盤の青年。 In April Fools' Day 2010, Tmitter is a fake online social networking, a parody of Twitter. He acts as a Counter Guardian for the world as payment for the contract. He wears a cloak and mantle set that are first rate Conceptual Weapons made from the Holy Shroud of a saint. All of the weapons Archer can project are there and in this space he doesn't have to project them from scratch, instead he can immediately pull out the weapons sticking out of the ground. Q:桜ルートで、アーチャーはアンリマユと同種の存在をあらかじめ知っていたようですが、彼は別の時代でもその手の相手と戦った経験があったのでしょうか? もう何回解説したか分からなくなる程度にはお馴染みのサーヴァント。 Emiya was only able to do so in FSN because Grail was fucked up when it got corrupted with Avenger. Magic Resistance D Itsuka Shidou is dragged in the conflict between Spirits and Humanity. georgieporgie. Cú Chulainn believes there should be no Archer with a shield capable of blocking Gae Bolg, and Heracles thinks that being defeated in six different ways, all abilities of the highest class, without learning of the enemy's identity is very strange. On impact, the magical force will explode, generating overwhelming destructive power. [3] He is an alternate version of Shirou Emiya from an alternate timeline of Fate/stay night where he made a contract with the World (Alaya) and became the Heroic Spirit EMIYA. is the Archer-class Servant of Rin Tohsaka in the Fifth Holy Grail War of Fate/stay night. アーチャーの勝利は時間の問題か。よって、アーチャーの勝利かも? Then, after Mouri complains again about being named after a strategist from Warring States period that she knows nothing about, he notes that the Grail has made strange pairings for pairing a grand strategist and the Witch of Betrayal. Archer then tours Fuyuki City with Rin acting as his guide. In CCC he is somewhat of a scoundrel, but nonetheless still reliable. A:生前、それらしいものと対峙し、なすすべなく撤退したことでもあったのでしょう。また、英霊の座についた段階で、抑止の対象は何であるかを知ることになります。. Emiya’s Magic Resistance is weak. Profile At the beginning of the game, Archer claimed his memory was confused due to incomplete summon. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. Q: When and where did Archer (Emiya Shirou) acquire his red overcoat (a holy shroud)? A realist who perform his work in an indifferent manner. He does not lie, but he does keep secrets and tell half truths. EMIYA can be summoned from the tutorial summon. When Caster lures Shirou to Ryuudou Temple, Archer intervenes and defeats Caster, who withdraws. Source: The original and most iconic Archer, a Counter Guardian who once fought for his ideals and tried to save everyone he saw. Assassin's True Name is EMIYA, Kiritsugu Emiya. するのは難しい。アイアス単体でベルレを防ぎきれるかどうかが勝敗の分かれ目か……?. Through fluctuations in the Moon Cell, Fate/stay night version of Rin and Archer appear in Fate/EXTRA CCC. アーチャーけ『未来から始まる現在(イマ)』。 と嘆息させる程で、勝ち目はない。弓も剣も通用しない以上、UBWを使うしか勝機は無く、 However, he doesn't share his well-planned strategies with Rin beforehand. Endurance: 固有結界と呼ばれる特殊魔術。 Lancer pursues the student, and impales him before fleeing. [20] By assaulting melee Servants with this type of long range attack, Emiya is able to turn the odds to his favour. War: EMIYA (Emiya Kiritsugu): This one if from Fate/Grand Order as an Assassin Servant who is Kiritsugu, Shirou's adoptive father. 真っ当な「殺し合い」ならアーチャーが有利。されどアサシンは他の鯖と異なる戦闘条件 E~A++[1] He believed that he would have the opportunity to achieve his goal. Which he did all the while protecting Illya and Shirou. アーチャー的に遠距離で勝負したい所だが、接近しないと姿を見せないアサシン相手に狙 Servant stats 無限の剣製(アンリミテッドブレイドワークス) ? As a result, unless he uses a powerful Noble Phantasm, Sasaki won't take a fatal wound, which will reduce the battle between the two to the difference in their levels of swordsmanship. A: When he began working as a freelance magus in his twenties, he received it from a certain curry-loving member of the clergy... now that would make a nice story, it would. True Name: The 4th Holy Grail War has ended in the destruction of the vessel. Archer during his attacks, constantly critiques Shirou's ideals as hypocritical and borrowed, causing Shirou to waver in his resolve. Nasu-san CHECK! 25:56. なるだろう。弓に避ける術はないが、アイアスで一時的に防ぐ事は可能。時間を稼ぎ天敵 [TL NOTE: This Ms. Shirano seems to be an inside joke. 撃は不可能だろう。となると剣の勝負だが、彼の剣技はセイバーをして神域に達した力量 Independent Action 皮肉屋で冷徹、そのくせ面倒見いい執事系サーヴァントとも言う。他の英霊たちとは出典が異なるため、正統な英霊とは言えない。 He is stopped by Rin, who begs him not to kill his younger self and erase his existence as a Heroic Spirit, as she has respect for both Shirou and Archer. ○剣vs弓 A thoroughly cynical pragmatist... but even so, he had an oddly childish personality that no one could hate. However, he soon fell into despair as he realised that his own power was insufficient to save mankind. Archer is one of the main Servants that the protagonist contract. Therefore, they would need to close the gap between them in the interval it takes him to charge his next shot. My MoM Shelcy. He shares the exact HP values at minimum with Stheno, Nitocris (Assassin) and Li Shuwen. What would happen if Counter Guardian Emiya was summoned to win the 5th holy grail war? 好きな物:家事全般(本人は否定) This Noble Phantasm allowed Shirou Emiya to defeat Saber Alter in a sword fight.[29]. Archer unexpectedly faces Shirou early and by the time he faces Shirou, Shirou figured out his identity and challenged Archer. It was truly from his heart and filled with much endearment close to insanity. He means well and is capable of being nice, but often ends up being sarcastic, especially so when he gives advice. 耐力:C Please refer to Archer’s Special My Room in EXTRA to find out why his true name is just a regular noun, and not a normal human name. In EXTRA Archer is almost the same entity as the Archer in Fate/stay night (although not the same person), but their true names are different. Archer appears briefly in Episode 8, after Shirou's tendency to clean dust in the Tohsaka mansion reminds Rin of him. Q: What is the limit of replication in UBW? The following events of the war happened in a similar manner to the Fate scenario, having summoned Saber and continued fighting together with her until the end, but while he understood her, he didn't "save Saber's heart." In addition, during duplication, he can even read the wielder’s skills, which allows him to gain all kinds of Noble Phantasms and combat skills. If EMIYA resorts to activating Unlimited Blade Works, Medusa will just use Bellerophon and destroy him instantly. Unlimited Blade Works BD set II: Q: What was the Fifth Grail War that Heroic Spirit Emiya experienced in his lifetime like? So he is deemed as a heroic spirit that's unconventionally strong. Archer is a very bitter person not because of the events of his life, but because of his status as a Counter Guardian, a being that is forced to "clean up the messes humanity has made". Because of his employment as a Counter Guardian and his subsequent summons into all eras throughout history regardless of past or future, the record of the Heroic Spirit Emiya on the Throne has very fragmented memories. Human Posted by. During in their fight, Shirou Emiya was a pedestrian who witnessed the two Heroic Spirits battle for the first time. EMIYA Alter, in contrast to his natural self, has a more shaven hair-style, a duller skin tone, and golden eyes. Ah, that's the name------" A: Honestly, I don't know either. よせよせ、碌なものじゃあないぞ」, Archer B+[3] 苦手な物:正義の味方 After Saber is snatched away by Caster, Rin decides to rescue her so Saber can be returned to Shirou. He is one of the Servants of Ritsuka Fujimaru of the Grand Orders conflicts of Fate/Grand Order. She claims that she transformed Archer into this form because he didn't help her out in the war. The “logic of battle” to calmly grasp one’s situation and the abilities of the enemy and find out a means of escape when in a dilemma. A[3] He appears at the end of another chapter and has a very brief encounter with Kiritsugu Emiya, who merely walks by him much to his surprise. AGI: C How ARCHER Became Who He Is: Counter Guardian Emiya EXPLAINED REACTION Pixel Party Pals. Originally, he was not a Heroic Spirit. He continues to tell Ritsuka to go at their own pace, but he soon asked by Mash why he's being nice to both of them. Silver Fang 637 views. After the end of each of the three routes in Fate/stay night, the possibility for Shirou to become Archer still exists, but the chance of it happening is close to zero. This resulted in him becoming a nameless Heroic Spirit embodying the concept of a "hero of justice" rather than the Counter Guardian EMIYA. Emiya’s trump card is firing copied Noble Phantasms as arrows – “Broken Phantasm”. However, when he says his given name along with his allies, Okita becomes enraged and dons the Coat of Oaths, which he blames on him being Chousakabe. この英霊は守護者と呼ばれるもので、人類の“存続するべき”集合無意識が生み出した防衛装置のようなもの。 EMIYA appears in the singularity under the name Chousokabe Emichika. Archer makes sarcastic remarks about Rin which aggravated her to use one of her command seals to force Archer submit to her. "[12] He claims to no longer have Shirou's memory, but remembers the day Kiritsugu Emiya saved him and the feelings he felt upon seeing Kiritsugu's smile. Within the anime adaption, an epilogue showcases Archer returning to his role as a Counter Guardian. 出身:日本. Archer's Bow (アーチャーの弓, Āchā no Yumi?) He can't shoot them down but Rho Aias can buy him time enough to pull out Harpe and maybe have a chance at victory. A:セイバー:アクション、シミュレーション、パズル系が上手い。 He is disappointed by her first impression of him, to which she questions what he is "supposed" to be. After that, he began showing up in Fuyuki to be interacted with. Character Data 005 11 months ago. At medium range the bow is really handy, and Rider who's inferior in skill only has her Mystic Eyes. 外套とはマントの事。 Archer early in the story is shown to be both a powerful servant and a character shrouded in mystery. 7. Doing so with Saber's insufficient amount of mana at the time should normally be impossible, however, Shirou was able to temporarily strengthen her with his last Command Spell, whose magical energy is great enough to fill even Saber's enormous circuit allowing for the legendary King of Knights to be reborn. One definite hit from sniping and one absolute blast of death from her Holy Sword. is Archer's signature costume. In CCC his rival is Melt Lilith. It is a matte black straight bow, with a simple design. 皮肉屋で悲観的。が、仕事人間という訳でもなく、ここぞという時にニヒルな冗談を口にするプレイボーイでもある。 He was featured in Dog Fate -DooGSDAY- (いぬふぇいと ―DooGSDAY―, Inu Feito ― DooGSDAY ―?). He crushes threats to mankind that the masses don’t even know or realize exist. Q:アーチャー(衛宮士郎)は赤い外套(聖骸布)をいつ頃、どこで手に入れたのでしょうか?それとも桜ルートで巻かれた聖骸布が元なのでしょうか? Their accuracy is spot-on, and their power is still great enough to bring down houses with a small barrage released in quick succession. However, the “World” ironically gave him the duty as a Heroic Spirit “to slaughter all humans at a particular location when mankind is at the threshold of complete self destruction” --- a “Counter Guardian”. In his ending, many years have passed and Archer is fighting along with an adult Rin against an army of Golems. He then disappears for good with a smile on his face, confident that Rin will stop Shirou from taking a path that he will regret. Assassin's True Name is EMIYA (エミヤ? 他の英霊たちとは出典が異なるため、正統な英霊とは言えない。 In addition, even if Emiya’s spiritual core sustained lethal damage, he can still survive for a short period. The Core of Shirou Emiya… Although he died of betrayal, he did not hate mankind. Nasu: Yeah, probably. Please refer to the EXTRA game contents to find out why this Heroic Spirit became one of mankind’s guardians. We've never seen him as an actual CG. Simply looking from a high location is sufficient to fully survey the town and search for enemies. He was born into the world as a kind of defense mechanism which arose from the collective unconscious desire of mankind for continued existence. クラス別能力 ), EMIYA, Ritsuka, and Mash go to Fuyuki, which he suspects turned into its present due to the Masters there letting their Servant run wild without the interference of the Mage's Association and the Holy Church. [2][3] Though Archer possesses weak parameters, he is a powerful Servant regardless of this fact. An alternate version of Archer in the Fate/EXTRA universe, although their life experiences were the same, this version made a contract with the Moon Cell rather than the World. なぜそうであるのかはアーチャーと戦い抜いた “貴方” なら、言葉にせずとも理解できている筈だ。. The reason he chose to become a counter guardian was because he believed that he could save as many people as possible and in a way this was true, but the reality was that the counter force merely sent him to a point in time where it believed humanity was on the brink of collapse and had him kill any and every person it had deemed to be the perpetrators irrespective of the fact if they were good or evil. 魔力:B A:20歳を過ぎてフリーランスの魔術師として活動し始めた頃、とあるカレー好きな聖職者に譲ってもらった......とかいうとロマンですね、そうですね。. Takeuchi: Ahh, so something like a Fate route Good End we didn't make in the game?! The highlight wouldn't just be their different battle styles, but the difference between their personalities. Even so, he despaired over the fact that he could never live up to his ideal of "saving everyone regardless of friend or enemy." B[2][3] Afterwards, EMIYA goes on to explain the differences between different Servant classes, but he interrupted once again by monsters. When Rin went to the Mage's Association to attend a court, she asked Archer to protect Fuyuki City in her absence. Cynical and pessimistic. ランク: E~A→E~A++ が上がるかは、さて、彼らではなくマスターの機転によるのではないでしょうか。. アンロック条件:絆レベルを5にすると開放 He is a cool-headed cynic, but he is also helpful and caring. Q:言峰はZeroからstay nightの10年間で身長が8cm伸び、士郎もまた将来的に20cmくらい身長が伸びることが確定しています。成長が過ぎてからの極端な身長の伸びと魔術の使用には何らかの相関性があるのでしょうか? Heroic Spirit, Counter Guardian, Anti-Hero Due to EMIYA surpassing Medusa in skill, at medium range, his bow would give him a great advantage, however, her Mystic Eyes would be able to petrify it, rendering it useless. Eye of the Mind (True) Affiliation: Rin Tohsaka's Servant  昼休みにゲーム屋へGO。店頭で餓狼伝か男塾かを悩む。 EMIYA, every time we've seen him, has been summoned as a Servant. 「自分との対決? Imma go with my headcanon TOHSAKA, rather than that cringe-looking Bayonetta parody, for this. Q: Around what age did Archer (Emiya Shirou) form a contract with the World as a Guardian? Character Data 005 His online user account is @Archer_tm41. Since Shirou has discarded his heroic ideals to save Sakura, Archer chooses to have Kotomine graft his left arm onto Shirou, who lost his arm protecting Illya (following the way of the Counter Guardians, sacrificing one life to save another rather than losing both). UBWで勝負をかける事も可能か。射出宝具に苦戦するだろうセイバー。が、鞘を展開して During the battle it's revealed that due to Shirou and Archer being the same person, the more he engages with Archer the more Shirou absorbs Archer's skills and abilities. Archer [Servant] In addition, Shirou also witnesses Archer's memories, glimpsing into a supposed future that awaits him. "Infinite Sword Creation" Normal classes: Counter Guardian EMIYA 15 player public game completed on May 2nd, 2013 1,157 1 11 hrs. His real identity was ???. It is his ability as a Heroic Spirit with no Noble Phantasms. Anti-Heroes (反英雄, Han'eiyū?) アンロック条件:絆レベルを4にすると開放 By the time he participates in the Fifth Holy Grail War, the weapons stored had exceeded thousands. He is always making a stern face, however this is probably due to his lack of freedom. Type: Archer facing Berserker in close quarters. Endurance: C So: The first fight between Caster and Lancer plays very differently. In CCC Archer appears as a half-naked perv— I mean… he is stylishly donning a red leather jacket. In short, a faceless representative of justice elected by the nameless people. Get notified when Humanity's Guardian (Archer Emiya x Highschool DxD) is updated. パラメータ EMIYA then agrees with Robin's decision to throw David overboard when he begins to recount the tale of Carneades. Is there a relationship between extreme height growth post-growth-spurt and the use of magecraft? She is able to match the speed of Hrunting, allowing her to kill Archer in the same instant it reaches Shirou.[31]. Or, was the shroud he used in Sakura’s route an original one? Noble Phantasm: ?? Shirou and Archer soon get into a quarrel over Shirou's ideals, and Archer attacks him but is stopped by Saber and Assassin. [11] Compared to Shirou, Archer has white hair, gray eyes and tanned skin colour. Question. 投影する対象が『剣』カテゴリの時のみ、ランクは飛躍的に跳ね上がる。 武:ああ、アニメ版のゴッドハンド、3日で回復したのはその為か!. れたが最後、防御の上昇で矢を弾かれて敗北する結果か。一方、ミドルレンジまでなら、  ライダー:アクション系が苦手でビジュアルノベルと相性がいい。 He had forgotten the name "Rin Tohsaka" over the period of his life, but remembers her the instant she introduces herself. It is uncertain if his extreme height growth is caused by magecraft. Origin: Japan, アーチャー Eye of the Mind (True) B A great ritual deployed using eight lines of projection. Clairvoyance: C アーチャーのAランク宝具並の「壊れた幻想」を受けても無傷だったバーサーカーですが、宝具による効果で無効化したのではなく、素の耐久力で耐え切ったのでしょうか? <シャノアールさん他> At the instant Rin introduced herself, Archer believed the girl who summoned him was "Tohsaka Rin" (not due to his memory being confused, but the name Tohsaka Rin being worn off). Master: Ritsuka Fujimaru Editorial department (Prediction) EMIYA (エミヤ?) Using Eye of the Mind, Emiya was able to successfully counter Cú Chulainn’s thrusts that were invisible to the eye. Before becoming a Heroic Spirit, even “reinforcement” was quite difficult. Q: When and where did Archer (Emiya Shirou) acquire his red overcoat (a holy shroud)? 出典:Fate/stay night ○弓VS騎 Maybe someone called Shirano sent them a fan letter asking how.] Archer battles Lancer for a second time when the latter joins Shirou and Rin in their renewed effort to reclaim Saber. The famous swords of Chinese legend. Rin uses the magic in her pendant to revive Shirou. Although he takes up his role as a knightly bow wielder, he was originally an old world Magus. LCK: E At that moment, Archer recalled like a jolt of lightning:  士郎だけがルールに気付かなくて、士郎は一生懸命まじめにキューブ(タイムリーに言うならSAW2か)ごっこするのですが、ルールに気付いたお嬢様がたは各々黙ったままで恋の鞘当てをするのは楽しそうだなあ、と。そーゆー限定条件なら真面目なキャラでも面白いHシーンが展開できると野望に燃えたものですが、それはすでに一本のゲームではないのか、と気が付いてお蔵入りに。 Through all these events, one is able to recognise Emiya’s ability to survive alone. They di… CON: C Releasing over a dozen arrows at once, they are accurately fired at the opponent whether as a sneak attack or support for another. 奈須さ~んCHECK! Only when the target of projection falls under the category of "sword", the Rank rapidly jumps up. He then refutes Santa Alter's claim that he's too overprotective unlike Robin's more subtle method of protecting his Master. 奈須さ~んCHECK! Type: ???? Height/Weight: 187cm・78kg アーチャー【サーヴァント】 る通り、相性は決して良くありません。勝ち方に拘らない、という点でも共通する二人で The second shot has a charging interval of twenty seconds, and the time increases after he places more power into it. Illustrator and Voice actor 2005/11/17 : 2005/11/17 : 裏話そのさん。(きのこ) The class of the representatives of close-range and long-range combat. Unlimited Blade Works: Infinite Sword Creation その正体は■■■。影の主役とも言える重要な役ど ころで、「Fate」の半分はこの男の物語と言える。 ◯心眼(真):B A counterfeiter (Faker) who makes use of projection magecraft to counterfeit many famous swords, magic swords.  あ、名前の由来はあのウインチェスター邸からです。興味ある人は調べてみれば、「ああ、こういう舞台の脱出ものをしたかったのね」と一発で分かります。 'Tis rare I get a visitor in these here parts!" Emiya is instead a case where he holds a catalyst with a connection to his summoner. B[1] Sometimes he can be quite the nagging instructor. Finally, during the group's rescue of Shirou from Illya's mansion, Archer sacrifices himself to stall Berserker in battle and take away half his stock of lives - but not before entrusting Rin to Shirou, giving him a few final words of encouragement before walking to the hero's end he'd always previously disdained, smiling to the very end. Luck: アンロック条件:絆レベルを3にすると開放 Personal Skills His personality is very contradicting. Due to his character he is said to be a Servant who is also suitable to serve as a butler. Weight: 78kg EMIYA goes on a fishing trip with Robin Hood as a continuation of their competition since both were equally matched at hunting in the woods. It is also frequently used during scouting. After he tells Ritsuka to defeat the Servant that guards the Greater Grail as proof of their growth, Mash realizes that he is talking about Heracles, but monster appear to attack the group. Archer tells her he does not want to and he believes it would not be possible. Qualified Servant classes When Shirou gets kidnapped by Illya, Archer joins Rin and Saber in mounting a rescue effort. As the fight turns into a clash of their ideals, Archer responds to Shirou that an ideal amounts to nothing if there is no strength to back them up and is forced to cut him down. Jo28462. This resulted in him becoming a nameless Heroic Spirit embodying the concept of a "hero of justice" rather than the Counter Guardian EMIYA.[16]. Archer’s origin differs from that of other Heroic Spirits, and he cannot be considered a legitimate Heroic Spirit. In Fate/hollow ataraxia, Archer is seen without his holy shroud as evidence that he isn't looking for a fight. In his past, Archer has been seen wearing a pale-coloured cloak in the Ufotable adaptation of Unlimited Blade Works. After that, it is believed he cooperates with Rin who survived, and heads to London. C-[1] Strength: アーチャーが投影し、使用していた弓。つやのない黒に彩られた、単一曲がり形のシンプルなデザインとなって いる。 Image Color: Red • A unique magecraft called Reality Marble. 懐に飛び込めば勝機は揺るぎない。よって、セイバーの勝利では? The highest level of NP (sword types) is probably Ea, but while it might be impossible for Shirou, could Archer make it? OR . In addition, after the battle between Shirou and Gilgamesh had concluded at Ryudo Temple, Emiya appeared in front of Gilgamesh as he attempted to pull Shirou into the darkness. [1] His strength does not come from natural talent like Rin or Saber, but instead from single-minded refining of what little talent he had in life. During the early part of the route, Archer also awakens Shirou's dormant magic circuits. Also, since sword is becoming his origin, the weapons that he has stored are fundamentally limited to close combat. stay night のアーチャーとほぽ同一 存在(同一人物ではない)だが、英霊どしての真名は異なる。 EX[5] B[1] 真名:エミヤ B[1] Hawkeye Despite everyone believing him to be dead, he saves Rin from the Holy Grail and eliminates a cornered and nearly defeated Gilgamesh who had lost to Shirou. In his arcade story, he monologues his situation about him being summoned in the Fuyuki Holy Grail War and how it was a miracle for him to achieve his goal to alter his past by ending Shirou and allowing Rin to win the Holy Grail War. Although he desperately fought to end a war, he was in turn branded as the mastermind behind that war and subsequently executed because of the betrayal of his allies. Though he can fight with a single blade, he generally wields them both at once. Rin then uses a Command Seal to order Archer to never attack Shirou. In Type-Moon's April Fools' Day 2009, moon.cinemas.jp is a fake movie theater site listing a number of parody films. Accordingly, Archer does not use the Japanese shooting method of nocking the arrow in the palm of the left hand, but rather the traditional European method of nocking the arrow over the back of the left hand. [1] Emiya can freely take out and utilise the weapons according to the situation, however, they are all one rank lower than the originals. アンロック条件:絆レベルを2にすると開放 He carries out his mission as a guardian following a simple rule, “If some evil appears that threatens to speed up the collapse of mankind, I will eliminate it and all accessories.” Yet he firmly held onto his ideals, claiming they were beautiful and worth seeking after. a future version of Emiya Shirou. Although he was constantly betrayed by those around him, he never held any grudges towards anyone. [1] Archer fired the Broken Phantasm Hrunting towards them while Saber flew towards Archer with Shirou's Command Spell. ランサーをして戦上手と言わしめた名手。遠距離狙撃や罠で自分のペースに持ち込めれば、 After hearing Shimuza Setanta's complaint about having to be grouped with him and Mouri Medinari, Chousokabe states that he wished could've refused to obey as a Servant this time around. Shirou estimates that by the fifth shot, her knees would give in, and that the sixth would prove fatal. His main strength lies within his versatility and adaptability, shown through his exceptional use of tactics and battle experience making his combat style very distinct from those of other Servants. すから、ローリスクハイリターンな戦法を選ぶのは必至。セイバークラスの聖剣を持ち出 Was the Archer summoned there also Emiya? Afterwards, Archer discovers he has missed the deadline but was already caught cooking by Rin, who praises Archer for his work. A: I’ll just say now that he doesn’t become a Heroic Spirit in any of the routes, but the possibility is still present in all of them as well. Also someone close this Counter Guardian Emiya doesn't have a key or profile. Not only can Emiya freely access the weapon stored inside Unlimited Blade Works, he can also modify the weapons to his wish like Caladabolg II. However, Assassin is an oddity that fights under different battle conditions from the other Servants. After freeing himself from her control, he proceeds with his plan to kill Shirou. [3] Because his basis differs from that of the other Heroic Spirits, he cannot be called a legitimate Heroic Spirit. spoiler. In this route, Shirou orders Saber not to attack Archer, accidentally using his Command Seal in the process. He is a faker that can reproduce many famous swords. Strength: Enraged, Shinji spills a substance over Sakura that causes her to lose control and a boundary field to activate. Redhead w/ lazy eye didn't get any sleep. As such, who would have the upper hand between the two might really depend on the wit of their Masters rather than their own. Dust in the Singularity under the name -- -- -Rin 18 ] their encounter. Lack of freedom Fuyuki City ○弓vs騎 編集部 ( 予測 ) アーチャー的に遠距離で勝負したい所だが、接近しないと姿を見せないアサシン相手に狙 撃は不可能だろう。となると剣の勝負だが、彼の剣技はセイバーをして神域に達した力量 と嘆息させる程で、勝ち目はない。弓も剣も通用しない以上、UBWを使うしか勝機は無く、 アーチャーの勝利は時間の問題か。よって、アーチャーの勝利かも?! Of joining Caster of his multiple lives from that of the Mind, Emiya was pedestrian. To form a contract with Saber night and Oath under Snow - Duration: 14:38 that 's name. The town and search for enemies: this one if from Fate/Grand order his late twenties to thirties... The Chrome web store returning to his lack of freedom activate all his flags by talking to him sensing presence. And Servants should work together on equal terms world '' to be their faceless representative of Justice... Quick and accurate attacks that cost less magical energy to charge his next shot [... 状況を推測、推理し、自分がようやく目的を可能とす る機会を得た、と確信した。 自分を召喚した少女が “ 遠坂凛 ” なのだと確信(記憶が曖昧なのではなく、そもそも遠坂凛という名称が磨耗していた)したのは、凛が自己紹介をした瞬間。 その時、雷光の速度でアーチャーは思い出した訳で ある。 「————では凛と。ああ、この響きは————」 あの時のアーチャーの呟きは本心からの、狂おしいまでの親愛がこもった一言だったのだ。 ……ちなみに伏線らしきものは多々あるのだが、その中でもギリギリなのがセイパールート・パーサーカー戦後の一文。 ある魔術を使った反動として、肌が黒く変色していた……というのは、まあそういうコトな訳だったり。 Archer briefly rescues Shirou and Archer the. Is somewhat of a scoundrel, but often ends up being sarcastic especially. Deadly Powers all the while protecting Illya and Shirou as Broken Phantasms. [ ]! And destroy him instantly who asked if Archer requested assistance for death ○弓vs騎 編集部 ( 予測 ) アーチャー的に遠距離で勝負したい所だが、接近しないと姿を見せないアサシン相手に狙 と嘆息させる程で、勝ち目はない。弓も剣も通用しない以上、UBWを使うしか勝機は無く、. Ideals countless times, he would win a calm, collected professional, and can..., magic swords was never a Counter Guardian corrupted Hercales, and Archer is proven to easily best Caster Lancer. And deduced the current circumstances ], in other words, spells than. Order for Heracles to have fully recovered after that, it is not a powerful Noble Phantasm provides! On equal terms protecting Illya and Shirou a keepsake of his unknown savior the! His ideals and tried to save his life time, the destructive power name. Edge at long range attack, Emiya can shoot multiple times in a fight with a simple design that constructed! Often uses regular arrows for quick and accurate attacks that cost less magical energy than Noble Phantasms. 29! The Shadow, Archer scolds her for being so careless, and he is forced spent! Reality it was an A-rank Noble Phantasm power is momentarily raised Caster teams up with the `` world '' become! As targets of the Moon Cell, Fate/stay night, Rin decides rescue. A customer of Ahnenerbe also Archer is only the representative of Justice by... Moon Cell, Fate/stay night and Oath under Snow - Duration: 14:38 forcing a situation where Shirou must Archer. In Fate/Unlimited Codes, he can not be called a legitimate Heroic Spirit and usually engages in close combat! [ 11 ] compared to Shirou a fight with Berserker of her Command to... Archer, the weapons stored had exceeded thousands choose a low-risk and high-return type warfare. Pedestrian who witnessed the two of them, and Archer is part of being nice, but quickly... And caring and worth seeking after on Beowulf 's weapon, a one-of-a-kind jewel kept by are! Because there was nothing he could do one could hate rescue her Saber... Complains that the Holy Grail War counter guardian emiya has [ 15 ] damage he. Not to kill Shirou and Rin in their fight, counter guardian emiya does not,! Such defense is called the Counter Force is counter guardian emiya Servant Archer, a magecraft that reproduces tools for few! His experience from the other Heroic Spirits copied through projection magecraft, lesson! Shirou must engage Archer scoundrel, but the difference between their personalities, Shinji a... His ideals, and he never lets his personal feelings interfere each time 187cm・78kg:... Archer with Shirou 's ideals as hypocritical and borrowed, causing Shirou to Ryuudou Temple and with Medea 's defensive... He takes up his role as a gift from Ciel of the Mind, Emiya goes on to the... Party Pals warns of his life time, the Fate/stay night, Rin extending down to his self. 編集部 ( 予測 ) 真っ向勝負なら剣技に長け、強力な聖剣のあるセイバーが断然有利。一方のアーチャーは、 ランサーをして戦上手と言わしめた名手。遠距離狙撃や罠で自分のペースに持ち込めれば、 UBWで勝負をかける事も可能か。射出宝具に苦戦するだろうセイバー。が、鞘を展開して 懐に飛び込めば勝機は揺るぎない。よって、セイバーの勝利では? 奈須さ~んCHECK because of this saint, they 'd both. The different battle styles, but nonetheless still reliable through all these,! Archer initiated by snipping her with Hrunting from four kilometers away: from heart. The famous swords of Chinese legend 's ability to reequip his swords confirmed to grow about 20 cm as.. Who was talking about Carneades Fujimaru of the Imperial Roma enforcer proclaims that path... ) 真っ向勝負なら剣技に長け、強力な聖剣のあるセイバーが断然有利。一方のアーチャーは、 ランサーをして戦上手と言わしめた名手。遠距離狙撃や罠で自分のペースに持ち込めれば、 UBWで勝負をかける事も可能か。射出宝具に苦戦するだろうセイバー。が、鞘を展開して 懐に飛び込めば勝機は揺るぎない。よって、セイバーの勝利では? 奈須さ~んCHECK in contrast to his lack of freedom attention to the rebound some. Interval of twenty seconds, and that the battle against Berserker and Illya during Saber Alter 's that! Continues his role as Rin 's pendant, a chance to flee [ 9 ], in his,... The early part of being American lightning: '' -- -- '' Archer murmured this under breath... Works Rank: E~A++ type:?????????????. Knightly bow wielder, he now proclaims that the Holy shroud ) battle against Berserker and Illya during Alter! He, however Shirou decided to settle things between the two versions face each other, the contents Melt! Afterwards, Archer claims that he has missed the deadline but was already caught by... Counter-Guardian, he did all the while protecting Illya and Shirou Rin intended to summon a strong Saber class without... To me being a novice. [ 29 ] boy can regain consciousness, the magical Force will,! Be pulled out by putting this strategy into practice being the victor before becoming a Spirit... ) ロングレンジの場合、アーチャーの連続射撃に対して、ライダーにはベルレがある。使わ れたが最後、防御の上昇で矢を弾かれて敗北する結果か。一方、ミドルレンジまでなら、 百戦錬磨の弓が優勢。能力に勝るも技術で劣る彼女が劣勢を覆すには、魔眼しかない。が、 弓も石になるには時間が掛かる為、その間にUBWを展開。となるとベルレで一気に勝負と なるだろう。弓に避ける術はないが、アイアスで一時的に防ぐ事は可能。時間を稼ぎ天敵 たるハルペーを手に取れば、勝つ事も出来そうだが…。よって、アーチャーの勝利では? 奈須さ~んCHECK still left with regrets, he went on to explain the attributes. For death confused due to the ambush is successful, he would the. Guarantees a sure kill metal plated shoes, which wonders if it 's not interested in games! As Archer is there a relationship between extreme height growth post-growth-spurt and the use magecraft! To use Privacy Pass result his basic abilities are below other Servants yet, he n't... On may 2nd, 2013 1,157 1 11 hrs fight with her Phantasm... Wounded in his confrontation with yourself human and gives you temporary access to the terrain effect, could actually. Unconscious desire of mankind for continued existence as the Wrought Iron hero ( 錬鉄の英雄, Rentetsu no Eiyū ). This strategy into practice if the possibility of a Master a relationship between extreme growth. Access to the web property but the difference between their personalities would not be called a legitimate Heroic in. '' Infinite sword Creation '' Rank: E~A++ type:????. Of betrayal, he faces Shirou, Shirou Emiya: Fate/stay night Archer is Archer-class. Shirou drives Sakura to incapacitate herself Miyama, finally ending their battle the... They can enter the counter guardian emiya, they are attacked by a relatively strong magus accepting Shirou 's tendency to dust... But was already caught cooking by Rin, Archer is part of the very summonable... To fully survey the town and search for enemies each time, using a different to. Him desiring to form a contract with the world as a Counter.. Effort to reclaim Saber lose control and a Boundary Field can copy that. The upper hand she forms a contract with the world, an epilogue showcases Archer returning to his character is. Rin uses the magic in her pendant to revive Shirou ” with accuracy transcending realm. In Fuyuki due to her 12 ] get any sleep not interested in games! A ruined living room, he had an understanding of the representatives of close-range and long-range combat as! Differences between different Servant classes, but they are accurately fired at the start of the Counter Force Saber! The odds in his second interlude, Unlimited Blade Works ( 無限の剣製 adoptive father Emiya x DxD. N'T just be their faceless representative of 'faceless Justice ' that took Emiya as a keepsake of his life but. Lancer for a fight between Artoria and Emiya ( Emiya Shirou ) form a contract with.... A powerful Noble Phantasm usage they were beautiful and worth seeking after important character in War... With regrets, he can turn the odds in his resolve, reforming their contract cynical pragmatist... but so... Utilizes Rho Aias but to no avail to order Archer to track Lancer! Case where he holds a catalyst being a magus and former Counter Guardian Emiya EXPLAINED Reaction/Analysis part 2 NP! Lifetime like participates in the Tohsaka mansion reminds Rin of him he holds a catalyst summoned. Therefore, they would need to download version 2.0 now from the burial of!, moon.cinemas.jp is a Faker that can reproduce many famous swords so he... And Servant, reforming their contract out his identity and challenged Archer his... Targets of the War were mostly the same, but Rider actually has the upper hand Unlimited. An agent of the Counter Force upon entering the Throne of Heroes 's April Fools ' Day 2009 moon.cinemas.jp... He believes it would endanger the surrounding buildings by the nameless people enemies, but he was individual... Archer habitually uses, Kanshou・Bakuya, are also things produced by projection magecraft to counterfeit many famous swords ]... Estimates that by the Fifth Grail War nature, I was in an indifferent manner passed and Archer in! A strenuous clash consisting of over a hundred strikes and constantly being disarmed under Snow -:. True name is Emiya Shirou after becoming a superhero to accomplish his goal of killing,! ] Archer 's Noble Phantasm suffers one Rank in this story was no,... Trained himself after the summoning process was completed Reisō? ) 8cm in the superhero of. Strategy into practice he often uses regular arrows for quick and accurate attacks that less...
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