Alias Das ganze amüsiert die älteren Soldaten, ganz zum Ärger von Gabi. Kaya asks Gabi if she is a devil for trying to kill her, and Gabi sullenly claims to be the only devil for having killed so many people. Overall, it used to be a tie between Sasha and Mikasa, the power duo of the series’ females. Als Eldia unterscheidet sich seine Uniform von denen der Marley, da er an seinem Hemdkragens ein kleines Abzeichen mit einem Eldia-Stern trägt und sein Hut einen weißen Streifen mit einem Eldia-Stern aufweist anstelle eines schwarzen Streifens. is an Eldian who lived in the Liberio internment zone and the cousin of Reiner Braun. [12], She is noted by many to be the most favorable candidate to inherit the Armored Titan, though Udo implied that his grades were better than Gabi's. After the truth about Karl Fritz's collaboration with the Tybur family to end the Eldian Empire is revealed, she is seen wholly shocked, and her firm belief about Eldians in Paradis Island as evil is challenged. [49] Niccolo punches Gabi in the face and brings them both to the dining room area. Um einen guten Eindruck zu machen, rät Gabi Udo mehr zu lächeln und Zofia, nicht immer so komisch zu sein, wobei Zofia erwidert dass sie nun einmal so ist, wie sie ist. She went far enough to destroy all of reality for the girl she crushed on. Zuordnung Gabi hingegen zögert keinen Augenblick und schießt Lobov in den Kopf. Zitieren; Inhalt melden; Zum Seitenanfang; Teshika. Titan kills Early Eren was my favorite character back in the day when season 1 was airing, who is very similar to Gabi. Gabi watches as Sasha and Connie flee from the scene, and then grabs the rifle left by one of the fallen guards. Like her fellow Warrior candidates, she wears the standard Marleyan soldier uniform consisting of a light jacket and pants, supply packs on the hip, suspender straps, a hard hat with a stripe around it, and tall combat bo… Later on, Gabi and Falco work in the stables, when one of the horses starts to nibble on Gabi's head. Today, we use our power to fell a god, and then, SEIZE OUR DESTINY! [60], As Colt and Falco are confronting Zeke about Falco's predicament, Gabi arrives with a horse and tries to convince Falco to flee out of range of Zeke's scream with her. Gleichzeitig knotet Gabi einige Stangen Dynamit zu einem Knäuel zusammen. The next day, the alliance arrives at Paradis' harbor to find it occupied by Yeagerist forces. As one of the guards tells Gabi to run, he is also killed by a sniper and Gabi spots his killer, Sasha Blouse, atop a nearby roof. Das starke Schwarzweiß-Denken lässt erst mit der Zeit und mit Kontakt zu verschiedenen Paradis-Bewohnern nach. Gabi, still shaken by Zeke's betrayal, laments that she can no longer trust anyone. Seeing him handle the knife but not express anger and fear at her causes Gabi to realize the people of Paradis Island are perhaps not the devils she was raised to believe. Kapitel 91. Als Zeke Gabi und Falco sieht, fragt er sie warum sich diese überhaupt an Bord befindet. Falco has to wrestle the pitchfork away from her, while she claims that they are being deceived as Eldians can not be this kind. Despite willing to put her life on the line in service of Marley many times, Gabi is actually quite scared at the thought of dying; when she was at the mercy of Mr. Blouse, Gabi expresses true fear and does nothing to try and defend herself, remaining completely motionless. Although they didn’t die at the hands of a Titan, Mikasa Ackermann’s parents’ death is still sad. Udo hingegen erinnert sie daran, dass einige der Gäste aus der Mittelöstlichen Allianz stammen, mit der Marley im vorigen Monat noch im Krieg war. When Connie refuses to back down Armin tries to feed himself to the Titan in Falco's place, resulting in Connie leaving the boy to save Armin. Gabi is stunned to see the ringleader is actually their Warchief, Zeke Yeager, who is still alive. Right after the commotion of the Rumbling, Gabi is at a crossroads in her life. [39], Gabi and Falco call for Reiner to save Galliard, The children soon witness the Attack Titan defeating the Jaw Titan and trying to bite through its nape, which prompts them to yell desperately for Reiner to save him. Height [13] After interacting with Kaya and Lisa Blouse, Gabi begins to harbor some doubts about the Eldians on Paradis Island being monsters. Gabi behauptet aber auch nicht unfreundlich, dass die drei anderen im Vergleich zu ihr keine Chance haben, den Titanen zu erben und dass sie im Gegensatz zu ihnen bereit ist, das Schicksal der Eldia auf ihren Schultern zu tragen. She begins yelling out about returning home, before being quieted down by Reiner. Gabi bemerkt aber, dass Reiner sichtlich Schwierigkeiten hat seine Sicht der Dinge zu erzählen und bittet die Familie, ihn in Ruhe zu lassen. Als sie nach draußen tritt, stürmen Falco, Udo und Zofia auf sie zu - sie alle haben Eis in der Hand. As the farmer asks why they are here, Gabi is somewhat surprised to hear a southern Marley dialect coming from him. [71], While some of the group engage the Yeagerist forces, Gabi and other noncombatants are carried to a boat in the harbor by Pieck. Udo, Zofia, Gabi und Falco warten unten am Pier und sprechen über die Tatsache, dass die Ära der Titanen vorbeigeht. At night, her group joins the other Warriors to hear Willy Tybur's speech. Gabi asks Kaya why she protected her identity from the soldiers and Kaya responds by asking why Gabi saved her life from the Titan. She gets irritated by this, and questions what Falco was doing, threatening to report him. Als Udo fragt, was Gabi an sich selbst ändern wird, behauptet diese dass sie doch perfekt ist und die Autoritäten um den Finger wickeln wird. [74], Falco succeeds in using his Titan to fly and he carries Gabi and Annie to Fort Salta. She also has medium length black hair which she keeps half tied above her head. Similar to Reiner, Gabi and her family believe in the end of Eldia, which leads to her enlisting as a Warrior candidate. Im selben Moment schwingen aber einige Angreifer in ihrer 3D-Manöver-Ausrüstung heran und zerstören die Trucks mit Granaten. Like his fellow Warrior candidates, he wore the standard Marleyan soldier uniform consisting of a light jacket and pants, supply packs on the hip, suspender straps, a hard hat with a stripe around it, and tall combat boots. When Eren retreats with Mikasa Ackerman, Gabi decides that she will not let them escape, and takes a rifle as she runs out of the building in their pursuit, while Falco tries to stop her. Kaya states that her entire family was born in this area and never did anything wrong. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Als Willy Tybur kurz darauf eine Rede hält, hören die Kinder interessiert zu. Sasha was a young woman with light gold eyes and brunette hair kept in a ponytail that reached the base of her neck.

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